Jesse Hogan Car Crash

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Ha ha ha.. there you go again. This is good.. you don’t get it. Classic. It’s not the club or the players I’m talking about. It’s you lot. It’s priceless. Have a read back at yourself. How old are you....12? Keep it coming mate. The more you talk your dribble, the funnier it gets. 🤣

whatever lies you need to cling to

lost count on the number of times Ive rolled my car this week
Is that it? Is that the best you got?.............Bah ha ha better get to bed you’ll be late for school tomorrow.🤣........... Boooooooooooooooooooo!
Sorry couldn’t help myself. It’s fun to wallow in the mud sometimes 🤣🤣 you guys are funny.
You're such a hero. I commend your life choices that brought you to this board at 12 at night demanding that people in minor traffic incidents have the police administor comprehensive tests on them.

Must be very fulfilling.
"minor traffic incidents"

His car was flipped on its side. Won't be ridiculous and call this a conspiracy. Sounds more like incompetence. It was simply a god-awful call that police shouldn't be on the scene. No other way to interpret it. Ignoring Jesse Hogan, it's mind-boggling that a car flipped on its side isn't an incident worth investigation by police. That's what really needs to be scrutinised here. The apparent incompetence of whoever made that call / the legislation that allowed such a call to be made. Jesse Hogan is irrelevant. WA's shitty police response / legislation is the story.

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If Hogan is a functional alcoholic (I suspect he is) he could be well and truly over the limit, yet still be able to pass (to people who don’t know him) as being completely sober.

Even if the paramedics suspected he was intoxicated, without police pursuing the matter, they cant force him to be breathalysed.

That people can’t see the wider issues here, and why it’s at the very least odd that the police didn’t so much as meet Jesse at the accident scene or failing that the hospital for a simple breathalyser, is frankly astonishing.
So basically you’re calling the West Australian Paramedics incompetent, the WA Police corrupt and Peter Bell the puppet master of WA?

This threads taken a sharper turn than Hogan needed to take to avoid the car which pulled out without looking.

Again, the car has no visible damage to it. It seems as though it’s a fairly straight forward series of events that’s lead to the top heavy car ending up on its side, but your right the special forces should have been called to take Hogan away 🤪
So basically you’re calling the West Australian Paramedics incompetent, the WA Police corrupt and Peter Bell the puppet master of WA?

This threads taken a sharper turn than Hogan needed to take to avoid the car which pulled out without looking.

Again, the car has no visible damage to it. It seems as though it’s a fairly straight forward series of events that’s lead to the top heavy car ending up on its side, but your right the special forces should have been called to take Hogan away 🤪

Where did I call WA paramedics incompetent?

And if you don’t think Peter Bell is someone who would try and wield power and influence within Fremantle at least, you arent paying attention.
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Where did I call WA paramedics incompetent?
According to your first hand knowledge they’ve either a) failed to identify that Hogan was under the influence; or b) failed to notify the other authorities that he was.

Therefore, they either can’t do their job properly or have chosen not to do their job properly.

I for one think that they’ve done their job properly, but unlike yourself I’m not a road safety/accident management/drug & alcohol expert.
According to your first hand knowledge they’ve either a) failed to identify that Hogan was under the influence; or b) failed to notify the other authorities that he was.

Therefore, they either can’t do their job properly or have chosen not to do their job properly.

I for one think that they’ve done their job properly, but unlike yourself I’m not a road safety/accident management/drug & alcohol expert.

No, I imagine they did there job perfectly adequately.

It’s the police who I think dropped the ball.

If I was to get in my car now and go roll it in some suburban street....I guarantee police will be there.

Why not for Jesse?

I would start by finding out who the senior officers on duty within Fremantle district were that morning, find out any potential connections to FFC/Bell/or others on FFC board.

Who made the decision that attendance wasn’t required to the scene of a vehicle on its side in a 50kph zone in the middle of suburbia? And was it made before or after being made aware Jesse Hogan was the driver of the vehicle.
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No, I imagine they did there job perfectly adequately.

It’s the police who I think dropped the ball.

If I was to get in my car now and go roll it in some suburban street....I guarantee police will be there.

Why not for Jesse?

I would start by finding out who the senior officers on duty within Fremantle district were that morning, find out any potential connections to FFC/Bell/or others on FFC board.

Who made the decision that attendance wasn’t required to the scene of a vehicle on its side in a 50kph zone in the middle of suburbia? And was it made before or after being made aware Jesse Hogan was the driver of the vehicle.
No they would not. In fact unless the damage to the cars involved totalled more than $3,000 then the accident itself doesn’t need to be reported.
So in order for it to be flipped there had to be other cars or persons involved?

So why no police if others are involved?
So in order for it to be flipped there had to be other cars or persons involved?

So why no police if others are involved?
Again, if less then 3k of damage is done you don't need police to turn up as it's a civil matter

Ambulance/firefighters turned up. If speed/drugs are suspected first thing is to call the police.even the other car involved

So unless all 6 were negligent in their duties/covering up, other person whos car is hit doesnt suspect a thing.

Hell, for all we know someone's pulled out infront of him and he's immediately locked the steering, hit a curb and then tried to overcorrect and rolled his car like a bit of an idiot. Ild say the emergency reponders know and would of acted correctly

OP is a ****ing loon. He'll post "BuT iM jUsT aSkInG QuEsTiOns" and call a conspiracy but honestly has something has to be said about his ability to look at the facts over wanting someone to fail at life at some sort of weird vendetta.
Again, if less then 3k of damage is done you don't need police to turn up as it's a civil matter

Ambulance/firefighters turned up. If speed/drugs are suspected first thing is to call the police.even the other car involved

So unless all 6 were negligent in their duties/covering up, other person whos car is hit doesnt suspect a thing.

Hell, for all we know someone's pulled out infront of him and he's immediately locked the steering, hit a curb and then tried to overcorrect and rolled his car like a bit of an idiot. Ild say the emergency reponders know and would of acted correctly

OP is a ******* loon. He'll post "BuT iM jUsT aSkInG QuEsTiOns" and call a conspiracy but honestly has something has to be said about his ability to look at the facts over wanting someone to fail at life at some sort of weird vendetta.

How can the potential issue of speed not have even been a question then?
"minor traffic incidents"

His car was flipped on its side. Won't be ridiculous and call this a conspiracy. Sounds more like incompetence. It was simply a god-awful call that police shouldn't be on the scene. No other way to interpret it. Ignoring Jesse Hogan, it's mind-boggling that a car flipped on its side isn't an incident worth investigation by police. That's what really needs to be scrutinised here. The apparent incompetence of whoever made that call / the legislation that allowed such a call to be made. Jesse Hogan is irrelevant. WA's shitty police response / legislation is the story.

Was anyone hurt? no.

Was there major damage? irrespective of the orientation of the car doesn't look like it.

did the paramedics or anyone else who attended the scene suspect drugs or booze invovled? apparently not.

therefore minor incident

im sorry people here didn't get the juicy off season controversy they wanted but the behavior by some to try and turn this into more then it is, is a bit pathetic
How can the potential issue of speed not have even been a question then?
Do you know if Jesse speeding?
So in order for it to be flipped there had to be other cars or persons involved?

So why no police if others are involved?
Involved how, again have a look at the picture. To me doesn’t look like Hogan’s car has made contact with any other car.
So you accuse Freo of being corrupt but the Eagles who are excessively more influential and rich can't be?

You know... supporting Freo has its fair share of downs, and you cop banter from Eagles supporters now and then. But nonsense such as Freo have got the cops underwraps? What the hell, that's just... Jesus haha.

What's with this site and attracting some nutters?
Like I said WC supporters are a different breed.
Is that it ? Running into a few parked cars is a controversy ?
So that's what we have come to now. Off seasons have become so damn boring we need to invent controversy from an accident.
Well over 800 young men in their prime with coin in their pockets...the perfect recipe for mayhem and good juicy off season discussion, and from memory last year we didn't even get so much as a boozy late night fight between teammates over a girl.
Integrity officers ?

The AFL should be ashamed of themselves for ruining the best years of young mens lives.

Let them have some fun for godsake. Stop being such judgemental flogs.

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Jesse Hogan Car Crash

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