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Team Captain
Apr 22, 2008
AFL Club
St Kilda
Other Teams
Wallan Magpies
how do i improve my leap i already have a decent jump but i want to ruck and im a little shorter as a ruckmen. id o good against people that are around my height a lil bigga but struggle against the real tall blokes any suggestions?
depending what "decent" is maybe you just need need to be smarter considering how long it can take to improve your leaping ability...in a nutshell though deadlift and squat twice your bodyweight and you'll be jumping like no one's business
how do i improve my leap i already have a decent jump but i want to ruck and im a little shorter as a ruckmen. id o good against people that are around my height a lil bigga but struggle against the real tall blokes any suggestions?

Try PLYOMETRICS mate google it its really good mate i recommend it and if you do it properly ull be wrecked :)

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air alert is one of the quickest ways to get hurt, that's for sure

over 100o jumping reps in 1 session? could not be anymore ridiculous...i can't believe there have been 3 of these
depending what "decent" is maybe you just need need to be smarter considering how long it can take to improve your leaping ability...in a nutshell though deadlift and squat twice your bodyweight and you'll be jumping like no one's business
decent as in i can nearly touch a basketball ring just about unda a inch off
how tall are you? i'm 5'6" and can touch the ring but i'd only class mine as maybe semi decent...

like i said, just work on getting stronger in the wt room and you'll have a bigger engine to jump with
how tall are you? i'm 5'6" and can touch the ring but i'd only class mine as maybe semi decent...

like i said, just work on getting stronger in the wt room and you'll have a bigger engine to jump with
i rekon that would be a pretty good leap u got coz im 6 foot goin on 6,1 and sometime struggle to get it
air alert is one of the quickest ways to get hurt, that's for sure

over 100o jumping reps in 1 session? could not be anymore ridiculous...i can't believe there have been 3 of these

The first time you do it (especially the squat hops) your knees hurt a bit. But as long as you warm up and down properly it's nothing to worry about.

I only got to week 3 or 4 of AA3 but I noticed not only an improved leap but also a decent increase in acceleration off the mark. For the sore knees I just went for a light jog around the block after the workout and that loosened them up.
What would you recommened in substitute for a program aimed at increasing vertical leap then cptkirk?

Capt Concussion - how much did your leap gain after 3-4 weeks?
I read that, but dont you think there should be some form of movement/training that actually emulates what your doing?

My form on squat/deadlifts is pretty poor, and Im not too confident in doing them without potentially injuring myself or not doing them effectively (im still a gym noobie).

Might have a go tomorrow...

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think of 4 cylinder car (leg press, leg ext, leg curls etc) vs a 6 cylinder car (squats, deadlifts, lunges)

the bigger your engine the faster/higher you'll go

the thing with plyometrics is it works on the stretch shortening cycle so think pulling a lucka band back and letting it go

so the more force you can put into the ground (which is developed by squats and deadlifts), the more you can put out (plyo's)

so if you just do plyo's (out), then it won't matter a lick as you have nothing going in

see what i mean?
Ok that makes fantastic sense!

Ive had a couple of weeks off from legs, but im about to get back into them - I might do plyos once a week too.

Next time I see a lad at the gym doing squats/deads Ill ask him to give me a few pointers. Do you know of any good videos demonstrating these?

Cheers captain
What would you recommened in substitute for a program aimed at increasing vertical leap then cptkirk?

Capt Concussion - how much did your leap gain after 3-4 weeks?

Wouldn't know an exact gain but I did definately gain something. The first time I jumped since doing the program in a sports scenario I almost stacked the landing because I landed a split second after what my brain is used to me landing. You know that weird sensation like when you're climbing a set of stairs in the dark and you think you've got one more step left but you don't and you brace yourself to step up the step but really there's another couple of inches to the floor.
you gotta remember that jumping is an explosive or power action. therefore explosive of power exercises are needed eg, air alert program. squating and deadlifting will build strength but not power unless done in a powerfull manner. how many bodybuilders can dunk a ring or run a quick 100m sprint? enough said
power is a combination of strength and speed. if you just do strength exercises your only training for half the job, power exercises are needed. power programs are the best way to go, period
you don't need strength first. developing power will develop strength and speed at the same time. If your looking to gain strength, do a strength routine, if you want jumping height which is power, do a power routine. simple. i don't understand what u don't get about it
power needs to be developed eccentrically first...if you can't put force then yuo won't much out...that's where squats and deads come in...unless he's a freak who can naturally jump (naitiua) and the fact he asked howe to jump higher tells me he isn't

what power program would you put him on?
as was suggested before by someone, air alert. i'm currently using it in a modified version to develop power for this footy season and ive had friends use it as far back as 1996 when my mate added around 12 inches to his jump height in 6 months when he made state basketball team.

Or he could climb sets or stairs, mix it up with different weighted sacks on his shoulders every week. ive seen huge strength and power gains made this way. its just difficult to find a decent set of stairs around to use.

Or if u still insist on the sduats and deads, do them explosively
i wouldn't wish air alert on my worse enemy, it's that shit...just because it worked for 1 person doesn't mean another person won't break in 1/2 from it and why not get the same the results from less then 1000 reps a session when you can?

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