KP fires back...

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Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 2, 2005
AFL Club

TENSIONS between Australia and England rose last night when Kevin Pietersen returned fire at John Buchanan by claiming the Australian coach was not respected by his own team.

He might have an inside source - perhaps Shane Warne, now he's going to retire at the end of the series.

I would expect that an Australian cricketer will say something tomorrow.

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This guy is so stupid. It's a toss up between him and Smith as to which is the biggest whiner and who's best at making themselves look utterly stupid .
If he thinks Buchanan was baiting, he just fell for it hook line and sinker.

At 4 up, I really don't think the aus team are particulary worried about KP so I wouldn't be patting myself on the back if I were him.
lol. What a dip.
KP did himself no favours by responding to buchanan.
Whether there was any truth to what Buchanan said or not, the only thing he could say was to deny it in any case.

So he should have either just stayed quiet or come out and denied it without making a counter-accusation.

He has now lost any high moral ground he may have had by firing back at Buchanan the way he has.
How much of this do you think is gamesmanship to boost interest in the Sydney dead rubber? Melbourne's DR had the added interest of Warney's 700th, and still drew crowds of 70-90K, but what has Sydney got?
How much of this do you think is gamesmanship to boost interest in the Sydney dead rubber? Melbourne's DR had the added interest of Warney's 700th, and still drew crowds of 70-90K, but what has Sydney got?

Yeah, they'll be lucky to get 5,000 each day...

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The dogs are barking in England. This is from The Guardian and is part of a longer article about the demise of Englands Rugby and Cricket teams this year.

...The Pietersen business goes to the heart of the matter, because it exposes the fault lines of a side that has lost its nerve and sense of purpose. Furthermore Buchanan's observations, which were considerably more gentle than they might have been, highlight the chasm that exists not only in performance but also in general attitude between the sides.

Not many people, inside or outside the England dressing room, consider Pietersen to be a natural team player. He is not English, and came to this country in order to be an international cricketer because the financial rewards are so much greater than they are in his native South Africa. In Australia players have always moved state to make the grade, Allan Border and Adam Gilchrist among them, but not Pietersen, who, feeling rebuffed in Durban (the Natal authorities tell a different story), had his eye on England.

In his commercial ambitions he has succeeded handsomely. He is now a rich man, and an increasingly unpopular one, and it doesn't bother him one bit. He has achieved three-tenths of what he sought to accomplish, and his batting, which at its best is very fine, may carry him all the way.

But personal considerations have occluded team goals. Should you doubt that, look at the way he threw away his wicket to Shane Warne in the Adelaide Test when a draw - and a fresh start - lay within England's grasp. No player with a feeling for the team would have committed such an unpardonable blunder. Instead the need for personal glory got in the way.

Pietersen makes much of his friendship with Warne, his team-mate at Hampshire, and a gruesome spectacle it makes, rather like a young *** running errands for a house prefect. He would do much better to establish some firmer associations with his own fellows, not all of whom hold him in the same regard as he holds himself. He can make a start by growing some hair. At the moment he looks like Magwitch.

The difference between Warne, a genuine star, and Pietersen, who likes to imagine he is one, is a matter of temperament as much as talent. Unless England take their best striker of the ball to task, and pretty soon, they will suffer damage in the World Cup, and for months to come. When high talent goes wrong, it can corrupt the dressing room as thoroughly as any virus....
What does Sydney have?

FINAL test for JL, Warnie and Pidge? Not to mention the fact it is McGrath's home ground. The chance to win 5-0 against England for just the 2nd time in history and the first time in 80 years, add the fact this is still a revenge mission for the embarrassment suffered in England. Nope nothing riding on this game, might as well cancel it.
What does Sydney have?

FINAL test for JL, Warnie and Pidge? Not to mention the fact it is McGrath's home ground. The chance to win 5-0 against England for just the 2nd time in history and the first time in 80 years, add the fact this is still a revenge mission for the embarrassment suffered in England. Nope nothing riding on this game, might as well cancel it.

Didn't know JL was quitting when I posted that. He's been a ripper servant, but hardly one of the all time greats.
Warney's HAD his final moment.....700 in front of 90K on home turf, Boxing Day. Sydney's a mere postscript to that.
May be Pidge's last test, but he's playing on. Going to the WC next year. So hardly a massive farewell.
And 4-0, 5-0, 4-1???? Who gives a sh*t??? The Urn's ours.....
Didn't know JL was quitting when I posted that. He's been a ripper servant, but hardly one of the all time greats.
Warney's HAD his final moment.....700 in front of 90K on home turf, Boxing Day. Sydney's a mere postscript to that.
May be Pidge's last test, but he's playing on. Going to the WC next year. So hardly a massive farewell.
And 4-0, 5-0, 4-1???? Who gives a sh*t??? The Urn's ours.....

I'm sorry if winning the series 5-0 doesn't mean much to you, but for us we are able to savour the moment and be proud. I want to see England suffer.

The Langer and Hayden combination stands to be one of the best opening partnerships of all time. He epitomises the hard working batsman who fights for every single run in his innings and is the kind of the batsman who hardly ever throws away his wicket. He is one of the all time greats, even though you can't see it, and I think most people would have him in their best team that they've ever seen.

I don't think Pietesen has much brains to be honest...he tested positive to the lamest comeback ever, and under those circumstances, it just doesn't sound right. He has put the onus on himself to perform.

It's just a matter of time before all hell will break loose...
I am obviously on my own here but I thought Buchannan’s comments were unnecessary and struck my as typical Australian bluster before a game in an attempt to unsettle England’s best player.
Pietersen had more than a right to return fire, though admittedly his claims are old news.
I think the English press attacking Pietersen for not being English is typical of their hypocrisy. When they are winning, the press are positive and when they are losing they are negative. I am sure there were no such articles written during the last ashes series?
Pietersen to me appears to give his all for England and if people want to criticise players for not being team players there would be plenty of other targets before Pietersen I think. He is an easy target because he has the courage to speak his mind (whether or not he is right or wrong is a separate question).
Didn't know JL was quitting when I posted that. He's been a ripper servant, but hardly one of the all time greats.
Warney's HAD his final moment.....700 in front of 90K on home turf, Boxing Day. Sydney's a mere postscript to that.
May be Pidge's last test, but he's playing on. Going to the WC next year. So hardly a massive farewell.
And 4-0, 5-0, 4-1???? Who gives a sh*t??? The Urn's ours.....
Yep, Langer, what a hack. Since coming back in the side as an opener in 2001 he's had 112 innings, only 9 not outs and he averages 49.25. That is ********ing sensational.
Did KP come back with exactly what Buchanan said about him?

Smells of a bit of 'I-know-you-are-you-said-you-are-but-what-am-I?'
I am obviously on my own here but I thought Buchannan’s comments were unnecessary and struck my as typical Australian bluster before a game in an attempt to unsettle England’s best player.

I agree. I thought the comments were ordinary and unnecessary. Why didn't he share his views in the 2005 Ashes series? Or has KP changed his attitude in the last 12 months?
I am obviously on my own here but I thought Buchannan’s comments were unnecessary and struck my as typical Australian bluster before a game in an attempt to unsettle England’s best player.

What's wrong with that? Cricket is a mental game. If you can beat the opposition before a ball has even been bowled then why not? A bit of psychological warfare makes it all the more interesting as well.
What's wrong with that? Cricket is a mental game. If you can beat the opposition before a ball has even been bowled then why not? A bit of psychological warfare makes it all the more interesting as well.

If you're a good enough team (which we are) then you shouldn't have to resort to it.

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KP fires back...

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