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- #401
Interesting point about Prince Philip not having a brother but three of his sisters married German aristocrats who became leading figures in the Nazi party. The photo they showed was him at 16 in 1937 in a funeral procession for one of the sisters tragically killed in a small plane crash with her husband, two children and son that she gave birth to on the plane, surrounded by relatives in Nazi uniforms.Yep, I really liked that bit of it; it sent be down a rabbit hole for a couple of hours which resulted in me finding, among a lot of other stuff, this neat summary:
The Larouche thing is a whole other story that leads to videos with his ex-NSA mates who talk about 9/11 and other things.
I'm a conspiracy theory novice, so go easy on me. I read Behold A Pale Horse when I was young and it spooked me a bit. Lolzoezs. There was no internet back then for me to find out more about it, so I spent a few weeks virtually looking over my shoulder. The only reassurance I got was Moore's comment that the only thing stopping the NWO was the level of gun ownership in the US.
Also, I haven't got hours and hours to get right into it on forums, however......
Everything up to Watergate is very believable, and much of it indisputable. In fact, there's so much dodgy bullshit about Kennedy's killing that alternative conclusions should no longer be called "conspiracy theories", because the term gives people the wrong impression.
My first "hmm, hang on.." moment came when he started talking about Kennedy's body being switched with Tipett's, because it sounds like a wacky movie plot, but who knows what devious sh1t the Yanks were capable of back then?!
Did he say that Reagan's shooting was orchestrated by the cabal? Hmmm.
I find it very hard to believe that Princess Di was murdered, and I struggle with 9/11 being an inside job, even though the top dogs 'enjoyed' many of the consequences.
Also, this might be nitpicking, because it's a very small piece of Richard Conolly's large puzzle, but: while there's no denying the British Monarchy's close ties with Germany, he took it a big step further at the 25-min mark when he said that Prince Philip's brother was head of the SS!! This is so wrong it's amusing. Phil The Greek never had a brother; he had four sisters. The closest to this being true is that one of his brothers-in-law, Prince Christoph of Hesse, was an Oberfuhrer in the SS which, at least for a time before the war, was the 6th-highest SS ranking, after Reichsfuhrer, Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer, Obergruppenfuhrer, Gruppenfuhrer and Brigadefuhrer. Prince Christoph had a brother named Philipp, but he was Prince Philipp, Langrove of Hesse. Simple mistake? It's a big one for a middle-aged Pom to make while constructing such a story, and it makes me wonder if his doco contains more errors.
Another BIL turned against Hitler and was part of the officers plot that tried to assassinate him. The BIL also died in a plane crash in 1943. He was a director in the Third Reich Air Ministry, an SS colonel (oberfuhrer = senior colonel?) and a chief of Goering’s secret intelligence service – responsible for spying on anti-Nazis. However whatever else Philip is, I think much of that was out of his control.
The information about the Kennedy assassination was in my opinion accurate in most ways. I thought there was some information that seemed shocking and I hadn't considered it but could make sense with Tippet (the person described as Oswald seeing him being shot by a short stocky man and running away thinking he was going to be framed). Would not have thought Tippet being used as a body double, but it was strange they insisted on having the swearing in of LBJ immediately on AF1 and Jackie had to be there. However while I'd heard of many shooters from CIA and mob, car stopping which and film edited, having the head shot from an underground position doesn't fit the angle he was hit and the injury.
I haven't read Beyond a Pale Horse, but came to believe Oswald was a patsy from reading "Lee and Me" by Judith Vary Baker.
The reason I asked about what in the last 30 min you found strange, I thought the information about CIA plots including Northwoods and war games as a front for planning real false flags, supportive background for what happened on 9/11.