Kenneth Smith To Be Executed By Nitrogen Gas in Alabama, USA

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In the video I posted there was an expert that refuted that.
He is wrong.
Again, think about how long you can hold your breath, even then its the rising C02 that forces you to breathe, not the fall in O2, it's still at a reasonable level after a minute or so.
He is wrong.
Again, think about how long you can hold your breath, even then its the rising C02 that forces you to breathe, not the fall in O2, it's still at a reasonable level after a minute or so.

I don't think you'd notice it was happening, unless you held your breath thinking it was nitrogen poisoning that was going to kill you. You'll flap around like a panicking fish in that scenario.

If you're having a chat with someone outside the pod while they pretend to get the settings together but in actuality they are just telling you that it's not starting for another ten minutes while they wait for the nitrogen to connect so you relax and wait.

But you'd just slip away into unconsciousness.

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I am still staggered as to why no sedation was given. I mean just administer a massive sedative and then go through the process. I’ve had some surgeries before for broken bones and ruptured ligaments etc, stuff where they are opening you up, you fall asleep within seconds. Literally seconds.

I can only think it was deliberate not to give him a sedative.
Dunno why the US always attempts new ways of killing people by going more and more high tech

One may consider that they are nervous of getting blood on their hands and introducing more and more elements to isolate the indivdual agency in the cessation of someones life

Historically, and in the West, hanging has a well researched and exact body of evidence to support it, the weights vs drops, the brass ring positioned under the left ear , the pre stretched and greased rope to produce an almost instant death,

The firing squad with the coup d'grace is apparently well regarded in non British heritage cultures

Ive always thought that the jury that found the person guilty should be in charge of the execution, they heard and saw the evidence and made their judgement.

The foreman could pull the lever or all 12 could be given a gun

At least it would ensure than the verdict was beyond reasonable doubt
Just get a doctor to OD them with barbituates. Humane, quick and cheap. Plenty of doctors would put their hands up to rid the world of trash (and plenty wouldn't).
Just get a doctor to OD them with barbituates. Humane, quick and cheap. Plenty of doctors would put their hands up to rid the world of trash (and plenty wouldn't).

And if those doctors have their licence to practice stripped by their administration boards for doing that?

Not worth it.
Are you certain that would happen in every state of America that supports the death penalty?

Advocacy groups campaign on the idea that a doctor using their knowledge to make the passing of someone sentenced to die as peaceful and merciful as possible represents a breach of their code of ethics resulting in their suspension by their boards.

I don't think it will be the case in every state of the US, but there will be a point at which there is nobody willing to take the risk to provide that service to those people.

Meaning the advocacy groups taking away the softly drifting off to a peaceful end is the reason the state has to explore more violent or messy means.
Dunno why the US always attempts new ways of killing people by going more and more high tech

One may consider that they are nervous of getting blood on their hands and introducing more and more elements to isolate the indivdual agency in the cessation of someones life

Historically, and in the West, hanging has a well researched and exact body of evidence to support it, the weights vs drops, the brass ring positioned under the left ear , the pre stretched and greased rope to produce an almost instant death,

The firing squad with the coup d'grace is apparently well regarded in non British heritage cultures

Ive always thought that the jury that found the person guilty should be in charge of the execution, they heard and saw the evidence and made their judgement.

The foreman could pull the lever or all 12 could be given a gun

At least it would ensure than the verdict was beyond reasonable doubt
Is hanging really that instant?

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They’ve tried some really eccentric ways to kill people; electrocution, gas, lethal injection, nitrogen hypoxia. There were concerns a few years back when Tennessee went through a spate of electrocutions that the chair would malfunction. The gas chamber is a disaster. Cyanide gas to kill someone would be very nasty, and nasty to watch. The last two aren’t guaranteed quick deaths either.

Honestly, firing squad. 5 bullets in the chest. Bit of mess but pretty swift.
I am not sure how the university professor is wrong and you’re right.
Published papers for animal euthanasia suggest 20-30 seconds for unconsciousness with N2 suffocation if they breath normally, much longer if they can hold their breathe. Perhaps the good professor regards 20-30 seconds as a 'few seconds', I don't. N2 suffocation is not regarded as a humane way to euthanasia laboratory animals.

I saw your point about sedation and I agree, I don't see why they couldn't be sedated as well.

When euthanising animals after experiments, you do it by administering CO2 and inducing CO2 narcosis by filling their cage with CO2. The animals are unconscious in a few minutes, it is generally regarded as the most humane method of euthanasia, because the animals are not stressed by handling, injections, physical trauma etc. There are a few folks who disagree but having done it many times I have never seen a rat appear distressed, they quietly go to sleep. It seems we treat animals more humanely in this setting than people.
An inhumane death is possiby more of a deterrent!

Before (re-) introducing capital punishment, I'd like to see a comfort-free prison existence trialled.

I get the rehabilitation angle and the Scandinavian open prison model, but for heinous crimes involving murder, rape, DV, child abuse, etc, I'm keen for the incarcerated to have no access at all to screens of any description, access to print media, education in any form, personal items in cells, etc.

If you are convicted of such a crime beyond reasonable doubt, your 3x3m, basic bed with minimal bedding, a toilet bowl, and that's it. No table, no chair, no shelf, no pictures, no stationery. No visitors. No interactions.

If that hastens the path to ill health and a shorter lifespan, there's a bonus for the state in $$$ terms.

Basically, conviction of a defined list of heinous crimes, and the state and society forget you ever existed.

This conflicts with my predominantly progressive views, but there has to be a line where criminality exceeds redemption for serious crimes, and partly for the benefit of the victim/s family and friends that punishment is just that - not just excluded from society, but excluded from stimulation and accessibility.
... there has to be a line where criminality exceeds redemption for serious crimes, and partly for the benefit of the victim/s family and friends that punishment is just that - not just excluded from society, but excluded from stimulation and accessibility.
Yep, fully agree, and that would be likely to deter some potential offenders.
It’s called the Hippocratic oath. I don’t believe they can. They also aren’t going to make time in their schedules to do that. They’re professionals, not amateurs.

They are putting them to sleep.

Not killing them personally.

No different to assisted euthanasia.

They are going to die regardless.
They are putting them to sleep.

Not killing them personally.

No different to assisted euthanasia.

They are going to die regardless.
You’re taking this far too simplistically, not everything is black and white because you think it should be. They are sedating them to be executed. They are complicit in an execution. Incredibly different to euthanasia. Do you seriously think more intelligent and experienced people haven’t thought of this?
You’re taking this far too simplistically, not everything is black and white because you think it should be. They are sedating them to be executed. They are complicit in an execution. Incredibly different to euthanasia. Do you seriously think more intelligent and experienced people haven’t thought of this?

Yes they have thought of it which is why...

Who gives you the lethal injection?

Lethal injection - Wikipedia

Typically, most states do not require that physicians administer the drugs for lethal injection, but most states do require doctors, nurses or paramedics to prepare the substances before their application and to attest the inmate's death after it.

So the people you said couldn't be involved actually already are. Where there's a will there's a way.

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Kenneth Smith To Be Executed By Nitrogen Gas in Alabama, USA

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