Jai Newcombe vs Chad Warner

Starting a team from scratch, which one do you pick?

  • Jai Newcombe

    Votes: 55 34.8%
  • Chad Warner

    Votes: 103 65.2%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .

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Because he is comfortably a better player. Has much more impact on the contest with his linebreaking ability.

Not sure why this poll is as close as it is. Warner should be leading by a fair bit more. If he were playing for a Vic team, he certainly would be.

Warner better in 2022.
Newcombe better in 2023.

Similar ages. Similar strengths.

Chad has started like a house on fire this year, and Duke played a stinker yesterday. Only worth visiting this again come the mid season byes at the earliest.

Edit: It was 16-1 in Warner's favour after the poll was first created. As last season evolved it became closer and closer and Newcombe lead for a while. Was all square on Grand Final day which I felt was a fitting full stop on the question at the time.
How do you think things are turning out so far this year?

It's Warner and not even close...

Newcombe is a pretty good player, but Warner is a game-breaker.

Newcombe's played two poor games. Season is a marathon, not a sprint. Let's see how it evolves.

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Honestly I just hope this poll doesn’t turn out as toxic as the Cripps v Oliver poll. For me, I rated Newcombe more highly originally but after seeing Warner come out these first few rounds, he’s looking ominous with Heeney
I'm not sure this is the greatest question or comparison. Personally, I think Newcombe and Warner are different types of players. If Newcombe could be more consistent, this might be a contest. But for me, it's always been Chad Warner. A classier player, more consistent, also has a better ability to hit the scoreboard when playing from the centre. Newcombe is great on his day. But those days are too far apart in comparison to Warner. I would love Warner at Hawthorn.
Let me guess, Newcombe has Judd-like qualities?

Tom Mitchell is an incredible player, at his peak he was an absolute ball magnet, his running capacity was huge and his positioning was impressive. He use to run both ways super well which set him up to find more ball, by being at more contests. His attack on the ball was even more impressive, ultra clean, superb by hand and fed the ball out for fun. Whilst he had a lot of strengths his weak points were his kicking, his lack of speed, aerial ability, penetration by foot and other things.

Jai Newcombe on the other hand is more of your modern bull. He is ferocious at the ball and man with the ball, but he has speed and explosive power that Tom Mitchell never had and that’s because they’re completely different types. Look at Petracca, that’s the type of player Jai Newcombe is, type wise. Strong, bull and explosive with damaging capacity going forward, and good aerially. Jai hasn’t reach these heights and he might not, but that’s his “type” of player.
Yeah, for all the banter, who you want and who you think the best player is depends entirely on what kind of player you want and what metrics you're looking for. Compare their stats and for most of them, they're weighted almost entirely to one player or the other because of the difference in their roles.
Warner is electric, he’s got superb pace and breaks lines. His ball use can be hit or miss but he makes up with being so creative, and he finds the footy too. Love watching him play, but as you say, they’re not comparable types, but both are modern footballers, who will be good players.

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Different types but seeing Newcombe hit his straps even being tagged the last two weeks in a testament to him. Was incredible today.

Newk is hitting form but Warner has put a gap on him this season.

Newcombe can close that gap and as our side improves so should be but Warner is the better player at the moment.
Warner and Newcombe are still different types but it’s so simple that the comparison is not there based off this year, could change with how footy is. But Warner would be one of the best midfielders in the competition and being compared to him and losing isn’t a bad thing. His goal kicking ability as a midfielder is immense.
Still don't get the Newcombe hype by Hawthorn fans.

I see Tom Mitchell and not Christian Petracca. Probably quicker than Mitchell but a ball magnet and clearance machine who kicks very few goals.

Warner is a lot closer to Petracca in style.
Still don't get the Newcombe hype by Hawthorn fans.

I see Tom Mitchell and not Christian Petracca. Probably quicker than Mitchell but a ball magnet and clearance machine who kicks very few goals.

Warner is a lot closer to Petracca in style.

I think the comparison to Petracca comes from them both being very strong through the core, and both being able to break through stoppages and ride tackles.

Newcombe has a huge penetrative kick and can burst through players. He's not really like Mitchell at all (especially post his injury which changed his game), he's certainly a better and more explosive athlete and a much better kick.

He is a strong overhead mark too, he's got a vice like grip. I hope we get to see him rest forward and hit the scoreboard. I believe he has the tools to do it.

Newcombe has been getting more attention this season, which is understandable given how good he was last season AND with Day being out for the first quarter of the season.

It would be interesting to see Newcombe play alongside Heeney, Gulden, Rowbottom, Mills and Parker. That's a much stronger unit than Day, Worpel and Nash.
It would be interesting to see Newcombe play alongside Heeney, Gulden, Rowbottom, Mills and Parker. That's a much stronger unit than Day, Worpel and Nash.

A centreline of Gulden, Warner, Heeney and Newcombe would rival some of the best midfields of the modern era.
Gulden & Heeney are already brownlow medal fancies with Warner starting to elevate his own game as we speak.