Jacinta Allan - Leading a zombie government

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it’s never been as simplistic as that. and frankly, i don’t think it’s good for democracy for one party to be in power too long.

i’ve said many times in this and other threads i think pesutto is the libs best option. a centre-right leader is much more palatable to the moderates than the extremist right option pickles like the failed chief of staff and wannabe churnalist (credlin) and error-ridden so-called opinion writer (blot) espouse in the murdoch ratbaggery

as for jacinta, in many respects, she’s been left with a poison chalice. but the libs have a lot of ground to make up and the likes of deeming and her supporters are going to cause them a lot of electoral damage. a hung parliament is my tip so far out.

It is a long way out, but a hung parliament for the next election with currently no independents in the Legislative Assembly further leads one to the following conclusion: the only way the parliament will be hung is if the Greens Party has the balance of power. Which will only lead to a Labor minority government with the support of the Greens.
He was incredibly good at lying and avoiding, she doesn't have half his skill at deception

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And theatricality. Powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren't we, Rob?
It is a long way out, but a hung parliament for the next election with currently no independents in the Legislative Assembly further leads one to the following conclusion: the only way the parliament will be hung is if the Greens Party has the balance of power. Which will only lead to a Labor minority government with the support of the Greens.

that’s one prospect. but it depends on the number of independents and their political leaning.

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that’s one prospect. but it depends on the number of independents and their political leaning.

There are no independents now. The largest increase of independents in an election in Victoria was 3 in 1999 (who funnily enough ended up with the balance of power). I think the Greens Party having the call on who will be in government (and if they do, it will be the ALP) is a much more likely outcomes, especially considering on current polling they'd probably also add Northcote, Pascoe Vale and Preston to their lower house seat total.
It looks like Setka might be taking the ALP out with him on the way down.

There's no other reason for why this sort of stuff is only coming out now. The ALP will get a taste of what it's like to be in bed with guys that have criminal behaviour in their DNA.
Good. Hopefully both major parties start back to 0.
Jacinta and Danny Pearson called a press conference this morning at the Westgate Tunnel site to announce the terms of reference of the Inquiry into the CFMEU. Remember, the Opposition called for a Royal Commission and Jacinta said the Inquiry would be sufficient. Turns out the terms of reference will be very narrow and will not attempt to investigate the root cause of problems with the CFMEU and construction industry.

When asked whether the Premier and Danny would give evidence if called, they said yes “if asked.” Let’s wait and see.

In May 2024 executives from Danny’s department, Infrastructure, attended a meeting in which serious complaints against the CFMEU were tabled. At the press conference today Danny was asked what he was told by his executives after the meeting. He refused to answer. He was then reminded the complaints were referred to Authorities, and he was asked who made the referral to Authorities and what was referred. He refused to answer that question and accused the journalist who asked the question of engaging in semantics.

This will be a self serving “inquiry” that will be designed to do one thing - protect the reputation of the Premier and government. Sound familiar?
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Jacinta and Danny Pearson called a press conference this morning at the Westgate Tunnel site to announce the terms of reference of the Inquiry into the CFMEU. Remember, the Opposition called for a Royal Commission and Jacinta said the Inquiry would be sufficient. Turns out the terms of reference will be very narrow and will not attempt to investigate the root cause of problems with the CFMEU and construction industry.

When asked whether the Premier and Danny would give evidence if called, they said yes. Let’s wait and see.

In May 2024 executives from Danny’s department, Infrastructure, attended a meeting in which serious complaints against the CFMEU were tabled. At the press conference today Danny was asked what he was told by his executives after the meeting. He refused to answer. He was then reminded the complaints were referred to Authorities, and he was asked who made the referral to Authorities and what was referred. He refused to answer that question and accused the journalist who asked the question of engaging in semantics.

This will be a self serving “inquiry” that will be designed to do one thing - protect the reputation of the Premier and government. Sound familiar?
"We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"

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which wasn't the point.

Brady Bunch K GIF
yep! not the smartest tool in the shed. a tool no less - sorry, couldn't resist the last bit.
He's a pretty creative thinker but I don't think his sense of humour is as dry as that post was
The Government repeatedly boasts, “We have the toughest bail laws in the country for serious offending,”

Yet, did you know the offences of “breaching bail conditions” and “committing further offences while on bail” have been scrapped by the same government boasting it has the toughest bail laws?
Danny Pearson is not sufficiently talented to be a Minister IMO.
His little performance yesterday was downright embarrassing! Asked a straightforward question and tried to do a Dan-deflection but ended up sounding like an absolute goose!
His little performance yesterday was downright embarrassing! Asked a straightforward question and tried to do a Dan-deflection but ended up sounding like an absolute goose!

He does it in question time too. Asked any specific question about his share holdings he answer was always "I act appropriately at all times".

He has clearly been promoted above his abilities IMO.
Danny Pearson is not sufficiently talented to be a Minister IMO.
I think he's trying so desperately to be the next Jacinta Allen in just doing what the Premier says and "getting on with it" despite being left holding a sh!t sandwich and trying to convince everyone it's a brisket burger.

It's hard to tell if he's actually competent because he gives the impression he's just trying to do/say what he's been told to do/say.

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Jacinta Allan - Leading a zombie government

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