Is this workplace bullying? need help!

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Update is:
Late last year she heard back and it was knocked back, they said it's "reasonable management".
She has then filed for conciliation which the meeting is next week.
From what we've read on a number of forums and have been told by 3 lawyers is that GallagherBassett has never found in favour of the person claiming stress.

We've now got the investigation notes and have gone through what was said.
There are holes in their side of the story and for some reason they still found in their favour.

1) All through their notes they claim they put my partner through a course because her whole department quit. This course was finished 6 weeks before any of them handed in notice.
2) They claimed that they paid for her to go back in the course as a leader, we have a signed letter from the person who runs the course stating that he wanted her as a leader and was never paid for it
3) they did 2 exit interviews and claimed that the main reason why staff were leaving was my partner, there is no audio of these interviews and both are done in the boss' daughters hand writing, one mentions that they were happy with my partner, but its the 3rd point and written on the side of the page, the other one mentions she was leaving because she was going full time and they wouldn't allow her to go full time.
4) twice they tried to put on her sisters health issues, which were done with within a month of this starting and on me not working, I've worked as a photographer for 5 years running my own business and done quite well, provided my accounts to prove this.
5) they picked out a customer complaint about the department and a girl in that department from 2014. At that time there were 5 girls in that department. claimed that not once was there good feedback, we've provided 10 emails sent about my partner, we downloaded all her emails in the last few weeks of all this.
6) Claimed that the boss and other management were looking at her role in December 2014 when staff were leaving, we have a voice mail from Dec 6th 2014 of her boss saying her great she is and that she's one of the brightest lights in the business.

The people we've spoken to about GB all say the same, they just don't approve stress claims.

Its now been 15 weeks since she last worked.

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Its now been 15 weeks since she last worked.
Trust me on this, I have had a lot of experience in this area, the longer it takes her to return to employment, the less likely she ever will.

The best thing you can do for her, is tell her that 'yes, it's a shit situation, yes, she has been treated appallingly' but, in the words of our former PM 'shit happens'. She needs to put it all behind her and find some other work.

It does not matter what it is, it doesn't matter if it is paid or voluntary, if she wants to get passed this she needs to work. For her long term health she would be well advised to get a job packing shelves, delivering pamphlets or even volunteering for shifts at meals on wheels or the local op-shop.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.
Trust me on this, I have had a lot of experience in this area, the longer it takes her to return to employment, the less likely she ever will.

The best thing you can do for her, is tell her that 'yes, it's a shit situation, yes, she has been treated appallingly' but, in the words of our former PM 'shit happens'. She needs to put it all behind her and find some other work.

It does not matter what it is, it doesn't matter if it is paid or voluntary, if she wants to get passed this she needs to work. For her long term health she would be well advised to get a job packing shelves, delivering pamphlets or even volunteering for shifts at meals on wheels or the local op-shop.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.

She won't be going back and at least wants her pay she's missed out on over the past 15 weeks.

I think she should have pushed through the ombudsman and try to have them charged, but she wants it over and done with
GB won't approve it if the diagnosis is "stress" as that is a natural state. The diagnosis needs to be specifically anxiety or depression caused or aggravated during or out of the course of employment.
Both her doctor and the one appointed by work cover said that she is suffering stress, anxiety & states of depression due to management and their treatment of her. The notes says it on the first page and the work cover doctor said that she seems scared of what the bosses daughter might do even though she didn't talk about it
I hope it gets sorted soon. Some people are just arseholes. Sometimes it's just better to move on, although it's tempting that people should be made to pay because they are jack asses sometimes that just doesn't happen,
It's now going to court, she was offered 10 days pay and not the 18 weeks that she took off, she was told to get another job by work cover assist and is out of there, we've seen 2 lots of lawyers who both say we've got a strong case and want the case
It's now going to court, she was offered 10 days pay and not the 18 weeks that she took off, she was told to get another job by work cover assist and is out of there, we've seen 2 lots of lawyers who both say we've got a strong case and want the case

please move on and do not pursue legal!

you will blow heaps in legal, even more if it goes to court and for what? more misery for all parties? life is too short and this would have been a non-event if she left 18 weeks earlier.

it may feel like justice, getting even or proving a point but is it worthwhile ruining your life and job prospects for the remainder of one's life? Go in, sit around the table, agree to not slander each other (she has the most to lose), never speak of the issue again, take whatever crap is on social media down, accept the two weeks and then immediately hand it back as a show of good faith.
Both her doctor and the one appointed by work cover said that she is suffering stress, anxiety & states of depression due to management and their treatment of her. The notes says it on the first page and the work cover doctor said that she seems scared of what the bosses daughter might do even though she didn't talk about it

The first point a lawyer would raise, is where did he get that idea from? This weakens her case as management can simply say "it's all in her head"

Good luck with whatever pathway she chooses but ask her to sit with people who have been through a legal process and the long term unemployed.

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Trust me on this, I have had a lot of experience in this area, the longer it takes her to return to employment, the less likely she ever will.

The best thing you can do for her, is tell her that 'yes, it's a shit situation, yes, she has been treated appallingly' but, in the words of our former PM 'shit happens'. She needs to put it all behind her and find some other work.

It does not matter what it is, it doesn't matter if it is paid or voluntary, if she wants to get passed this she needs to work. For her long term health she would be well advised to get a job packing shelves, delivering pamphlets or even volunteering for shifts at meals on wheels or the local op-shop.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.

Meals on wheels? What next? Work for the dole? How's that gonna help her self esteem? Next you'll be suggesting she put it on her resume lololololol.
Christ you are thick.

No you're the thick one suggesting to her that working in an unpaid shit kicker's role after 4 years of paid employment will get her life back on track.

Nothing more demeaning than finding oneself out of work after years of service to then have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the form of volunteer work. Like that'll pay the bills or put food on the table.
No you're the thick one suggesting to her that working in an unpaid shit kicker's role after 4 years of paid employment will get her life back on track.

Nothing more demeaning than finding oneself out of work after years of service to then have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the form of volunteer work. Like that'll pay the bills or put food on the table.
As I said, 'Christ you're thick'
Yep, no rebuttal as per usual.
If a poster who had shown any interest in the conversation and had asked me an intelligent question about why I had, with nigh on 20 years experiecen in HR/WR/IR matters had suggested that as an appropriate course of action, I would have happily given a considered response.

However, when a noted troll, like you, responds in the manner that you did, my initial response stands.
No you're the thick one suggesting to her that working in an unpaid shit kicker's role after 4 years of paid employment will get her life back on track.

Nothing more demeaning than finding oneself out of work after years of service to then have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the form of volunteer work. Like that'll pay the bills or put food on the table.
Beats sitting on your arse doing nothing.
I sometimes wonder whether a lot of her story is embellished to make her look the victim. If not, is Doley4Life the one really pushing her to take legal action and hence screwing her future employment prospects!
Yeah this whole story rings off, to me. In any case, Kynge of Begrem is right--it's best to remain productive (either paid work or volunteer) as opposed to lying on the couch feeling sorry for yourself. For one, this legal situation will seriously damage her future employment prospects, and a gap on the resume will only make it even more difficult to find a new job.
Yeah this whole story rings off, to me. In any case, Kynge of Begrem is right--it's best to remain productive (either paid work or volunteer) as opposed to lying on the couch feeling sorry for yourself. For one, this legal situation will seriously damage her future employment prospects, and a gap on the resume will only make it even more difficult to find a new job.
From what the lawyers we spoke to have found, the workplace has been fighting a few bullying cases over the past 10 years.
My now wife has already found a new job, its less money but better conditions and she's out of that hell hole.

We have every meeting recorded over the past 6 months, copies of everyones statements, copies of emails we're not meant to have seen that have been passed on to us, witness' who are willing to come forward.
The lawyers who even after explaining the fees and what we should get, and after telling them that we'll fight it ourselves said that we should win in court, at the very worst have it settled out the front.
From what the lawyers we spoke to have found, the workplace has been fighting a few bullying cases over the past 10 years.
My now wife has already found a new job, its less money but better conditions and she's out of that hell hole.

We have every meeting recorded over the past 6 months, copies of everyones statements, copies of emails we're not meant to have seen that have been passed on to us, witness' who are willing to come forward.
The lawyers who even after explaining the fees and what we should get, and after telling them that we'll fight it ourselves said that we should win in court, at the very worst have it settled out the front.
Glad to hear that your partner has found a new job - out of interest which Court is this matter being taken to?

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Is this workplace bullying? need help!

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