Bet on Blue
Norm Smith Medallist

Harlan County, Kentucky.
Home to gun thugs, mobsters, hit men, dirty cops and other assorted outlaws who each have one thing in common – they all fancy themselves the fastest man alive in a gunfight. Ain’t no such thing as second fastest – there’s only the quick and the dead.
Trigger-happy, Old West-style U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens enforces his own unconventional brand of justice, often bringing him into conflict with the Dixie Mafia, local shot-caller Boyd Crowder and his gang, as well as other colourful criminal elements.
At the beginning of the game, I will allocate each player a role at random and in secret via PM.
The aim of the Village is to identify and kill all of the Evil factions before those evil factions meet their own Win Conditions (See below).
1. Discussing the current game.
Players may not discuss the game outside of this thread, except for in relevant group PMs as created by me which will be made clear to the relevant players.
2. Posting screenshots of PMs / quoting PMs.
Don’t do this. That’s a Modkillin.
3. Dead players posting in thread.
If you are killed in the game, don’t post in the thread any more. Not if a living player is criticising how you played, not if you think of something really funny. Save it until after the game. You may make a single post after you die along the lines of “GG” or requesting access to the Dead PM, but that’s it. Even minor, seemingly inconsequential things can affect the game.
4. Voting.
The game consists of Day phases and Night phases. During Day phases everyone can vote in this thread for who to lynch that day by bolding the player’s name they wish to vote for, and preferably tagging me. A vote should look like:
Bet on Blue
I’ll like the post to confirm the vote has been counted. At the end of that Day phase, the player with the most votes will be lynched, their role will be revealed, and they are out of the game.
5. Do you need to articulate a reason for your vote?
6. Tied votes.
In the event of a tie between two or more players for highest number of votes to lynch, the player that reached that number of votes first dies, the other(s) survive. For instance: Player A and Player B both received 5 votes, they are tied on most votes, but Player A received their 5th vote earlier than Player B. In this case Player A dies and Player B survives
7. Activity.
Fail to vote two days in a row? That’s a Modkillin.
8. Day and Night phases.
Day phase: 7am to 7pm (When everyone votes in thread for who to lynch that day).
Night phase: 7pm to 7am (When those with Night Actions PM me their choices).
9. Editing / deleting posts.
Don't do this. That's a modkillin. If you make a mistake make another post.
For this game, in addition to their role, each player has the following power: 1-Shot Day-Vig. This means that at one time only during the game, each and every player has the option to post in bold during the Day - Shoot: (PlayerName). Once you use your shot, that’s it.
In addition, this can only occur once per Day. If you were planning on Day-shooting someone, and another player uses their shot first, you are too late. You must wait until another Day.
Further: if a Day-Shooting occurs, please stop posting in the thread until I post to resolve the shooting. I will endeavour to check the thread regularly for the duration of the game. This applies to everyone but especially the person that was shot. Once shot, assume you are dead unless for some reason I say otherwise – it’s not a chance to reveal information etc.
Finally, if you currently have the most lynch votes – your gun is jammed. You may not Day-Shoot anyone.
Evil factions
Crowder Clan (Werewolves) - Get to shoot one player per Night. Share a PM.
Boyd Crowder (Alpha): Can’t be shot at Night; If Seered he will show up as a Villager.
Ava Crowder (Wolf Seer): Can Seer one player of her choice per Night to find out their role.
Johnny Crowder (Wolf)
Bo Crowder (Wolf)
Win Condition: Eliminate Mafia, Arsonist, & Poisoner, as well as equal the number of remaining Villagers.
Dixie Mafia (Mafia) - Get to shoot one player per Night. Share a PM.
Wynn Duffy (Godfather): Can’t be shot at Night; If Seered he will show up as a Villager.
Emmitt Arnett (Mafia Seer): Can Seer one player of his choice per Night to find out their role.
Mike Cosmatopolis (Goon)
Billy Mac (Goon)
Win Condition: Eliminate Werewolves, Arsonist, & Poisoner, as well as equal the number of remaining Villagers.
Dewey Crowe
Arsonist: Can’t be shot at Night; If Seered he will show up as a Villager. At night can choose to Prime a target (Prime: PlayerName) or Ignite to ignite all previously Primed players killing them at once. Can Ignite during the Day by posting Ignite in bold in thread. Primed players don’t know they’ve been Primed. Don’t fake Ignite in thread if you’re not the Arsonist. That’s a modkillin.
Win Condition: Survive until the final 4.
Mags Bennett
Poisoner: Can’t be shot at Night; If Seered she will show up as a Villager. Chooses a player at Night to poison. They die at the end of the next Night phase. Example, a player poisoned on N1 will die at the end of N2. Poisoned players don’t know they’ve been poisoned.
Win Condition: Survive until the final 4.
Note: It's possible for the Arsonist and the Poisoner to both win.
Raylan Givens (Seer): Can Seer one player of his choice per Night to find out their role.
Winona Hawkins (Doctor): Can protect one player of her choice per Night. Can’t self-protect. Can’t protect the same player on consecutive Nights. This protects them from death only. She isn’t told whether or not the protection was successful. Doesn’t protect from poison or fire.
Tim Gutterson (Bomb): Any player(s) targeting him at Night (any action - not necessarily for a kill) will cause him and them to die (If Seered by the evil factions, their Seer will die. If attacked by the evil factions, a random underling will die if available. If no underling is available, the evil Seer will die. If no evil Seer is available, the Head will die). Alternatively, if lynched, the last person on the Bomb’s lynch wagon will die with him. Alternatively, if shot during the Day, the player that shot him will die too.
Art Mullen (Inventor): Can send one gadget to another player per Night, which they may use the next Night. Can’t send a gadget to himself. Can’t send the same gadget a second time until they’ve all been sent once. Choices - Gun: grants target a kill the following Night. Telescope: grants target a Seer the following Night. Bullet-proof vest: grants target a protection (with the same limits as a Doc protection except it is only for their own use) for the following Day (including Day-shooting and lynching) and Night. Examples: Gun or telescope sent N1 = use on N2. Bullet-proof vest sent N1 = good for D1 and N2.
* The target is told about receiving the gadget at the start of the Day.
Deputies: Two partners that share a PM and know each other to be innocent.
Deputies: Two partners that share a PM and know each other to be innocent.
Deputies: Two partners that share a PM and know each other to be innocent.
Villagers: If you don’t receive a PM, you’re a Villager.

Goddamn woman! You only shoot people when they’re eatin’ supper? – Boyd Crowder
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