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Is an article in today's Naracoorte Herald (not mine).

Naracoorte's president isn't happy but did not wish to go on record. His submission to the SACFL appears to be an eloquent re-wording of "Go and get ******".

No comment from Penola.

Any chance you could put it up here or pm it to me. I cant find it on your website and dont get the herald where I am.
Any chance you could put it up here or pm it to me. I cant find it on your website and dont get the herald where I am.

Will get a hold of it tomorrow when I'm back in the office.
Any chance you could put it up here or pm it to me. I cant find it on your website and dont get the herald where I am.

Sorry about the formatting, copied directly from pdf. Article by Fred Smith.

THERE are major implications for the
Naracoorte and Penola football clubs if the
draft recommendations of a major review are
The Southern Border Review suggests that
the Kowree-Naracoorte Tatiara Football League
could be split into two divisions based on a population
Both the Demons and the Southern Eagles could
also be playing in drastically altered competitions
as early as next season.
While no fi rm decisions have been made, Penola,
Naracoorte and this year’s KNTFL premier
and/or runner-up may be “invited” to join an expanded
and so-called Premier competition based
in Mount Gambier.
A similar scenario could apply in the Mid SE
Football League as it could be cut from nine to
seven clubs.
It has been suggested that Port MacDonnell
could join the Premier competition next season
along with the 2012 MSEFL premier and/or
The draft recommendations of the review were
released by the SA Community Football League
and the Victorian Country Football League.
Much of the 15-page review is devoted to the
Western Border Football League with recommendations
impacting on the four Victorian clubs in
that competition.
It has suggested that a new club be founded in
Mount Gambier and that a central hub for the
administration of all SE football leagues and
umpiring bodies be created in the Blue Lake City.
Public comment has not been invited on the
Southern Border Review but stakeholders such
as clubs and leagues can lodge submissions by
August 15.
KNTFL president Kym Hebberman has urged
the local community to keep the Southern Border
Review draft recommendations in context as they
were there to jolt people’s thoughts about the
future of football in this region.
“We want people to continue to enjoy their
football and to keep the politics out of it,” he said.
“Football and netball is keeping many of our
communities alive.”
Mr Hebberman said some of the proposals had
merit and he urged clubs to respond to the invitation
to comment. With respect to the concept of a
new club in Mount Gambier, the KNTFL president
said he felt the review panel members may
have got their maths wrong.
“They are saying that Hamilton with a population
of 10,000 can only support one club.
“On the other hand, they want a fi fth club to be
formed in Mount Gambier which has a population
of 23,000-25,000. Perhaps it may occur down the
track. It could be that a new junior club might
be formed in Mount Gambier and it grows into a
senior club as has occurred in Adelaide.”
The concept of two divisions in the KNTFL puzzled
Mr Hebberman.
“I don’t know where that came from. Perhaps it
was a suggestion about how we arrange a draw
in an 11-team competition. That is, the clubs who
fi nish down the ladder in one season then play
each other twice in the following season.”
Mr Hebberman said the creation of an administrative
centre for the three leagues in Mount
Gambier posed a challenge given the distances
involved. However, he conceded that one umpiring
body for the region had some merit.
“Umpiring (numbers) is a diffi cult issue at the
best of times. Perhaps there may be some surplus
umpires in Mount Gambier but would they be
willing to travel to Keith? It is a fair amount to
The KNTFL president expressed doubts about
the proposal for Penola, Naracoorte and the
KNTFL premiers or runners-up to move to the
Premier League.
“How successful are they going to be? Penola
were not successful (in the WBFL) in the past.
“They are going to have to spend money on
recruiting quality players. In any case, why do we
need a Premier League in this region?
“We already have junior academies and junior
pathways in place for players who wish to progress
to higher levels.
“With the Premier League, there would be huge
distances involved. I like to give the example of
the Northern Knights team from Naracoorte
which played for a couple of seasons in the Mount
Gambier and District Cricket Association.
“There was enthusiasm and some success at
fi rst but then it waned after the fi rst season.
“We should be concentrating on the promotion
and development of football.”
Naracoorte Football Club president David Collins
said his club wanted to stay in the KNTFL
which he described as a “great league”.
“There would be no net benefi t for Naracoorte
joining an expanded Mount Gambier competition,”
Mr Collins argued. “Our revenues would
need to rise dramatically”.
On a personal note, Mr Collins said he was not
surprised with some of the draft recommendations
relating to Naracoorte Football Club in the
review as “whispers” had been about for a while.
He said there was no mention in the Southern
Border Review of netball which is a major part of
his family-orientated club.
He added: “The concept of two divisions in the
KNTFL has not been explained.”
MSEFL secretary Naomi Mitchell said her
league felt the recommendations were very Mount
“We hoped that the report would’ve addressed
football within the entire SE but as can be clearly
seen it is all about maintaining and sustaining
the WBFL.”

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Sorry about the formatting, copied directly from pdf. Article by Fred Smith.

THERE are major implications for the
Naracoorte and Penola football clubs if the
draft recommendations of a major review are
The Southern Border Review suggests that
the Kowree-Naracoorte Tatiara Football League
could be split into two divisions based on a population
Both the Demons and the Southern Eagles could
also be playing in drastically altered competitions
as early as next season.
While no fi rm decisions have been made, Penola,
Naracoorte and this year’s KNTFL premier
and/or runner-up may be “invited” to join an expanded
and so-called Premier competition based
in Mount Gambier.
A similar scenario could apply in the Mid SE
Football League as it could be cut from nine to
seven clubs.
It has been suggested that Port MacDonnell
could join the Premier competition next season
along with the 2012 MSEFL premier and/or
The draft recommendations of the review were
released by the SA Community Football League
and the Victorian Country Football League.
Much of the 15-page review is devoted to the
Western Border Football League with recommendations
impacting on the four Victorian clubs in
that competition.
It has suggested that a new club be founded in
Mount Gambier and that a central hub for the
administration of all SE football leagues and
umpiring bodies be created in the Blue Lake City.
Public comment has not been invited on the
Southern Border Review but stakeholders such
as clubs and leagues can lodge submissions by
August 15.
KNTFL president Kym Hebberman has urged
the local community to keep the Southern Border
Review draft recommendations in context as they
were there to jolt people’s thoughts about the
future of football in this region.
“We want people to continue to enjoy their
football and to keep the politics out of it,” he said.
“Football and netball is keeping many of our
communities alive.”
Mr Hebberman said some of the proposals had
merit and he urged clubs to respond to the invitation
to comment. With respect to the concept of a
new club in Mount Gambier, the KNTFL president
said he felt the review panel members may
have got their maths wrong.
“They are saying that Hamilton with a population
of 10,000 can only support one club.
“On the other hand, they want a fi fth club to be
formed in Mount Gambier which has a population
of 23,000-25,000. Perhaps it may occur down the
track. It could be that a new junior club might
be formed in Mount Gambier and it grows into a
senior club as has occurred in Adelaide.”
The concept of two divisions in the KNTFL puzzled
Mr Hebberman.
“I don’t know where that came from. Perhaps it
was a suggestion about how we arrange a draw
in an 11-team competition. That is, the clubs who
fi nish down the ladder in one season then play
each other twice in the following season.”
Mr Hebberman said the creation of an administrative
centre for the three leagues in Mount
Gambier posed a challenge given the distances
involved. However, he conceded that one umpiring
body for the region had some merit.
“Umpiring (numbers) is a diffi cult issue at the
best of times. Perhaps there may be some surplus
umpires in Mount Gambier but would they be
willing to travel to Keith? It is a fair amount to
The KNTFL president expressed doubts about
the proposal for Penola, Naracoorte and the
KNTFL premiers or runners-up to move to the
Premier League.
“How successful are they going to be? Penola
were not successful (in the WBFL) in the past.
“They are going to have to spend money on
recruiting quality players. In any case, why do we
need a Premier League in this region?
“We already have junior academies and junior
pathways in place for players who wish to progress
to higher levels.
“With the Premier League, there would be huge
distances involved. I like to give the example of
the Northern Knights team from Naracoorte
which played for a couple of seasons in the Mount
Gambier and District Cricket Association.
“There was enthusiasm and some success at
fi rst but then it waned after the fi rst season.
“We should be concentrating on the promotion
and development of football.”
Naracoorte Football Club president David Collins
said his club wanted to stay in the KNTFL
which he described as a “great league”.
“There would be no net benefi t for Naracoorte
joining an expanded Mount Gambier competition,”
Mr Collins argued. “Our revenues would
need to rise dramatically”.
On a personal note, Mr Collins said he was not
surprised with some of the draft recommendations
relating to Naracoorte Football Club in the
review as “whispers” had been about for a while.
He said there was no mention in the Southern
Border Review of netball which is a major part of
his family-orientated club.
He added: “The concept of two divisions in the
KNTFL has not been explained.”
MSEFL secretary Naomi Mitchell said her
league felt the recommendations were very Mount
“We hoped that the report would’ve addressed
football within the entire SE but as can be clearly
seen it is all about maintaining and sustaining
the WBFL.”
I dont believe there is a huge gap in competition levels so I disagree that they wont be competive. When penola left the league was alot stronger, with this new structure penola has alot less travel. Penola also recruit from mt gambier as well.
Greenbank and Guilhaus went 1-2 in the mail medal count last night. Both starting in the guts in the team of the year (Guilhaus ruckman obviously). This is what Keith are contending with this weekend.

Greenbank polled 26, Guilhaus 22 (possibly 23).
Heard Kaniva have spent a sh@# load of money this season. It sounds like the sacfl's plan to move naracoorte into the wbfl has fallen on its head.
Heard Kaniva have spent a sh@# load of money this season. It sounds like the sacfl's plan to move naracoorte into the wbfl has fallen on its head.

Yeah they have spent a bit, I guess that's footy these days.

Yeah Naracoorte would have dug their heels in and fought pretty hard - they had a bit of a "keep the N in KNTFL" slogan going for a bit.
Kaniva should easily be the flag favourite and its fair to say it has been a long time coming considering they have been the whipping boy for so long.
I think the only way the sacfl will get naracoorte into the wbfl is through a restructure. Final report is supposed to be released next week....should be interesting!!!

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Why in gods name would the GF be at Bordertown when Bordertown are in it?

Because under the now-defunct system (will be rotated from 2013), the grand finals were held on and off at Naracoorte and Bordertown. Was Naracoorte last year (Naracoorte were in the GF too), Bordertown this year. Has been that way for 20 years.
Why in gods name would the GF be at Bordertown when Bordertown are in it?

A better question would be why in God's name were two of the three umpires for the Grand Final from Bodertown (and were even related to a number of the players)? Never seen so many baffling 50m penalties in a game. It was a farce.
A better question would be why in God's name were two of the three umpires for the Grand Final from Bodertown (and were even related to a number of the players)? Never seen so many baffling 50m penalties in a game. It was a farce.

Heard those umpires were celebrating the win with the players after the game
Glenelg recruits from the KNTFL

Carl Slape (Kybybolite)
Ryan McInerney (Lucindale)
Tim Walsh (Lucindale)

Kyby wouldn't be pleased about Slape after jumping through all sorts of hoops (fighting his previous club West Gambier) to get him for the second half of season 2012.
Lucindale are in big trouble at this stage.

Price (playing coach in 2012) and Laurencic also gone. Josh Walker maybe. Kyle Press is playing footy in Darwin during their season at the moment, haven't heard if he's coming back for the season down here. Still no coach as far as I'm aware.

Heard Alan Bennett isn't coaching Kaniva/Leeor anymore, but that is unconfirmed and quite strange seeing as he took them to a grand final in 2012. They've had a massive player exodus too (Feels good to not be us after last season) with most of their travelling players not returning.

Border Districts have appointed Stephen Pretlove as coach.
Kyby wouldn't be pleased about Slape after jumping through all sorts of hoops (fighting his previous club West Gambier) to get him for the second half of season 2012.
Lucindale are in big trouble at this stage.

Price (playing coach in 2012) and Laurencic also gone. Josh Walker maybe. Kyle Press is playing footy in Darwin during their season at the moment, haven't heard if he's coming back for the season down here. Still no coach as far as I'm aware.

Heard Alan Bennett isn't coaching Kaniva/Leeor anymore, but that is unconfirmed and quite strange seeing as he took them to a grand final in 2012. They've had a massive player exodus too (Feels good to not be us after last season) with most of their travelling players not returning.

Border Districts have appointed Stephen Pretlove as coach.

Slape was from East and they made it real tough for him. I thought he was going to Port.
How are keith and naracoorte shaping up for 2013

Naracoorte has lost Matt Willson, who was awarded the league's best under 21 player last year. Have gained former players Rob Jones and Michael Parker.

Keith are too far away from me, but I have heard their reynella trio won't be returning.

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