Media Is Las Vegas Out Of Money?

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The Las Vegas Bears have been searching for over 50 million dollars they have seemingly lost overnight. The investigation began at the end of last season when some very suspicious activity cropped up on the Bears books with money vanishing into thin air. It wasn’t a huge amount, so they labelled it as a mess up in accounting and continued business like usual. But at the start of this season everything took a turn for the worse.

Their investors got very anxious and asked about the clubs position in terms of profitability. Originally Las Vegas remained silent and all eyes turned to their leaders. That was until the SFAAP (Sweet-FA Accounting Practices) forced them to disclose this information out of public interest as it was the law. They finally caved and sent out their internal book reports. Most of it was fine, but one chart in particular showed just how badly the teams business was performing. This was the main cause for concern:


Profitability is at an all-time low, and it is looking like the Bears will actually lose money by the end of this season. Now how exactly is this possible? Not much has changed in other accounts for the team, so there should be no way this type of swing is possible. We reached out to tony and other LG members for a comment but all were unavailable for an interview.

And now a special report from Wendy:

“Over to you Wendy”


“What exactly is the issue with the Las Vegas Bears?”


“Is there anyone who is the main suspect?”



That was the last footage we have of Wendy and she hasn’t been seen since. Las Vegas is in damage control currently as they try to figure out exactly what is going on. Word around the town is tony has ties to the mafia and has been transferring the clubs funds into his own personal accounts to use to gain more control of the underworld. That is only rumours though, and since tony has been captain of the Bears he has been rarely seen at formal mafia gatherings.

We now have word through our sources that the FBI has put together a task force along with many other security agencies to try and find this lost money. They are calling the current operation, Find the Honey. We reached out for a comment on their operations and they got in touch through a detective whose name will remain anonymous to protect himself and his family.

Detective: “We have been following tony’s movements for some time now. He has been transferring millions into offshore accounts under the name of Tony Lynn 15. While Lynn was still in Sweet-FA there was nothing we could do, as it was clear tony could talk his way out of any charges by blaming TL15. But now that Lynn is out of the picture, it makes the evidence much more incriminating that money is still going into these accounts. Operation Find the Honey is ongoing as we speak, with many officers conducting raids across Sweet-FA to locations that we determined could possess more evidence that we need in order to lock up tony for good. We will let you know more once the operation has been successful.”

Illustration of the federal police raids happening across the country of Sweet:


If all this is true, tony has a lot to answer for and the Bears will need to find a 3rd captain in 2 seasons. Las Vegas is currently expecting to run out of money by the end of Season 35, making them unable to keep their business operations running. This will put a huge dent into the Sweet-FA leagues expansion plans as the Bears will need to be written off as a team all together if they can’t turn it around.

Let’s hope Operation Find the Honey is successful and they get to the bottom of the Las Vegas Bears money problems before it’s too late.
tony has nothing to fear from the Feebs.

I'm pretty sure Hotsy-Totsy Wendy will show up topless at the Bada Bing before too long.

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This is an outrage!

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There’s no way tony is actually Tony Lynn 15, if that’s what you’re implying.

I mean look at that face.
tony has (supposedly) been hiding money inside a number of accounts under the name 'Tony Lynn 15'. There is nothing to suggest that they are the same person.
tony has (supposedly) been hiding money inside a number of accounts under the name 'Tony Lynn 15'. There is nothing to suggest that they are the same person.
No evidence about that suggests they're not the same person either. Has anyone seen them in the same casino at the same time?
No evidence about that suggests they're not the same person either. Has anyone seen them in the same casino at the same time?
It's certainly possible. We will work on trying to get CCTV footage in the Las Vegas Bears casino to see if they have ever been seen together.
Club tried to bring all their media under one roof with Broken and Bearly Media, yet somehow the best scoop in a while gets reported by a bloke on a break between re-badging every old successful thread in Sweet FA history.
We were trying to sweep this under the rug.
It's certainly possible. We will work on trying to get CCTV footage in the Las Vegas Bears casino to see if they have ever been seen together.

I don't think any attempt to obtain footage footage from a Mafia run casino would exactly be well met...
I don't think any attempt to obtain footage footage from a Mafia run casino would exactly be well met...
I have connections with a deep cover agent that has infiltrated the mafia. They'll get the footage for us.

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nicolas cage bees GIF
I have connections with a deep cover agent that has infiltrated the mafia. They'll get the footage for us.
being greek looking like a lebo eating like an italian.. i get mistaken for mafia all the time.

sorry to advise you. that footage is actually just cam footage of Millky95 having a sook in the change rooms after being humbled by the furies in our curtain raiser last week..

high school goodfellas GIF
being greek looking like a lebo eating like an italian.. i get mistaken for mafia all the time.

sorry to advise you. that footage is actually just cam footage of Millky95 having a sook in the change rooms after being humbled by the furies in our curtain raiser last week..

high school goodfellas GIF
Seriously, what did I say that actually broke you to follow me around?

gday cap.

in light of the recent events unfolding at the bears. id like to formally submit a transfer request.

on your behalf.

to be transferred to us.

come join somewhere you will be loved. out of the limelight for a bit then maybe part of the LG if all goes well i suppose.

i think were the right team to be joining if youre ever gonna leave. and i say strike whilst the iron is hot. the furies are steaming through this comp. weve got a great spine and i think you could make that a whole lot stronger.

gday cap.

in light of the recent events unfolding at the bears. id like to formally submit a transfer request.

on your behalf.

to be transferred to us.

come join somewhere you will be loved. out of the limelight for a bit then maybe part of the LG if all goes well i suppose.

i think were the right team to be joining if youre ever gonna leave. and i say strike whilst the iron is hot. the furies are steaming through this comp. weve got a great spine and i think you could make that a whole lot stronger.
After careful consideration I will have to decline your offer, I have knifed too many of my Bears team mates in the back to become captain, to give it up now.

gday cap.

in light of the recent events unfolding at the bears. id like to formally submit a transfer request.

on your behalf.

to be transferred to us.

come join somewhere you will be loved. out of the limelight for a bit then maybe part of the LG if all goes well i suppose.

i think were the right team to be joining if youre ever gonna leave. and i say strike whilst the iron is hot. the furies are steaming through this comp. weve got a great spine and i think you could make that a whole lot stronger.

F**** me-- I know the Furies were struggling, but in my time in the SFA I've never seen a club struggling this badly that they try and recruit another clubs captain publicly after only Round 3.
F**** me-- I know the Furies were struggling, but in my time in the SFA I've never seen a club struggling this badly that they try and recruit another clubs captain publicly after only Round 3.


At least wait until round 7.

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