Mystery Is the Universe a simulation?

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I'm not too sure what the phenomenon/theory is referred to as, but it has something to do with coincidences and situations happening when you'd least want them to. Very similar to the simulation theory.

One example is when you're in a hurry to get somewhere and without fail a stretch of road that is usually a breeze to drive on without much traffic suddenly has a heap of traffic, or has road works going on.

Again, not sure what it is called. Someone referred to it on here a while ago, and I have noticed a common one occurring in my everyday life.

My street is more often than not dead quiet when I go out and check the mail, or put out the bins etc during the day and night, yet when I get home from work and park out the front of my place there is at least 1-2 cars without fail that drive past as I am about to get out of my car. Annoys the hell out of me as this happens all the time regardless of the time of day/night. Every time the engine is switched off and am literally about to get out of my car, a car drives past prompting me to wait until they go past.

Has anyone else encountered anything similar?
Yeah this is very common. It's called the Law of Opposites. That whatever you wish for the opposite occurs.

The Law of Opposites
According to Walsch, this principle states that as soon as you ask for something to become part of your reality, its exact opposite appears. And the thing you don't want always shows up before you manifest what you want.

Happens to me all the time....

Open stretch of road, you really need to get somewhere quick, suddenly all the lights turn red on you, traffic comes out of nowhere, you get cars blocking both lanes so you cant zigzig around them....then....even same road/trip....say you drop your lit cigarette in the car and need to stop to fetch it suddenly the road opens up, no red lights etc

You really want this new gal/guy you just met and not another gal/guy you just met, suddenly the one you want avoids you at all cost, and the one you want to avoid wants you and is everywhere.

Also happend to me in job interviews, etc etc.
Yeah this is very common. It's called the Law of Opposites. That whatever you wish for the opposite occurs.

The Law of Opposites
According to Walsch, this principle states that as soon as you ask for something to become part of your reality, its exact opposite appears. And the thing you don't want always shows up before you manifest what you want.

Happens to me all the time....

Open stretch of road, you really need to get somewhere quick, suddenly all the lights turn red on you, traffic comes out of nowhere, you get cars blocking both lanes so you cant zigzig around them....then....even same road/trip....say you drop your lit cigarette in the car and need to stop to fetch it suddenly the road opens up, no red lights etc

You really want this new gal/guy you just met and not another gal/guy you just met, suddenly the one you want avoids you at all cost, and the one you want to avoid wants you and is everywhere.

Also happend to me in job interviews, etc etc.
Have you ever consoidered that you are expecting things to **** up so they do? iE the universe is manifesting stuff from your unconscious, in this case the expectation that whatever it is you want you'll get the opposite?

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The Copenhagen solution (yeah that damn cat) to quantum mechanics ie: everything is a wave of possibilities til you measure (look at) and it collapses into a particle (into reality) reads like a simulation.

Game programmers use the same method of energy conservation by only rendering the scene you are looking at, they don't waste energy rendering the entire game/map if you aren't looking at those bits.

There's a few other things like the speed of light that come off as artificial and specifically designed to stop you from finding out if you're in a sim, and the Planck level begins to look suspiciously like pixels.
Hasn't been touched on for some time in this thread so will do so again.

The simulation hypothesis, aka Bostrom' trilemma, is as follows:

  1. "The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage (that is, one capable of running high-fidelity ancestor simulations) is very close to zero", or
  2. "The fraction of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running simulations of their evolutionary history, or variations thereof, is very close to zero", or
  3. "The fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one."

Essentially he's saying either we never reach a stage where we're 'post human', we reach the stage but we opt not to run simulations, or we're all but guaranteed to be living in a simulation.

William Poundstone talks about this in his book 'The Doomsday Calculation', noting that should humans get to a point where simulations are possible it's highly likely that millions (or more) simulations are being run for as simple a reason as a primary school science experience. Wild to think about.

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Mystery Is the Universe a simulation?

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