Israel Folau leaves the Giants

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Let's be honest.

Folau found the transition to AFL too hard, and basically stopped trying. Psychologically, Elvis had well and truly left the building some time ago.

Compare Folau's match-day efforts late in the season with someone like Toby Greene. Frankly, it was embarrassing.

He's done the right thing for all concerned. If he'd stayed, it would have warped the structure of the team as we tried to figure out what to do with him.

With him out of the way, we can really get serious.
i heard he was a lazy trainer BEFORE he went to AFL. i still believe he has better AFL skills than hunt. but hunt has a go. folau is lazy.

its a good example for young blokes looking to do well as a senior. folau has all the advantages over hunt; height, weight, speed, marking ability, talent, etc. hunt just tries harder. he pushes himself. he dedicates himself.

i thought hunt was too much of a meathead to become an AFL 'sophisticate'. he proved me wrong. i thought izzy might find a role that didnt include running too much, but obviously ive misjudged the game of AFL.

but i cant say im sorry that one of the PI experiments failed. AFL matches the australian demographic. NRL now has over 45% of pacific island kids in their under 20s comp. the NRL is flooded with big, talented PI men. i dont begrudge them their talent or opportunity. but NRL could turn it round a bit with less interchange...which they refuse to will kill the game from the bottom up. juniors parents dont want their kids playing monsters.

but the change for interchange is something that is inevitable in AFL. the interchange will be slashed to make athletes run more. that will keep AFL 'australian'. and free of a small population of 'explosive' athletes. it will also keep the demographic picture of the australian population reflected in AFL. not the NRL.

that, is a winner. the AFL over the next 20 years are going to domminate QLD and NSW if the NRL dont address their image to parents. it looks, and is brutal. parents care for their kids. they dont want them monstered. the NRL is going the way of americas NFL. gridiron can get away with it. its americas game, but it has no competition. but NRL has a compeditor that the american game doesnt. australia has its own game that reflects its demographics more evenly. that game is AFL. AFL is going to slaughter the NRL in the next 20 years in QLD and NSW...

imo this is on the money,good write up.

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It was an experiment that didn't work. I watched him in the NEAFL in 2011 where he kicked more than a couple of bags and looked to be really improving with each game and showing a lot of raw talent. I thought that he would surprise the doubters and have a pretty good year.

The step up to AFL however never really happened. It didn't help that anybody and everybody said he didn't deserve to be allowed to touch a Sherrin let alone even consider playing with one on a footy field against other actual and real players. He wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms (by anyone other than his teammates) and that had to weigh heavily.

I still think that had he stuck with the game he would have proved himself, particularly as a back up ruck come sometimes forward (go back and watch some of his centre square tap work). He decided, though, not to stick with itand that's fair enough. You have to enjoy what you are doing - life's to short not to be (and a footy career is even shorter)

So I say, Thanks for what you bought to the club and good luck with whatever you want to do in the future (unless it's playing for Parramatta, Manly or Souths - then I wish only heartache and desolation :p )
To quote myself:

Only Folau's match payments would count in the cap plus a prorated amount of his base amount depending on the number of games played: (Base payment * Games Played / 52) + Match Payments + Bonus Payments. Minimal since his base payment is actually low, it's the AFL promotions contract that tops it up around the $1m mark.

Since match payments would be roughly the same per player (actually more for Tippett, since you'd expect to get 22 games out of him unlike Izzy's 13), only 1/4 (13/52) of his base payment would be under the cap. Estimates of his pay vary from $1m to $1.5m. Given Hunt's latest contract was $300k + $700k promotional, you'd figure Folau's first contract would be something like $200k + $800k or more promotional at best - the base payment might actually be lower. In that case he'd only be worth $50k under the cap, or approximately 50% of a first round draftee IIRC.
It was an experiment that didn't work. I watched him in the NEAFL in 2011 where he kicked more than a couple of bags and looked to be really improving with each game and showing a lot of raw talent. I thought that he would surprise the doubters and have a pretty good year.

It didn't help that the our midfield was getting smashed at the afl level and our inside fifties were atrocious (apposed to neafl where they has more time). An impossible situation to learn how to play. They could have done a Pyke and had him play reserves all 2012 and 2013 but that would have been politically impossible. This was a no-win scenario from the beginning (unless he did stick out the 4 years and improved as the Giants did).
I would bet my left *** that the AFL has released him from his contract to allow GWS the cap space to sign Tippett, not sure which one is the poorer AFL footballer.

Ahhh Vlad, he loves to bend his own rules.

Unlikely I would've thought. A large part of Izzy's role as far as the AFL were concerned was to generate AFL publicity in an NRL heartland - hence them subsidising his pay packet.

I can't imagine it's a good look for the AFL to have him walk out on his contract halfway through.

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I can't imagine it's a good look for the AFL to have him walk out on his contract halfway through.
Not a good look at all.
But we've all seen how the big kahoona's at AFLHQ can turn brown sludge into diamonds and that might happen here...let's wait and see how they operate. I reckon they have some more clever moves let yet to pierce the heart of the NRL a little more.
And I like the suggestion that Folau OUT makes way for Tippett IN - timing is everything here !
Always felt that the venture reflected poorly on both parties with a great deal of spin being required to make what was essentially a big gamble look attractive. Now we can move forward as a club free of gimmick players. At least the man is honest and picked a good time for transition.
It was an experiment that didn't work. I watched him in the NEAFL in 2011 where he kicked more than a couple of bags and looked to be really improving with each game and showing a lot of raw talent. I thought that he would surprise the doubters and have a pretty good year.

The step up to AFL however never really happened. It didn't help that anybody and everybody said he didn't deserve to be allowed to touch a Sherrin let alone even consider playing with one on a footy field against other actual and real players. He wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms (by anyone other than his teammates) and that had to weigh heavily.

I still think that had he stuck with the game he would have proved himself, particularly as a back up ruck come sometimes forward (go back and watch some of his centre square tap work). He decided, though, not to stick with it and that's fair enough. You have to enjoy what you are doing - life's to short not to be (and a footy career is even shorter)

So I say, Thanks for what you bought to the club and good luck with whatever you want to do in the future (unless it's playing for Parramatta, Manly or Souths - then I wish only heartache and desolation :p )

Exactly! The experiment didn't work out as hoped but it certainly wasn't without merit. Unlike a lot of others (and I'm disappointed by the ones who I know did play at a high level) I don't think it was ever a case of Izzy not trying. People don't seem to understand what it's like to be physically present on the field but feel totally lost and incapable of getting into the action. I've experienced it after coming back from long-term injury and it's a pretty lousy feeling. Izzy needed time at reserves level to feel absolutely comfortable with the game but, given circumstances, he was never going to get that opportunity. Added to that was the frustration of knowing that there was another code in which he was a champion and would never have to deal with the doubts and the criticism he got playing AFL.

If nothing else, what this might end up doing is convince a lot of young blokes who might otherwise never bother playing Aussie Rules that it's in their best interests to try the game. They might say to themselves that perhaps if Izzy, like Hunt, had played as a junior it might have made the transition work. That being the case, they might feel that even though union or league is their main priority, it makes sense to also have a grounding in Aussie Rules. If that does happen then the whole experiment was worthwhile. Izzy mightn't have made it on the field but he will have helped to change people's perceptions and help to grow the game in NSW and Qld.
i heard he was a lazy trainer BEFORE he went to AFL. i still believe he has better AFL skills than hunt. but hunt has a go. folau is lazy.

its a good example for young blokes looking to do well as a senior. folau has all the advantages over hunt; height, weight, speed, marking ability, talent, etc. hunt just tries harder. he pushes himself. he dedicates himself.

i thought hunt was too much of a meathead to become an AFL 'sophisticate'. he proved me wrong. i thought izzy might find a role that didnt include running too much, but obviously ive misjudged the game of AFL.

but i cant say im sorry that one of the PI experiments failed. AFL matches the australian demographic. NRL now has over 45% of pacific island kids in their under 20s comp. the NRL is flooded with big, talented PI men. i dont begrudge them their talent or opportunity. but NRL could turn it round a bit with less interchange...which they refuse to will kill the game from the bottom up. juniors parents dont want their kids playing monsters.

but the change for interchange is something that is inevitable in AFL. the interchange will be slashed to make athletes run more. that will keep AFL 'australian'. and free of a small population of 'explosive' athletes. it will also keep the demographic picture of the australian population reflected in AFL. not the NRL.

that, is a winner. the AFL over the next 20 years are going to domminate QLD and NSW if the NRL dont address their image to parents. it looks, and is brutal. parents care for their kids. they dont want them monstered. the NRL is going the way of americas NFL. gridiron can get away with it. its americas game, but it has no competition. but NRL has a compeditor that the american game doesnt. australia has its own game that reflects its demographics more evenly. that game is AFL. AFL is going to slaughter the NRL in the next 20 years in QLD and NSW...

Very interesting post, and quite a lot of merit in it, i wonder how many mums and dads have quietly talked their kids around from playing RL, because of the worry of getting steamrolled by PI kids 30 kg's bigger.

I think the real winner has been soccer in the past, as the Sydney/Newcastle basin is really the heartland of soccer, the AFL needs to somehow tap into this.
Very interesting post, and quite a lot of merit in it, i wonder how many mums and dads have quietly talked their kids around from playing RL, because of the worry of getting steamrolled by PI kids 30 kg's bigger.

I think the real winner has been soccer in the past, as the Sydney/Newcastle basin is really the heartland of soccer, the AFL needs to somehow tap into this.

AFL have an ingenious way to tap into it....AUSKICK. its in most schools in both states every year for (10? weeks). its working. QLD and NSW mums and dads that grew up with the rough and tumble of RL, will easily transfer to AFL instead of soccer, as AFL is demographically reflected on the tv screen, still has some contact, and at $350 per sign on for soccer, AFL is more affordable.

i find it pretty easy to convince parents to convert to AFL. soccer parents are easy when they find out no contact till u11s. RL are a bit harder, if their kids are doing ok. but it plants a seed. and when the boy is 14, gets steamrolled by a 100kg PI kid, that seed may sprout....

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Israel Folau leaves the Giants

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