Leaguies converting to AFL - not players, supporters.

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Have a clue what you're talking about and who you're dealing with before you resort to schoolyard name calling tactics mate. I have set foot on every continent on this planet apart from Africa (and I'm going there next year). So a zealot and insular I am not. I just prefer to support the local product over the overseas one. Especially when it's so vastly superior.
Maybe when you stop characterising my sport in such petty, childish manners I will stop with the schoolyard names, 'mate.'
Seem to recall League poached Union players pretty regularly back when it was an amateur sport.

Not sure the dummy spit is in order because footy punts a bit of dosh to see if League players can make the transition to footy.
Seem to recall League poached Union players pretty regularly when it was an amateur sport.

Not sure the dummy spit is in order because footy punts a bit of dosh to see if League players can make the transition to footy.
Rugby Union always had cash, they just didnt pay their players. Much like the issues in cricket that eventually lead to wrold series. Which is different to the current situation.

Also, they were at least taken on board based on merit, not on marketing.

And as I've said, I dont begrudge these players for leaving for excellent financial reward. It's just a little arrogant to come in and throw your money at players purely to try and get a foothold in the area, despite the fact they cant even play the game, and I can see why it would turn certain people away (although, as I also stated, the AFL probably dont care as they are more concerned with the younger generation and future support, rather than the current generation of paying sports fans).

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To answer the OP's question. No I don't hate rugby league or despise people that enjoy it. I don't particuarly like the sport all that much however and I do find the league supporters attitude to the 'gayfl' pretty funny. It reminds me of a north supporter really. That us against them chip on the shoulder mentality etc.
Rugby Union always had cash, they just didnt pay their players. Much like the issues in cricket that eventually lead to wrold series. Which is different to the current situation.

Also, they were at least taken on board based on merit, not on marketing.

And as I've said, I dont begrudge these players for leaving for excellent financial reward. It's just a little arrogant to come in and throw your money at players purely to try and get a foothold in the area, despite the fact they cant even play the game, and I can see why it would turn certain people away (although, as I also stated, the AFL probably dont care as they are more concerned with the younger generation and future support, rather than the current generation of paying sports fans).

Footy is having a go at converting a couple of athletes and yeah there is a marketing component involved. I think its worth a punt since its never really been attempted before. Hunt & Folau were as good a possibility of transitioning as anyone.

League would have offered a far greater 'financial reward' proportionately back in the day than footy is offering now btw. A player getting nothing is a fair bit easier to entice.
I know that, it's why I think it is a slightly different situation. When there is the option of playing one code for 'honour' (where you can get serious injuries and receive no compensation) or play a similar code where you do gain some financial reward for performing at an elite level (although, compared to today, it was hardly a fortune, most players still worked whilst playing right up until the late 80's). It's also not like Hunt and Folau were on a pittance, however, so it's hardly the same situation.

I think it's a pity for AFL Darren Lockyer is 34, if he was 10 years or so younger he'd be the player you would've thrown the cash at, he's probably be a reasonable player (and did actually play Aussie Rules for a reasonable amount of time).
I know that, it's why I think it is a slightly different situation. When there is the option of playing one code for 'honour' (where you can get serious injuries and receive no compensation) or play a similar code where you do gain some financial reward for performing at an elite level (although, compared to today, it was hardly a fortune, most players still worked whilst playing right up until the late 80's). It's also not like Hunt and Folau were on a pittance, however, so it's hardly the same situation.

I think it's a pity for AFL Darren Lockyer is 34, if he was 10 years or so younger he'd be the player you would've thrown the cash at, he's probably be a reasonable player (and did actually play Aussie Rules for a reasonable amount of time).

If you said you didn't hate Aussie rules on LU you would attacked left, right and centre, most NRL fans are petrified of the AFL for a reason.
AFL is a great code of footy.. When you play it as a player you can get addicted to the complete freedom to run anywhere, and the free-flowing nature of the game. There's a lot of physicality in League and union, but it's different in the AFL. There's the tackling and getting hit in the sides / back by opponents knees, but also the one-on-one challenge which is unique to the code, having to beat your direct opponent whenever the ball is in your area..
I read an article today about how much Hunt is enjoying being a Sun and how he really loves the challenge and can see himself signing on for a few more years. Herald Sun website if you're keen.

I am pretty sure the game can convert League fans if they're open-minded enough to go to a couple of games, and especially if they have a kick themselves.. Explaining the ever-changing rules is an issue though.
I see on league unlimited boards they bag the hell out of AFL at every opportunity, does this happen re NRL here? IMO either way it is totally small minded.

It does, but without the same zeal as LU. I'd like to think a reasonable debate can still be had here, where-as the moment to point to anything contrary over there the only thing they reply with is "bogger ball" and "victard".
League isn't a bad sport though - I've started going across to AAMI park to see Storm games with my GF whenever there isn't a footy game on I care about..

I've no idea why people can't appreciate and support teams in both codes.

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I am pretty sure the game can convert League fans if they're open-minded enough to go to a couple of games,

Most aren't .
One young rl fan/player was completely blown away when he attended a Carlton/Swans game at the SCG a long time ago .That was a hugely hyped game and I think that is what is missing is Sydney the media saying it's OK to go to games of football .
i became a full convert many reason's but manly i watched league change from 95 when i came here and slowly over time the game just lost what it was, for me that hole was filled by aussie rules and the AFL. a game where i seen rule changes that were for the benifit of the code plus attending AFL games the people are nicer many people pointed things out to me and explained the rules, they helped me understand things (like hands in the back) even if i was talking to people from the "wrong team"

then of course the local League team i was nice enough to sponsor
had a sook that i dared attend the 05 AFL GF instead of going a to so called function (manly they ply you with grog an beg you for money) so i thought go to hell
would like to see the tv and attendence comparison between the footy and rugby from last night, given that the nrl intentionally scheduled their biggest game to try and draw people away from the footy.

The Rugby League Test Match drew twenty something thou. Today's AFL game between last year's 14th placed team and the wooden spoon winners from across the country drew 33+ thou. Go figure.
Love my AFL, cant stand NRL and apart from the blokey culture that I wish the AFL still had I have no interest in the sport at all.

Its just so repetitive, I just see teams taking it in turns just running straight into a man and doing it again 5 time until the other team has to do the same thing.
I started supporting AFL last year because I moved to Melbourne and thought I might as well. Still watch the Knights every week and from my experience most people like the comparisons between AFL and NRL from someone who knows both.
AFL is my favourite sport, and if more people are following it, more people are playing it. More people playing makes the standard of the competition better.

Can only be a good thing in my opinion.

I don't hate rugby, Union can be quite engaging, especially the world cup etc. and I am a fairly keen fan of association football (despite its many drawbacks) But i find league the most unispiring sport to watch.

Just boring, repetitive, overly structured and mundane.

The players must go crazy playing it week in week out. Seen one game, seen them all.
The Rugby League Test Match drew twenty something thou. Today's AFL game between last year's 14th placed team and the wooden spoon winners from across the country drew 33+ thou. Go figure.

Did you know the Test Match on the Gold Coast was about 800 people short on capacity for that stadium?

Its obvious you didn't because you wouldn't make such ridiculous comparisons.
I don't mind NRL (prefer Union though), but living in SA I'm barely exposed to it at all, so there's still a sense of novelty about it. I get the impression that an NRL team would probably be quite welcome here compared to the late nineties, when the Crows were in full force and there was still a new-team attractiveness about the Power, but I can't imagine the NRL introducing another Adelaide team here and seriously expecting it to knock the AFL and SANFL off their perches. Just hypothetical rubbish here, but it's interesting to consider how code expansion situations would vary in different areas.

I'm glad to see people in GC and Western Sydney apparently already expressing interests in the teams, not that I expect them to be successes, immediate or otherwise. At the same time, though, I don't expect the NRL to falter because of their existence, and like it like that. The codes should coexist in their respective areas, and all the name calling is ridiculous - thank god most AFL fans aren't like some of the flogs at LU, where the obsession is just disturbing.
Did you know the Test Match on the Gold Coast was about 800 people short on capacity for that stadium?

Its obvious you didn't because you wouldn't make such ridiculous comparisons.
So... it was 800 short of being full. Is that what you're saying? The seats weren't filled because people didn't attend? Righto.

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Leaguies converting to AFL - not players, supporters.

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