Kangaroos are splintering from within.

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Club Legend
Dec 19, 2002
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Had an interesting conversation with a member of the NMFC inner sanctum last night (Not coaching staff, but involved in football dept).

It is now obvious to me that we (NMFC) are self destructing atm.
As someone said in another thread, is it similar to early 90's in Shimma's time.

FYI, Summary of the comments that transcribed :

*A lot of blaming and finger pointing going on between departments and personel.
* Laidley's personality and manner is not inspiring confidence in many of the players or staff. (What we are seeing is reflective of what he IS like behind the closed doors)
[This to me is evidence that people are insecure and trying to protect themselves first]
*Agreed that the coaching certainly is concerned with negating opposition teams, rather than playing with an offensive plan.

* Jon Hay pre season was terrible, and is completely underdone which has alot to do with how he is performing.
* Urch is not far away, should/could play in next few weeks
* Brad Moran is a terrific athelte & deserving of a crack at AFL level.
* Monster's aptitude is a little lacking (could learn from Moran in committment stakes)
* Hale will be a champion, great skills, good committment.
* Trotter is 'ok' (not yet the star many BF's seem to think)
* Le Cras is an honest trier, that's about it.
* Swallow should be v.good, trying to improve his foot skills.
* Harris...GUN. Only negative is the size of his engine. He has always struggled to have the fitness required for midfield. But his skills at getting the ball never been questioned.
* Harding....has had enough time to prove himself, but hasn't.

* Archer a legend...it's all true.
* Colbert was a champion bloke / professional / player . V.HIGHLY respected
* McCartney was the most professional of footballers at NMFC.

IMO there must be a cleanse at the club, starting very high up. Bad, bad situation we are currently in.

Not all doom & gloom, but it was great to have a frank discussion about the state of play at NMFC currently.

FYI, at times it felt like i was talking to a bf member.
hundini said:
Had an interesting conversation with a member of the NMFC inner sanctum last night (Not coaching staff, but involved in football dept).

It is now obvious to me that we (NMFC) are self destructing atm.
As someone said in another thread, is it similar to early 90's in Shimma's time.

FYI, Summary of the comments that transcribed :

*A lot of blaming and finger pointing going on between departments and personel.
* Laidley's personality and manner is not inspiring confidence in many of the players or staff. (What we are seeing is reflective of what he IS like behind the closed doors)
[This to me is evidence that people are insecure and trying to protect themselves first]
*Agreed that the coaching certainly is concerned with negating opposition teams, rather than playing with an offensive plan.

* Jon Hay pre season was terrible, and is completely underdone which has alot to do with how he is performing.
* Urch is not far away, should/could play in next few weeks
* Brad Moran is a terrific athelte & deserving of a crack at AFL level.
* Monster's aptitude is a little lacking (could learn from Moran in committment stakes)
* Hale will be a champion, great skills, good committment.
* Trotter is 'ok' (not yet the star many BF's seem to think)
* Le Cras is an honest trier, that's about it.
* Swallow should be v.good, trying to improve his foot skills.
* Harris...GUN. Only negative is the size of his engine. He has always struggled to have the fitness required for midfield. But his skills at getting the ball never been questioned.
* Harding....has had enough time to prove himself, but hasn't.

* Archer a legend...it's all true.
* Colbert was a champion bloke / professional / player . V.HIGHLY respected
* McCartney was the most professional of footballers at NMFC.

IMO there must be a cleanse at the club, starting very high up. Bad, bad situation we are currently in.

Not all doom & gloom, but it was great to have a frank discussion about the state of play at NMFC currently.

FYI, at times it felt like i was talking to a bf member.

SO you're saying this person was fairly critical of Petrie? Either that or blindly supportive of Petrie? And definately thinks Brown is arse.

This person also thinks that Thurley, despite only four games at the club in one of our worst years is trash; that Watt is a disgrace to football in general; and also thinks that Trotter is quite possibly the next Schimma.

Did they mention anything about how Daniel Wells is a massive letdown? We've put so many years into him afterall, he's like..... 30 now? Never done anything.

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Re: Wells
He said Wells is not that keen on doing weights to build up.
But over pre-season the staff have been drumming in to him to be more confident on the field and back himself more.

Re: Gibson
He said Gibo is great! Fantastic work ethic, fitness, and body type.
A really keen kid, who should do very well.

{FYI, at times it felt like i was talking to a bf member.
Are you insinuating that people inside the club make posts on this forum?}

I meant that many of the sentiments I hold and many BF members currently have, are not dissimilar to those held by people within.
Maybe not all (incl. coach), but we are certainlky not alone in our criticisms.

I couldn't discuss every player...to be honest I have't spoken footy to anyone for most of this year becasue I am so dissiusioned by AFL (incl.North) this year.
hundini said:
Re: Wells
He said Wells is not that keen on doing weights to build up.
But over pre-season the staff have been drumming in to him to be more confident on the field and back himself more.

{FYI, at times it felt like i was talking to a bf member.
Are you insinuating that people inside the club make posts on this forum?}

I meant that many of the sentiments I hold and many BF members currently have, are not dissimilar to those held by people within.
Maybe not all (incl. coach), but we are certainlky not alone in our criticisms.

I couldn't discuss every player...to be honest I have't spoken footy to anyone for most of this year becasue I am so dissiusioned by AFL (incl.North) this year.

So I take it you have informed the club of the name of the bloke from within that is white anting the coach and club in the process???
Rooboy 96 said:
So I take it you have informed the club of the name of the bloke from within that is white anting the coach and club in the process???

Ease up. Hundini has an in-depth chat with someone who professes to know a bit about the club and he expresses his opinions which Hundini reports in good faith for the interest of all of us.

And some of you want Hundini to file a report to the North Melbourne secret police.

If that's the sort of thing that Dean encourages we may as well close the doors right now. Imagine if Gibbo had said something negative to silkykanga down at the Prince of Wales (see other thread). You'd be wanting Gibbo reported to Laids. For God's sake!!!!!
Rooboy 96 said:
So I take it you have informed the club of the name of the bloke from within that is white anting the coach and club in the process???

Rooboy.... IMO nothing said was savage or detrimental to the current state of the club. A few insights in to the situation of some present & past players and also the off field reactions to 2006 on field performance.

No need for you to over react. Nothing I mentioned is groundbreaking stuff :confused:
But I was excited to here about Moran & Urch being able for a likely start soon.
Mr Reliable said:
You'd be wanting Gibbo reported to Laids. For God's sake!!!!!

dead right... Gibson can have any opinion he wants... but until North Melbourne stop paying his wage... he should be keeping it to himself... why do you thinking North said "see ya later" to Pikey???
hundini said:
Rooboy.... IMO nothing said was savage or detrimental to the current state of the club. A few insights in to the situation of some present & past players and also the off field reactions to 2006 on field performance.

No need for you to over react. Nothing I mentioned is groundbreaking stuff :confused:
But I was excited to here about Moran & Urch being able for a likely start soon.

so hundini... does this bloke talk just to you or does he provide a few insights about the working of our club to anyone that shows a glimpse of interest??? I too am excited to hear about Moran...

and if it is not savage or detrimental why did you write "It is now obvious to me that we (NMFC) are self destructing atm." he must have said something to make you think that...
Rooboy 96 said:
dead right... Gibson can have any opinion he wants... but until North Melbourne stop paying his wage... he should be keeping it to himself... why do you thinking North said "see ya later" to Pikey???

Didn't Pikey bag the coach's son, who wasn't half the footballer that Pikey was, would not have got a game on any other list and ended up being delisted? Didn't Pikey go on to prove (was it three times) that he still had something to offer as a footballer despite his fall from grace under Deni$?

And there's a huge difference between mouthing off to some newshound who's going to report it in the media and chatting to a fellow supporter who, at worst, is going to pass it on to the North Board on Big Footy.:rolleyes:
hundini said:
Re: Gibson
He said Gibo is great! Fantastic work ethic, fitness, and body type.
A really keen kid, who should do very well.
Believe it people. He put his hand up to play on O'Laughlin when we played the Swans. He just wants to prove to the "Football World" that he is capable of playing well at this level.

In regards to player development this season. Gibson has been a positive for Dean Laidley.
Mr Reliable said:
Didn't Pikey bag the coach's son, who wasn't half the footballer that Pikey was, would not have got a game on any other list and ended up being delisted?

no he bagged the coach for playing his son infront of Pikey... had one big cry to the Age (one of the most perfectic articles I have ever read in the age) if I remember correctly...

Mr Reliable said:
Didn't Pikey go on to prove (was it three times) that he still had something to offer as a footballer despite his fall from grace under Deni$?

and this proves what???

here we have people saying the club is bigger then the player... unless the player agrees with me...

Mr Reliable said:
And there's a huge difference between mouthing off to some newshound who's going to report it in the media and chatting to a fellow supporter who, at worst, is going to pass it on to the North Board on Big Footy.:rolleyes:

there is no difference at all... a true united front is needed now and not some bloke pretending to support the club and then bagging the coach and club when he feels like it... people like this do not deserve to be on the inner sanctum of the club... and in all truth can be attributed to some of the blame for the way our club is playing this year...
Someone bagging the club as mildly as this is the least of our problems.

I am still in shock at how we are playing this year. I cannot believe how far backward we have gone this year.

What is really going on?? Something is. I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

A team doesn't have a turnaround like this for no reason. Like everyone I have heard a thousand rumours and I don't have any actual evidence that confirms any one of them.

What is an absolute certainty though is that we will find out soon because this cannot go on. There is something rotting the spirit of the club and it better become clear soon so we can get rid of it.

I use to hate the experts referring to our "Shinboner's Spirit" but I miss it now that it has gone and as a fully paid member I want to know why.

I am not going to call for anyone's head. I don't know if it's Dean or if it's the leadership group, or what but whoever it is, be honest about it and GO. LEAVE US to recover and get on with it.

It might even be an issue splitting the club, ie. the relocation issue. If so, decide quickly and get on with it or the Gold Coast won't want us and we will have nothing here.

I just hate us being like this. It so un-Shinboner that it makes me feel sick.

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Kangaroolz said:
Someone bagging the club as mildly as this is the least of our problems.

you have to realise what someone from the inside bagging the club will lead to...

Kangaroolz said:
I just hate us being like this. It so un-Shinboner that it makes me feel sick.

just ask yourself one question... would someone like Leigh Colbert bag the club like this??? I doubt it very much... and that is why this sort of crap makes me sick to the stomach and why the club should be told of this bloke... so every last bit of cancer in our club can be cut out and discarded of... telling stories about the club is definately not shinboner like...
Rooboy 96 said:
just ask yourself one question... would someone like Leigh Colbert bag the club like this??? I doubt it very much... and that is why this sort of crap makes me sick to the stomach and why the club should be told of this bloke... so every last bit of cancer in our club can be cut out and discarded of... telling stories about the club is definately not shinboner like...
Yup. Problems should be solved in house. I have no probs with hundini posting it if that's what he was told, but if I was Laids/Walshy and someone was sprouting that off, he'd be shown the door. He's part of the problem.
Reading the boards, it seems that for every person who has inside information that Laidley has lost the players, there's someone else who has inside information that the players love Laidley. And it's not your garden variety trolls making these comments - they are coming from people who have a history on Bigfooty as being posters with good reputations and who don't want to see the club run down by anyone.

About the only thing we do know is that through the history of footy, all the dirty linen comes out when a team is performing poorly. It wasn't that long ago that the media was making comments about Collingwood's poor seasons after their GF defeats and how Malthouse had lost the players. No-one is saying it now.
Shinboners said:
Reading the boards, it seems that for every person who has inside information that Laidley has lost the players, there's someone else who has inside information that the players love Laidley. And it's not your garden variety trolls making these comments - they are coming from people who have a history on Bigfooty as being posters with good reputations and who don't want to see the club run down by anyone.

About the only thing we do know is that through the history of footy, all the dirty linen comes out when a team is performing poorly. It wasn't that long ago that the media was making comments about Collingwood's poor seasons after their GF defeats and how Malthouse had lost the players. No-one is saying it now.

The difference here is that Dean has always had questions raised about him from the inside after his debut year misfire with many questioning his direction but having faith it will come together. There is just more resolve to do something about it now.
Dingster said:
Yup. Problems should be solved in house. I have no probs with hundini posting it if that's what he was told, but if I was Laids/Walshy and someone was sprouting that off, he'd be shown the door. He's part of the problem.

Perhaps you can be right....
I beg to differ somewhat Dingster. I recall Jess Sinclair making a comment that led to JYD's nickname becoming the 'Bible' as just a prime example that early signs of cracks appearing in JYD's communication...I know it's water under the bridge now but I feel that the 'throw the birth certificates out' comment have come back to haunt JYD and players are bamboozled and seething the way JYD is continually backflipping on his words... nothing is consistant and it shows that the STABILITY our club has suffered in the process....our players have always been a tight bunch...no longer the case and I think RESPECT has been stretched in the process...
Moti said:
The difference here is that Dean has always had questions raised about him from the inside after his debut year misfire with many questioning his direction but having faith it will come together. There is just more resolve to do something about it now.

What does this mean?

'..debut year misfire'??

The Zebra said:
What does this mean?

'..debut year misfire'??


He publically stated after his first year that he chased finals and did not follow his original plan of setting up the next generation. I think after this he made King retire and this was to be the first step in restoring a generational mentality to the Roos.

Revisiting the statement, he has continued down this path, albeit not quite as briskly, but the result is eerily similar, that we are no closer to developing a generational team.

There were querries raised at the time about the methods employed at that time and they have resurfaced with a louder voice now.
Moti said:
The difference here is that Dean has always had questions raised about him from the inside after his debut year misfire with many questioning his direction but having faith it will come together. There is just more resolve to do something about it now.

Debut year misfire? He took an aging list that need rehauling and almost got us to the finals.

There have been few, if any, murmings about Laidley until this year. Before that, I think most people involved with North were willing to give him a go and the strategy he had.

Moti said:
There were querries raised at the time about the methods employed at that time and they have resurfaced with a louder voice now.

Who raised these queries? The media? Those within the club? North fans?
What we need to do is show continued support at a time where we are at a low point.

Everyone is entitled to there opinion but when or if this person is a key figure around the club, they shouldnt be bagging aspects of the club but show continued support.

We dont wanna start showing the traits of the Richmond FC and continue to fight.

Laidley is :confused: at a majority of the times, but the most important thing is that we hear a clear direction the club wants to take from the board in regards to game plans recruitment and the likes so we know where we are at and what to focus on.

Because it looks like there is no long term vision which is giving the media a field day. Its frustrating how things are but we need to be patient
Shinboners said:
Who raised these queries? The media? Those within the club? North fans?

See my last post for the answer to this. As I said, he is on record as saying he was wrong to focus on finals.

In regards to other times, 1 insider (business) said after the first year that he liked Dean and thought he would work out but that what he said was his direction for the club didn't marry up to what was produced during 2003.

This was a common theme through 04 and 05 when after the finals, they started to question whether we could sustain the lack of growth in some players.

I guess this year would be the same, although the grumblings I have heard is not from this same guy.
Moti said:
See my last post for the answer to this. As I said, he is on record as saying he was wrong to focus on finals.

In regards to other times, 1 insider (business) said after the first year that he liked Dean and thought he would work out but that what he said was his direction for the club didn't marry up to what was produced during 2003.

This was a common theme through 04 and 05 when after the finals, they started to question whether we could sustain the lack of growth in some players.

I guess this year would be the same, although the grumblings I have heard is not from this same guy.

It's funny you know....when Aylett was at the helm, things seemed so much clearer. And Aylett expressed genuine faith & confidence in Laidley. Although only 6 months since Aylett has handed over the reins, things seem vastly different at North this year.
So hundini have you rang dean and let him know who the traitor at the club is??? you could even send an anonimous letter if you felt some misplaced loyalty to this traitor...

or do you prefer to allow the cancer to grow from within???

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Kangaroos are splintering from within.

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