JFK Assassination: What is the Truth?

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IMO Robert Caro is the greatest biographer ever. The depth of his research is second to none. His view of the LBJ connection is covered in the fourth volume of his "The Years of Lyndon Johnson" series. He found nothing that meets his exacting standards in terms of proof of Johnson's involvement, and that is good enough for me.
IMO Robert Caro is the greatest biographer ever. The depth of his research is second to none. His view of the LBJ connection is covered in the fourth volume of his "The Years of Lyndon Johnson" series. He found nothing that meets his exacting standards in terms of proof of Johnson's involvement, and that is good enough for me.
What does he say about the six weeks LBJ goes to his ranch in Texas before the shooting?

Or when LBJ left for a few days on Air Force 2 to Europe and to find out what the US cypherer monitoring the French government was telling US embassy officials and some journalists of a plot to assassinate JFK?

Caro also said that LBJ's 20 years of fighting against black civil rights in the US, actually meant he was always planning to pass legislation for civil rights if he got to be President. He did pass some civil rights bills that JFK had been planning to pass.

What does he say about the black secret service member that JFK had that claimed LBJ hated and was abusive to blacks?
What does he say about the six weeks LBJ goes to his ranch in Texas before the shooting?

Or when LBJ left for a few days on Air Force 2 to Europe and to find out what the US cypherer monitoring the French government was telling US embassy officials and some journalists of a plot to assassinate JFK?

Caro also said that LBJ's 20 years of fighting against black civil rights in the US, actually meant he was always planning to pass legislation for civil rights if he got to be President. He did pass some civil rights bills that JFK had been planning to pass.

What does he say about the black secret service member that JFK had that claimed LBJ hated and was abusive to blacks?
Or LBJ's connection with the hit man Mac Wallace

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Both the French and Russian Intelligence Agencies conducted investigations into the Assassination

The French concluded it was a far right wing conspiracy orchestrated by disaffected Cubans, the Mafia and US Intelligence Agencies.

The FBI obtained an internal KGB memo to Khrushchev that concluded something similar but with one important addition, its investigation named LBJ as knowing about and agreeing with the Assassination
Both the French and Russian Intelligence Agencies conducted investigations into the Assassination

The French concluded it was a far right wing conspiracy orchestrated by disaffected Cubans, the Mafia and US Intelligence Agencies.

The FBI obtained an internal KGB memo to Khrushchev that concluded something similar but with one important addition, its investigation named LBJ as knowing about and agreeing with the Assassination
What are you using as a source for the French information?

It is known they were tracking known French assassin and anti De Gaulle terrorist, Jean Souetre who had connections to C I A and was in Dallas on the day of JFK assassination.

The day after the assassination the FBI departed him to either Mexico or Canada. I wonder if he was one of the 10 other suspects, either arrested or detained by police on the day, that Jim Garrison had photos on and showed in his interview to Johnny Carlson?

I'd recommend you buy the books and read them to find out. I haven't got them handy right now to check the index.
Got a heap in front of that one to read, thought since you've read it you might be able to answer a few questions.

Wallace is as shady as fk and LBJ's whereabouts in the 6 weeks before very strange.

However many people don't go as far as saying LBJ was involved or maybe only involved in the cover up, which really can't be denied.
What are you using as a source for the French information?

It is known they were tracking known French assassin and anti De Gaulle terrorist, Jean Souetre who had connections to C I A and was in Dallas on the day of JFK assassination.

The day after the assassination the FBI departed him to either Mexico or Canada. I wonder if he was one of the 10 other suspects, either arrested or detained by police on the day, that Jim Garrison had photos on and showed in his interview to Johnny Carlson?

The book Chokeholds - by 5 US based Lawyers/Researchers

You are correct about the French Assassins being involved, in fact they were one of the back up shooting teams in Dallas and hence why the French conducted their own investigation
The day District Attorney Jim Garrison announced his investigation into the assassination, the CIA put together a small team they called "The Garrison Group"

The functions of the group were:
  • Infiltrate Garrisons Team
  • Plant listening devices in Garrison's Office
  • Identify Garrison's Witnesses
  • Intimidate/Threaten Garrison's Witnesses
  • Plant false stories about Garrison and his investigation in the media
  • Have Judges and Courts deny his requests for information
  • Produce false documents in an endeavour to embarrass Garrison
  • Have Judges rule out certain evidence
The book Chokeholds - by 5 US based Lawyers/Researchers

You are correct about the French Assassins being involved, in fact they were one of the back up shooting teams in Dallas and hence why the French conducted their own investigation
That is one I'm getting.

The interview by Garrison was interesting 10 people who were detained or arrested on the day, besides Oswald. Photos of five of them. Autopsy changed.

" a team of seven gunman carried this out precision firing from various points in Dallas on that day...", similar to what matches the known autopsy and evidence now?

Suppressed by the office of the President of the United States.

Interesting theory that Tippett murder was to cover the release of those others they detained that day.

A known French assassin was in Dallas on the day (possibly detained?), was let go or escorted (deported) by the FBI out of the country the next day, doesn't raise red flags? Because this was kept suppressed and only known because of a French investigation into him.

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Interesting little side fact: The 2007 Movie "Shooter" (Mark Wahlberg) is loosely based on how the CIA recruited and set up Oswald
Another interesting side fact is Northwoods false flag operation that originated from the US Military in 1962, suggesting C I A operatives dressed as college students board an airplane in Miami bound for Cuba, only to be replaced mid flight by a similar remote controlled aircraft to be shot down and this terrorist act blamed on Cuba.

Purpose being to justify a war against Cuba that they didn't get after JFK refused to invade after the Bay of Pigs. Was also rejected by Kennedy and not made public until March 2001.
The Murky World of Roscoe White

Roscoe White was a CIA Assassin. He was 'credited' with at least 10 kills for the CIA

White was an ex-marine, he joined at a young age and served for 5 months with Oswald in Japan. He was regularly seen in the company of Oswald. He was discharged from the Marines on the basis of "hardship" but immediately joined the CIA to become an Assassin. He worked in the CIA Department which was run by James Jesus Angleton.

About 3 weeks prior to the Kennedy Assassination, Roscoe White joined the Dallas Police Department

In 1971 he was Murdered

Prior to his death he confided in his wife that he was one of the shooters in Dealey Plaza, he told her that one of his shots hit Kennedy. She claims White told her he fired from the roof of the DalTex Building

After his death his son found his Father's Marines Locker, in it he discovered several diaries.
In one of the diaries there were notes on the Assassination
His son claims the notes indicated that White was one of the shooters and that he fired a shot from behind the Stockade Fence on the Grassy Knoll and it was this shot, from the front, that was captured on the Zapruder Film and which blew off part of Kennedy's head.
After White's son found the Diaries he contacted the FBI, who took possession of the Diaries, he never saw them again.

Prior to his murder White told his wife, that if I ever die in an accident, it will not be an accident and I will have been murdered.
One Sunday, White was in his backyard, he intended to have a cook out, as he lit the B-B-Q it exploded, killing him instantly
I've always been interested in who gave the actual order (the 'go' order) to kill Kennedy

My Top 3 are:
1. James Angleton (head of CIA assassinations Unit)
2. Alan Dulles (Former head of CIA sacked by Kennedy, member of Warren Commission)
3. Richard Helmes (Assassin Planner CIA....later Director General CIA)
I hadn't know much about Angleton but this from Aaron Good brings together many threads.

1. "What insights does the recently declassified, less redacted, version of the 1975 Church Committee executive session testimony reveal about CIA Counter Intelligence Chief, James Jesus Angleton?" Start to 24 min.

It goes on and include a section on the 'realists' with "What is the Thucydides Trap?" 24 - 48 min. Something I had no idea I needed to know, except I've been promoting realists Jeffrey Sachs (quoted on here about JFK) and John Mearsheimer.

Finishing from 48 min answering the very interesting question "In you book, you mention that power structures create their own legitimising myths. What did you mean by that?"

I hadn't know much about Angleton but this from Aaron Good brings together many threads.

1. "What insights does the recently declassified, less redacted, version of the 1975 Church Committee executive session testimony reveal about CIA Counter Intelligence Chief, James Jesus Angleton?" Start to 24 min.

It goes on and include a section on the 'realists' with "What is the Thucydides Trap?" 24 - 48 min. Something I had no idea I needed to know, except I've been promoting realists Jeffrey Sachs (quoted on here about JFK) and John Mearsheimer.

Finishing from 48 min answering the very interesting question "In you book, you mention that power structures create their own legitimising myths. What did you mean by that?"

Angleton was a very scary man, started his "career" spying on the British for America (OSS) during WW2
When he eventually took over the Assassins Department he was implicated in Assassinations In Africa, Central America and South America and of course his own country including JFK.

He assisted in the planning for the Bay of Pigs

He worked against Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis

He was responsible for destroying the Oswald Mexico Tapes
Angleton was a very scary man, started his "career" spying on the British for America (OSS) during WW2
When he eventually took over the Assassins Department he was implicated in Assassinations In Africa, Central America and South America and of course his own country including JFK.

He assisted in the planning for the Bay of Pigs

He worked against Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis

He was responsible for destroying the Oswald Mexico Tapes
Sounds nice!

I can see how he could have been the point man, whereas Dulles had been booted although still holding meetings in his private residence.

No doubt Oswald along with a number of others were sent to Russia to get information working for military intelligence, had C I A connections if not a contractor, but it's the F B I connections to Oswald mentioned on here that I find intriguing.

He seemed to be reporting to someone in FBI. The FBI is an agency within the Department of Justice (DOJ), and thus the director reports to the attorney general of the United States.

In 1963 the director was J. Edgar Hoover who JFK and his attorney general, RFK did not trust. Could Oswald have been reporting indirectly to RFK about the Cubans, plots etc., through a middle person to bypass Hoover?

This would have made Oswald the perfect pasty and the assassination or it's coverup report very difficult for RFK to question.
Anyone read the book on Allen Dulles, the devils chessboard? Was involved in the assassination of JFK I reckon and somehow ended up on the Warren Commission.

Guy was a monster.

Also, just got Anthony Summers 'not in you lifetime'. Also got JFK and the unspeakable. Anyone read these?
Anyone read the book on Allen Dulles, the devils chessboard? Was involved in the assassination of JFK I reckon and somehow ended up on the Warren Commission.

Guy was a monster.

Also, just got Anthony Summers 'not in you lifetime'. Also got JFK and the unspeakable. Anyone read these?
And about 50 more

All of those books are great reads. Unspeakable is probably the best
Why did the CIA Assassinate Kennedy?

It basically distills down to two fundamental issues, and that is not to discount the vast number of side issues such as Cuba, Mafia, LBJ, Vietnam, Russian Detente', Dismantling Nukes and numerous other things:

1. Kennedy intended to dismantle the CIA and end its involvement in things such as Assassinations (ironic), Regime Change, Covert Wars, Black Ops, Drug Running, Gun Running etc he intended to restructure it into a proper intelligence gathering Spy Agency similar to MI6.

2. JFK intended to set up a Kennedy dynasty so that point one above could never be overturned
He would serve 2 terms
Bobby would serve 2 terms
And long term Teddy would serve 2 terms
That equates to a 24 year Kennedy dynasty that would have set in concrete a totally different America.
That was an America the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, the FBI, ONI, DIA, Military Intelligence etc.....did not want under any circumstances

After JFK was murdered, they still had a problem, and that was Bobby, who made it clear he was going to revive JFK's original long term plan if he was elected.....so he had to go too

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JFK Assassination: What is the Truth?

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