Meltdown Kardinia Park Globetrotters vs Brown Paper Bag Generals

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Like a Harry McKay drop punt, the SHITbaggers are all over the shop.

I asked you to specifically bring receipts, now you appear to be crying like the little bitch that you’ve always been.
I played checkers with your infantile intellect, then switched to chess, in your immortal pathetic ignorance, all you’ve shown me is tears of the beaten!
Now, I agree, my football club has been abjectly shite since the year 2000, we essentially gave the entire planet, 29 years to catch up or surpass us, has that occurred, no, no it hasn’t, has it been difficult to watch, hmmmn, yeah, is your mob the greatest of all, no, no it isn’t, it is an empty inane lyric created to keep nuffies like you buying into a product that is inferior.
We won’t kick 3.8 in the first quarter again next time.
And your old campaigners won’t be able to hobble into a finals series in 2024, Dangerfield is cooked, half your list is cooked, aaaawwwww reality sux!

That's quite a milt

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I'm not even going to read that, finished with your sulking.
Thats because you incapable of reading beyond a ****ing TikTok chimp show.
Your an idiot as proven!
Stupidity at its finest served up as a firefighter!
Criminally intellectually flaccid and a **** incapable of erection!
You’ve been served!
Well well well, CarlscumMeltsi isn’t real good at this Bay13 stuff is he? Just seems to get angry and melt everywhere.
Then he claims hers running rings around everyone View attachment 1975614View attachment 1975614
And you are?
Oh, another nobody with a 2000 some posts.
The Marjorie Taylor Greene of Big Footy!
The “UMAD” embecile!
Faaaaaark me!
It’s like throwing dwarfs here Dinsdale, maybe this joint “should” fold?

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Sounds a lot like what Collingwood are facing this year

Except Bay catflogs spent literally the entire H&A season last year saying they were just one Kardinia Park game away from making finals 🤣

You can cry, you can beg, you can plead, you can sacrifice some poor Melbourne street cat to the dark gods of football (you probably do that already) but the fact remains that Geelong will make the 8 again this year, as usual.

spell it... C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E---D-O-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N

I hope we get another Cats - Pies classic in the Finals

The Geelong Supremacy is back. It's what happens at the end of the season that counts, as you'll find out to your displeasure. And on that score Geelong is the team you fear the most in finals. Happy for you to claim the title of April champions I prefer being PREMIERS at the end of the season.

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