Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

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Today people are leaving around the gym: combs

Not near the bags or change area either. The preacher curl bench

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“I (27F) like to go to the gym later in the evenings so I can have the place mostly to myself since I don’t like how claustrophobic it feels when tons of people are there at the same time,” she wrote. “I live around the block from a chain gym and go there most nights to use the elliptical for a while.”

“When I got to the gym tonight, the entire row of ellipticals was empty, so I grabbed the one all the way on the end. Everything was fine during my workout all the way up to the last few minutes. A guy walked into the mostly deserted gym and got on the elliptical right next to mine, which I thought was weird since there was a row of about 12 other ones that were all empty.

“It made me a little uncomfortable, so I shortened my workout by a few minutes and hopped off to grab a disinfectant wipe,” she explained. “When I got back to wipe down the machine, the guy stopped pedaling and asked me what my problem was.”

“I was caught off guard and just stammered something about how I was done with my workout, which was basically true anyway, but he said something about me ‘treating him like a predator for no reason’ and then put his headphones back in. AITA for shortening my workout because some guy chose the elliptical right next to mine?”
“I (27F) like to go to the gym later in the evenings so I can have the place mostly to myself since I don’t like how claustrophobic it feels when tons of people are there at the same time,” she wrote. “I live around the block from a chain gym and go there most nights to use the elliptical for a while.”

“When I got to the gym tonight, the entire row of ellipticals was empty, so I grabbed the one all the way on the end. Everything was fine during my workout all the way up to the last few minutes. A guy walked into the mostly deserted gym and got on the elliptical right next to mine, which I thought was weird since there was a row of about 12 other ones that were all empty.

“It made me a little uncomfortable, so I shortened my workout by a few minutes and hopped off to grab a disinfectant wipe,” she explained. “When I got back to wipe down the machine, the guy stopped pedaling and asked me what my problem was.”

“I was caught off guard and just stammered something about how I was done with my workout, which was basically true anyway, but he said something about me ‘treating him like a predator for no reason’ and then put his headphones back in. AITA for shortening my workout because some guy chose the elliptical right next to mine?”
Guy sounds like a predatory flog.

I honestly wouldn’t even notice if someone got off equipment near me (unless I was waiting for it).
“I (27F) like to go to the gym later in the evenings so I can have the place mostly to myself since I don’t like how claustrophobic it feels when tons of people are there at the same time,” she wrote. “I live around the block from a chain gym and go there most nights to use the elliptical for a while.”

“When I got to the gym tonight, the entire row of ellipticals was empty, so I grabbed the one all the way on the end. Everything was fine during my workout all the way up to the last few minutes. A guy walked into the mostly deserted gym and got on the elliptical right next to mine, which I thought was weird since there was a row of about 12 other ones that were all empty.

“It made me a little uncomfortable, so I shortened my workout by a few minutes and hopped off to grab a disinfectant wipe,” she explained. “When I got back to wipe down the machine, the guy stopped pedaling and asked me what my problem was.”

“I was caught off guard and just stammered something about how I was done with my workout, which was basically true anyway, but he said something about me ‘treating him like a predator for no reason’ and then put his headphones back in. AITA for shortening my workout because some guy chose the elliptical right next to mine?”
same energy as the guy that looks for a woman sitting by herself on the train and sits down next to her because he thinks everywhere is a location for him to pick up
“I (27F) like to go to the gym later in the evenings so I can have the place mostly to myself since I don’t like how claustrophobic it feels when tons of people are there at the same time,” she wrote. “I live around the block from a chain gym and go there most nights to use the elliptical for a while.”

“When I got to the gym tonight, the entire row of ellipticals was empty, so I grabbed the one all the way on the end. Everything was fine during my workout all the way up to the last few minutes. A guy walked into the mostly deserted gym and got on the elliptical right next to mine, which I thought was weird since there was a row of about 12 other ones that were all empty.

“It made me a little uncomfortable, so I shortened my workout by a few minutes and hopped off to grab a disinfectant wipe,” she explained. “When I got back to wipe down the machine, the guy stopped pedaling and asked me what my problem was.”

“I was caught off guard and just stammered something about how I was done with my workout, which was basically true anyway, but he said something about me ‘treating him like a predator for no reason’ and then put his headphones back in. AITA for shortening my workout because some guy chose the elliptical right next to mine?”
Hi Shell
What a ******* psycho.

That is my no.1 top hate and I would literally glare at the person (male or female) when they did that and hop off almost right away. ******* arsehats who do this.
It's like standing at the urinal, and a stranger picks the one right next to you despite others being free.

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One lat pulldown machine at the gym and PT's teaching newbies to use the narrow grip (from cable seated row) on it.
FFS just use the cable seated row, the percentage difference you gain for a newbie is insignificant.

Just get tired of PT's teaching newbies all these "unique and new" "instagram" techniques instead of focusing on basics with correct form.

One PT got a newbie to use bands while lifting weights. The newbie is morbidly obese, nothing wrong with that, everyone starts from somewhere, but for a PT to attach and wrap bands to her body when she doesnt yet have the skill to perfect basic form, of course she was going to injure herself, when the bands snapped off her.

Saw another PT teaching behind the neck lat pulldowns. I wanted to say something, but I kept quiet. You can literally see her client's necks strain. Sure if it was one person, you could argue, I dont know their background and history. She is teaching all her clients this technique.
Been hitting the gym a lot earlier now before work.

I find getting there around 7am is not only peaceful, there is respected way everyone goes about using the weights.

Not to mention generally NO PT's to take up three machines at the same time. I find also I enjoy sharing equipment, should it occur, as we are there to workout properly and not f**k around and do BS. Most people at this time are doing good form, technique etc. Its the one thing I respect most.

One thing that irritated me the other day is that I saw a couple of PT's getting their clients to do box jumps after doing deadlifts?
Am I alone thinking this is just an absolute stupid dumb thing to do? Performing a deadlift is one of the most challenging technical exercises to do and you get your client to superset this by doing box jumps? I saw one guy, who was so fatigued from his deadlift I thought this was an accident in the making.

By "challenging" I mean you need to really focus on getting everything correct, because the risk is very high of doing not only damage to your body but permanent damage.
Agree, massive difference in morning crew vs afternoon crew in general gym etiquette
I must admit, I did miss the arvo crew when I used to go at that time.

High school kids, doing all sorts of dumb shit, showing off in front of girls, ego lifts, inventing new stupid exercises, etc etc, however this actually didnt bother me in the slightest one bit. Made me laugh and chuckle inside privately, I remember doing the exact same idiotic things at their age and I cut them all the slack in the world for basically f**king around in the gym.

I would say this was more so, because when I needed to use a machine as per my workout plan, they step aside, within reason, so in fairness I couldnt care less what they did.

Im less tolerant of anyone over 21 f**king around, lol. Caveat being if it was couples, I remember training with my ex and doing the same stupid shit things too. lol.
Douchebags don't get up early?
I think its because if youre hitting the gym anywhere between 5am and 8am, you take your workouts seriously its part of your worklife balance and respect everyone is there for exactly the same reasons as you, get in, get out and go about the rest of your day.

In a perfect world, I would love to sleep in bed, watch TV and eat some breakfast. Dont get me wrong, I do this occasionally, but it does lead to a very lazy day.

I find Im more productive with my days by scheduling gym early in the morning.

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Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

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