KDFL - Pre-Season 2010

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So you admit that you shopped yourself around to some country clubs, and that you are on good coin ( but for fair less than somewhere else :rolleyes:, Tat surely wouldn't make the same mistake twice), but then you go on about it being due to Terry's passion?
Must've been the same passion from MM that got a heap of mercenaries to Murchison a few years ago before they imploded in the finals.

Good luck.

Undera are looking the goods to go back to back next year with some keys signings in recent weeks topping up the list nicely.

Lots of speculation and innuendo regarding player payments at the minute. Not sure what Undera and gents in questions settled on but I can confirm a president of another KDFL club spoke with these same players and they had requested a packaged deal of $1400 a game for thier services.
well i hate 2 be the bairrier of bad news but i really dont think longwood will fill 2 sides this year i know of atleast 7 players leavein last years 1's side and we never had a full 2nd's side every1 thats leaveing has been called dead wood but when you pull dead wood of a house you have 2 replace it or your house will fall down
Dead wood?? Not from what i hear! Seems to me like the so called 'dead wood' that are leaving the club are some of the heart and soul of the team. I am worried about the future of this club at the moment as i see there beeing a huge issue with filling 2 sides on a suturday. I know its only December and there are still 4 or 5 months till round 1, but things need to turn around dramatically if anything is to change!
Undera are looking the goods to go back to back next year with some keys signings in recent weeks topping up the list nicely.

Lots of speculation and innuendo regarding player payments at the minute. Not sure what Undera and gents in questions settled on but I can confirm a president of another KDFL club spoke with these same players and they had requested a packaged deal of $1400 a game for thier services.

Who really cares what these players are getting or arent getting!! No one but the inner sanctum of the undera football club knows what is going on at there club and other teams and opponents really wouldnt have a clue?? I say good luck to them and i bet if it was happening to the team you are in and are a strong chance for a flag then you wouldnt be sooking?? All the best mm

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Who really cares what these players are getting or arent getting!! No one but the inner sanctum of the undera football club knows what is going on at there club and other teams and opponents really wouldnt have a clue?? I say good luck to them and i bet if it was happening to the team you are in and are a strong chance for a flag then you wouldnt be sooking?? All the best mm

Thanks Give,

Hopefully that puts an end to it.


Who really cares what these players are getting or arent getting!! No one but the inner sanctum of the undera football club knows what is going on at there club and other teams and opponents really wouldnt have a clue?? I say good luck to them and i bet if it was happening to the team you are in and are a strong chance for a flag then you wouldnt be sooking?? All the best mm

I knew you'd weigh into this one Giveitawash, the topic is your pet hate...incidently, I agree with you.
cmon ballbags u nearly sunk your last club with the coin you were dished out

Easy big fella, i think we both know how the transactions work between me and football clubs, I pay them, through the bar. I think most of your "wage" goes directly back to the club via the same route..
$800. I wouldnt take the pay cut. Lol. Seriously mate Id love to know where you get these figures from. I wish I was on that but nobody in this league would or should be paid anywhere near that. We wouldnt be driving 2 hours to play for nothing but those figures are rediculous. We are not playing up there for the money. I have been offered the same money around the corner from my house. Just so you know, Ive always wanted to play bush footy but never had anybody to do it with and now I do. The opportunity to train in Melbourne when I want and to do what I want is the main reason for the decision

And there in lies the problem. By all means take whatever you are offered but anything above petrol money should make you feel obliged to put some local time in on the track. How about taking the juniors on some nights and taking aside some of the older players and developing them as well. Some players think that recycling the cash by putting it over the bar ends their obligations, is that where the future of country footy lies? Don't forget that every club has supporters and fundraisers from not so long ago who may have played good footy in strong leagues and received very little in the way of coin!
In all honesty, I find it quite disappointing that you'd slag your own club Cletus. I'm not sure what other committee's you've been around but from what i know from playing at another KDFL club and what i hear from other clubs, we're not too bad..there has been a few moments that most at the club are aware of though. I still don't think that getting on this public forum and being negative about your own club is a smart move. Bigfooty, I thought, was about promoting your club? I'd like to think that being in early December with recruits on the track, trying to decide whether to play for us, that you wouldn't be in their ear telling them that our committee is as bad as Longwoods...
As Lastline said, we're on the right track on the field. I'm not privy to the information you would recieve internally obviously, but, that being so, are you not a committee member yourself?

I haven't been on other committee's, but I have been around other clubs, and I have had a number of family members run clubs both seniors & juniors, and one of the things that struck me when I compare how my family ran clubs, and what they put in place and compare that to Murchison, and one of the major things was that they were prepared to try different things, had a real urge to improve the club from the facilities, sponsorship, membership to the playing group, and had a vision of where they wanted their club's to be at in the medium to long turn future, and strove head first to achieve it.

And one of the things that Murchison needs to improve on is the medium to long term, because it's all focused on the day to day (although it should be the main focus of any club, it should not be the only focus, because a lack of vision, equals a lack of success), although the club has drawn up plans to update their change rooms, and have done, or on the verge of improving other facilities around the ground, a more progressive, forward thinking club would've had all of these plans done already (although Murch has more unique circumstances than most, I feel that this is more an excuse than a reason).

And that's where we fall apart, we lack vision and imagination, because it seems that the club accepts this because we know no other way, but I won't accept mediocrity, and it sits uncomfortably with me the thought that when the last time Murchison was successful, the album "Thriller" was released, back when MJ was still alive and still black.

I want the club to be the best it can be, and it isn't there right now (although in a number of ways, we are going in the right direction, but we can do better), and it's not an act of disloyalty to say so, as long as we take a great leap forward towards innovation, leadership and success based on solid foundations.

We have it there, the question is whether we have the iron will to do it.
dead wood (rooten wood) if you find bit's of it in you house you replace it so that your house stays strong and wont fall down longwood wouldn't even pay a 100 plus gvfl goal kicker 300 a game so how they are going 2 replace the likes of chris chee john pert and troy withers without offering money is beyond me they really need 2 realise the the level of footy bonnie doon play last year is mid kdfl and thier average winning margin was 190 pionts over the rest off the benalla and distric football league
dead wood (rooten wood) if you find bit's of it in you house you replace it so that your house stays strong and wont fall down longwood wouldn't even pay a 100 plus gvfl goal kicker 300 a game so how they are going 2 replace the likes of chris chee john pert and troy withers without offering money is beyond me they really need 2 realise the the level of footy bonnie doon play last year is mid kdfl and thier average winning margin was 190 pionts over the rest off the benalla and distric football league

:eek: what you talking about Willis
Certainly has been a lot of DRIBBLE on here over the last week. Was going to start a discussion on sacked coaches but that probably would have gotten me a life ban.

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dead wood (rooten wood) if you find bit's of it in you house you replace it so that your house stays strong and wont fall down longwood wouldn't even pay a 100 plus gvfl goal kicker 300 a game so how they are going 2 replace the likes of chris chee john pert and troy withers without offering money is beyond me they really need 2 realise the the level of footy bonnie doon play last year is mid kdfl and thier average winning margin was 190 pionts over the rest off the benalla and distric football league
Who's saying Longwood wont be paying any players??
You sure their payment plane last year wasnt to save money to be spending this year?
Also from the few games I saw Troy and Patch were the only players I say worth anything.
Time for you boys started sticking the poots somewhere else!!!!
Who really cares what these players are getting or arent getting!! No one but the inner sanctum of the undera football club knows what is going on at there club and other teams and opponents really wouldnt have a clue?? I say good luck to them and i bet if it was happening to the team you are in and are a strong chance for a flag then you wouldnt be sooking?? All the best mm

Think you may need to re-read my post giveitawash, not sure where it insinuated I was sooking? :confused: Merely posting a fact and contributing to the banter of previous posts on the topic.

Anyway, for what its worth I believe Undera have made a good investment judging by the calible of players they have been able to recruit, especially given they're a massive chance for the flag again. At the end of day when it comes to money and footy, all clubs pay players (except Longwood) and generally only the player & club will be privy to this information - I say good luck to both the players and clubs involved.

By the way my team should be thereabouts come finals.... :thumbsu:
Think you may need to re-read my post giveitawash, not sure where it insinuated I was sooking? :confused: Merely posting a fact and contributing to the banter of previous posts on the topic.

Anyway, for what its worth I believe Undera have made a good investment judging by the calible of players they have been able to recruit, especially given they're a massive chance for the flag again. At the end of day when it comes to money and footy, all clubs pay players (except Longwood) and generally only the player & club will be privy to this information - I say good luck to both the players and clubs involved.

By the way my team should be thereabouts come finals.... :thumbsu:

And katandra ;):thumbsu:
dead wood (rooten wood) if you find bit's of it in you house you replace it so that your house stays strong and wont fall down longwood wouldn't even pay a 100 plus gvfl goal kicker 300 a game so how they are going 2 replace the likes of chris chee john pert and troy withers without offering money is beyond me they really need 2 realise the the level of footy bonnie doon play last year is mid kdfl and thier average winning margin was 190 pionts over the rest off the benalla and distric football league

What Willis88 is saying is correct, any players leaving, regardless of their quality need to be replaced. With the recruiting strategy being employed by Longwood this year, it seems that the task of building a team that can compete at KDFL level will be made more difficult because their first hurdle will be to get 18 players on the field.

Who's saying Longwood wont be paying any players??
You sure their payment plane last year wasnt to save money to be spending this year?
Also from the few games I saw Troy and Patch were the only players I say worth anything.
Time for you boys started sticking the poots somewhere else!!!!

As for not spending any money on players, look at the reasons behind the change in coach. The ex coach has cited an unwillingness by the club to spend money on players as reason for his departure. Either the club hasn’t got the money or they (like carrot) are stuck in the 60’s and believe the crap that players will come for the love of the jumper.
I’d also say those comments suggest you didn’t see many games, as there were some very solid contributions from a number of other players. It’s also interesting to note that key committee members thought so highly of one of the two players you mentioned that they tried to sack him as captain mid way through the year and are now trying undermine current coaching staff in the hope of taking over coaching roles. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Bigfooty gives people a forum to discuss clubs performance each year, unfortunately when the performance is bad players are going to say so.
The answers simple, smarten up your act or cop the bad publicity.
And there in lies the problem. By all means take whatever you are offered but anything above petrol money should make you feel obliged to put some local time in on the track. How about taking the juniors on some nights and taking aside some of the older players and developing them as well. Some players think that recycling the cash by putting it over the bar ends their obligations, is that where the future of country footy lies? Don't forget that every club has supporters and fundraisers from not so long ago who may have played good footy in strong leagues and received very little in the way of coin!

Just in case you live on Mars mate, I live 2 hours away so its not like I can pop in and take the juniors for training. And what do you mean is that where the future of country footy lies? Players from metro comps have been playing country footy and not training for years mate so Im not sure where your thoughts are with this statement. And Im sure that if a couple of players from Melbourne can help a club win a flag then the supporters and sponsors wont mind too much that we dont train with the group.

So you wouldnt allow guys from Melbourne to come and play at your club if you thought they would be valuable additions, and do their own training down here? I think you have jumped on the wagon to pot us. If the culture of the club was in jeopardy by getting half a side up there that didnt train then there is some merit in what you say, but 2 guys is hardly going to rip the fabric of the club apart.
dead wood (rooten wood) if you find bit's of it in you house you replace it so that your house stays strong and wont fall down longwood wouldn't even pay a 100 plus gvfl goal kicker 300 a game so how they are going 2 replace the likes of chris chee john pert and troy withers without offering money is beyond me they really need 2 realise the the level of footy bonnie doon play last year is mid kdfl and thier average winning margin was 190 pionts over the rest off the benalla and distric football league
Thanks for the plug mate, but i can assure you it has nothing to do with $$! I have played all these years coz i love the Longwood footy club.
Just in case you live on Mars mate, I live 2 hours away so its not like I can pop in and take the juniors for training. And what do you mean is that where the future of country footy lies? Players from metro comps have been playing country footy and not training for years mate so Im not sure where your thoughts are with this statement. And Im sure that if a couple of players from Melbourne can help a club win a flag then the supporters and sponsors wont mind too much that we dont train with the group.

So you wouldnt allow guys from Melbourne to come and play at your club if you thought they would be valuable additions, and do their own training down here? I think you have jumped on the wagon to pot us. If the culture of the club was in jeopardy by getting half a side up there that didnt train then there is some merit in what you say, but 2 guys is hardly going to rip the fabric of the club apart.

Totally agree with the big Beazer here. Whats the harm in a couple of players travelling from Melbourne to play country footy? He has mentioned in previous posts that he will be training in Melbs so its not as if he is getting paid to come here and play and not doing the hard yards to deserve it. I can assure you Undera wouldnt be the only team with current players travelling far distances just for match day. There would be plenty of players running around in this league that cannot commit to weekday trainings for one reason or another so they decide to make up the lost ground in there own time
Beazer, why not be quiet for a while! Give it maybe till rd10 next year then people will will have formed their own opinion of you and what you bring to the Undera football club. Your actions will speak louder than anything you write on here! You guys have been recruited to do a job, but it doesn't start for a few months. Show us what ya made of then!
What Willis88 is saying is correct, any players leaving, regardless of their quality need to be replaced. With the recruiting strategy being employed by Longwood this year, it seems that the task of building a team that can compete at KDFL level will be made more difficult because their first hurdle will be to get 18 players on the field.

Why do Longwood have to have 3rds. How did Ardmona's 3rds go last year? Or the year before that, and that, and that........................
Personaly wouldnt think it was in footballs best interest for Longwood to have a 3rds side.
Whats Longwoods recruiting strategy? They dont even have a coach!

As for not spending any money on players, look at the reasons behind the change in coach. The ex coach has cited an unwillingness by the club to spend money on players as reason for his departure. Either the club hasn’t got the money or they (like carrot) are stuck in the 60’s and believe the crap that players will come for the love of the jumper.
I’d also say those comments suggest you didn’t see many games, as there were some very solid contributions from a number of other players. It’s also interesting to note that key committee members thought so highly of one of the two players you mentioned that they tried to sack him as captain mid way through the year and are now trying undermine current coaching staff in the hope of taking over coaching roles. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Bigfooty gives people a forum to discuss clubs performance each year, unfortunately when the performance is bad players are going to say so.
The answers simple, smarten up your act or cop the bad publicity.

bad publicity seems to be coming on fairly strong against Longwood and all their trying to do is survive as a Football Club. They were heading the wrong way and its good to see their doing their best to go foward and not backwards. In my first year there Ive turned up to training in Feb. There were 3-5 players training and no coach to be seen. A few weeks into training the Pres came to me and said "the coach has resigned and left the country but Im fairly sure its all going to be ok". And this was late Feb. We did get a coach and a few player who could play and won the GF by about 10 goals.
Ive just checked and its only early December, so theres still a few months till the start of the season.
Stop getting on here and banging on how bad Longwoods actions and recruiting is going. Give them a chance to replace their coach and get on with the job. And all these players who are leaving why not wait and see who gets the job and what they have to offer the club.
And there in lies the problem. By all means take whatever you are offered but anything above petrol money should make you feel obliged to put some local time in on the track. How about taking the juniors on some nights and taking aside some of the older players and developing them as well. Some players think that recycling the cash by putting it over the bar ends their obligations, is that where the future of country footy lies? Don't forget that every club has supporters and fundraisers from not so long ago who may have played good footy in strong leagues and received very little in the way of coin!

As long as the new blokes join in with the rest of the boys at the bar after games can't see a problem.
Beazer, why not be quiet for a while! Give it maybe till rd10 next year then people will will have formed their own opinion of you and what you bring to the Undera football club. Your actions will speak louder than anything you write on here! You guys have been recruited to do a job, but it doesn't start for a few months. Show us what ya made of then!

:thumbsu::thumbsu: Well said Jim
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