Random Let us talk and bitch about PSOs!

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You're stretching the word "slam" to breaking point here.

I have very little sympathy for wannabe coppers like PSOs and ticket/parking inspectors generally, but this poor bastard is going to get thrown under the bus because some self-entitled bitch assaulted him and some do-gooder politician wants to get his name up in lights.

I very much disagree with you thinking I am stretching the word "slam". In my opinion the action that the inspector took on that girl is the very definition of a "body slam" - he lifted her up and forced her from a generous height into the ground. Whilst I feel sorry for the inspector that he is copping heat for this, he should have been much more professional in his approach and I seriously suspect he was not trained to restrain someone in this way, let alone a 15 year old girl.

I do agree there is merit in the argument around why this matter occurred in the first place, that is, the argument that the girl put herself in the situation, but I cannot condone the level of force used - it was excessive and unnecessary.

Finally, I agree about the Greens bloke, but that's politicians for you - using situations like this for political gain!

In any case, I can see we will not come to an agreement on this so best to probably move onto more relevant things on this thread.
I haven't read the article, but I'd think it's hard/impractical for any of us to make a clear-cut statement on who's right or wrong? The media do sometime embellish things, something 2013 should have made clear to all of us.

The incident should be investigated properly, with the PSO and girl's right to a fair process protected.
I read the article before watching it and admit the article/story tries to exaggerate/lie about how brutal it was. It wasn't a spear tackle nor a head-first body slam, but did look a bit harsh.

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I read the article before watching it and admit the article/story looks to exaggerate/lie about how brutal it was. It wasn't a spear tackle not a head-first body slam, but did look a bit harsh.

I did the same thing. I read the article and thought he was a dick, then watched the video.
I watched the video and then started reading the article but I decided I didn't need to read anymore hyperbole from that Greens bloke. I still stand by my earlier comments :)
If that was my daughter and I was there, Oh man, I would have serious charges against me...flogs.

How many blokes are getting "king hit" these days, and then dying from it? Two of my past mates who this has happened to.

Doing that to a young girl is farked. If a wife hit her husband then in turn he then slammed her on the ground is not right..

But OK for a PSO. heck off. Lock em up. Not right
If it was your daughter and he did that, yeah you'd be pissed.

On the other hand, I wouldn't let her break the effing rules. The argument of "If I was there" shouldn't come into it because there WAS no parent there.

She tried to get away with fare evasion, he tried to stop her, she retaliated violently and was restrained. The main wrongdoer I see in this situation is the girl for instigating it.
Not a pso? sorry

that makes it ok then but charge her. Sorry

Could have killed the young girl. Concrete

At least point your faux rage in the right direction. It's like blaming New Zealand for the Holocaust.

What he did was excessive suggesting a poor temperament hence the firing, but essentially self defence (though not equal and reasonable). You cry foul about an innocent 15 year old girl but don't consider the other side of the fence, I've got a fair few mates who are coppers, one was bitten by a 15 year old girl and couldn't have relations with his wife for 6 months while awaiting blood tests.

That fact is, this girl was willing to commit assault at the drop of a hat, she could be junkie packing a syringe for all you know. It's easy for those on the other side to claim excessive force when its not your life on the line. Don't assault people and you generally don't get assaulted back.
I think we need to differentiate between pso's and metro thug 'authorised' officers here.

Can i ask those who condone the 'speartackle slam polite restrain throwdown manouver' ..if a woman hit you, would you hit her back?

we are strong enough to restrain in better ways than that... and most of us are not even trained, or standing in a pack of 5.

This incidinet in isolation may have grey but on a whole these authorised agents have gone too far, ive seen crash tackles, headlocks, two weeks ago i saw stand over bullying of an obviously intellectually slow kid! Please!!! this is not on... i had to step in for this poor kid and they nearly took me down. Somebody else started video taping it and they hit the phone out of her hand.

its a joke. they have gone insane with power.

is this what we have to look forward to in our utopian society? being crushed under the weight of power? where does it stop?

the worst part is, the bulk of the time people are being put in this position BECAUSE THE MYKI SYSTEM IS FLAWED, not because they are deliberatly dodging the fare.

My cousin is a pso, (stationed at sunshine station the poor guy) he reckons they have had to side with passenges over the autorised officers many times... they are glorified nightclub door men.

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Its a well known fact that the public transport infrastructure in Melbourne is old,antiquated and in need of massive expenditure in the next 10 to 20 years.

Had to laugh when the State Govt appointed the MTR Corp to run Melbourne's train system, and it was thought that it would perform magic. - Even though the MTR has an immaculate record in Hong Kong - It's far more challenging operating Melbourne's train system.

The tram system is OK and serves its need, but the bus system is inadequate, and poorly services the outer suburbs.

Hence the report in The Age earlier this week that Melbourne has the highest usage of cars in Australia.

Having been involved in the trains network for nearly 20 years, my father was one of the first signal men on 'The Met' all those years ago. Before passing, he continually mentioned the lack of funding the government were spending on the infrastructure of the system.

The lack of investment has certainly curtailed the usage of it with a higher percentile of individuals using cars than the public transport network. The old derelect system is out dated, slow and the lack of sustainability in the 21st century is bewildering. The lack of attractiveness to the system is the main thing lacking. As much as people don't want to admit it, running over on costs, but the MyKi will be one of the best things to happen to the network.

Rid the city of buses and build more sky rails/trams utilised correctly in Europe and Nth America and you will find people will use them more. Making the train network more appealing should be the main priority.
A major problem is also the lack of cross city lines- we have a network akin to the spokes on a bike wheel.

Contrast that with something like the New York Subway, which (on Manhattan especially) has a plethora of such 'cross' lines.
A major problem is also the lack of cross city lines- we have a network akin to the spokes on a bike wheel.

Contrast that with something like the New York Subway, which (on Manhattan especially) has a plethora of such 'cross' lines.

Ive personally thought that for years.

Living in the Sth East of Melbourne, the network between such towns as Ringwood > Frankston, Frankston > Cranbourne, The Peninsula > Melbourne has been poorly managed and only in recent years have the Transport department gotten there act together, albeit adding more traffic to an already congested road system with busses.
Ive personally thought that for years.

Living in the Sth East of Melbourne, the network between such towns as Ringwood > Frankston, Frankston > Cranbourne, The Peninsula > Melbourne has been poorly managed and only in recent years have the Transport department gotten there act together, albeit adding more traffic to an already congested road system with busses.

extending tram lines to finish at train stations rather than in pokey little strip shops in the middle of nowhere would help also... those trams are near empty near the end, but if they each ajoined with trains you would get more people going the other way to move onto a train to go either way...

i read it was a deliberarte tactic signed off on by the tram companies back in the day so that they wouldnt give passengers and money to the rival train companies

now the system is as one but they havent thought to extend the lines - would make a huge difference, a proper system where trams, trains and busses work together to cover the city.
extending tram lines to finish at train stations rather than in pokey little strip shops in the middle of nowhere would help also... those trams are near empty near the end, but if they each ajoined with trains you would get more people going the other way to move onto a train to go either way...

i read it was a deliberarte tactic signed off on by the tram companies back in the day so that they wouldnt give passengers and money to the rival train companies

now the system is as one but they havent thought to extend the lines - would make a huge difference, a proper system where trams, trains and busses work together to cover the city.

Yeah, and joining the tram network through to one of the most untapped public transport spots of Melbourne would also bring some much needed attention to Queens Wharf > St.Kilda Foreshore.
extending tram lines to finish at train stations rather than in pokey little strip shops in the middle of nowhere would help also... those trams are near empty near the end, but if they each ajoined with trains you would get more people going the other way to move onto a train to go either way...

i read it was a deliberarte tactic signed off on by the tram companies back in the day so that they wouldnt give passengers and money to the rival train companies

now the system is as one but they havent thought to extend the lines - would make a huge difference, a proper system where trams, trains and busses work together to cover the city.

They do that with the #6. Not sure about the rest, but definitely the #6. I mean, it's a 20 metre walk but still
BTG.. you are obviously blessed by being a 'bigger' bloke so you have probably never experienced what it is like to be a small 15 year old girl..

I would strongly suggest that NO ONE should require that much physical force to restrain a 15 year old girl.. especially for the 'crime' of fare evasion.. it is not like it was a life or death situation...

I can't understand why you would watch that video and believe that behaviour is acceptable.. and I must come to the conclusion that you don't have daughters.. I have two, one of which is around the age of the girl in the video.. and whilst I would NOT be happy to discover she had tried to fare evade NOR would I condone slapping someone doing their job.. but it is NOT acceptable to physically lift someone off the ground and slam them, head first, into the ground.. just because you are bigger than them..

I warned everyone on this board about the crap that is happening to women by these out of control psycho's and this just confirms what I was saying.. women should be VERY afraid to travel on public transport with these macho cop rejects roaming free.. scary times..

What happens if she snaps her neck and dies??? Does the punishment (death) fit the crime (fare evasion)??????
BTG.. you are obviously blessed by being a 'bigger' bloke so you have probably never experienced what it is like to be a small 15 year old girl..

I would strongly suggest that NO ONE should require that much physical force to restrain a 15 year old girl.. especially for the 'crime' of fare evasion.. it is not like it was a life or death situation...

I can't understand why you would watch that video and believe that behaviour is acceptable.. and I must come to the conclusion that you don't have daughters.. I have two, one of which is around the age of the girl in the video.. and whilst I would NOT be happy to discover she had tried to fare evade NOR would I condone slapping someone doing their job.. but it is NOT acceptable to physically lift someone off the ground and slam them, head first, into the ground.. just because you are bigger than them..

I warned everyone on this board about the crap that is happening to women by these out of control psycho's and this just confirms what I was saying.. women should be VERY afraid to travel on public transport with these macho cop rejects roaming free.. scary times..

What happens if she snaps her neck and dies??? Does the punishment (death) fit the crime (fare evasion)??????

The crime was assault. Let's not pretend otherwise.
The crime was assault. Let's not pretend otherwise.

A man grabs you from behind, you spin and slap him.. what an assault..

Glad to see that you believe that the appropriate response for a TRAINED officer, to a small slap is to BODY SLAM a smaller person head first into a hard concrete ground...

Your attitude worries me. By the same token we should all start body slamming a 3 year old when they have a tantrum (you WILL be slapped) or next time my teenager gives me some lip, I will just take advantage of the fact I am bigger and stronger and pick her up and slam her into the ground.. or how about a man who gets slapped by his wife, should he respond by picking her up and headslamming her too???? I would strongly advise, from a legal standpoint, if ANY of these were to occur, it would not be the 'slapper' that would be facing charges... in the REAL world.. the response must be of equal force to the 'attack'...

Why we need to have separate rules for these cowboys.. I'm not sure.. and that PSO has been stood down and is facing strong disciplinary action.. and may yet be charged with assault..
A man grabs you from behind, you spin and slap him.. what an assault..

Glad to see that you believe that the appropriate response for a TRAINED officer, to a small slap is to BODY SLAM a smaller person head first into a hard concrete ground...

Your attitude worries me. By the same token we should all start body slamming a 3 year old when they have a tantrum (you WILL be slapped) or next time my teenager gives me some lip, I will just take advantage of the fact I am bigger and stronger and pick her up and slam her into the ground.. or how about a man who gets slapped by his wife, should he respond by picking her up and headslamming her too???? I would strongly advise, from a legal standpoint, if ANY of these were to occur, it would not be the 'slapper' that would be facing charges... in the REAL world.. the response must be of equal force to the 'attack'...

Why we need to have separate rules for these cowboys.. I'm not sure.. and that PSO has been stood down and is facing strong disciplinary action.. and may yet be charged with assault..

im not convionced a police officer would even have gotten away with doing that... they have standards.
A man grabs you from behind, you spin and slap him.. what an assault..

Glad to see that you believe that the appropriate response for a TRAINED officer, to a small slap is to BODY SLAM a smaller person head first into a hard concrete ground...

Your attitude worries me. By the same token we should all start body slamming a 3 year old when they have a tantrum (you WILL be slapped) or next time my teenager gives me some lip, I will just take advantage of the fact I am bigger and stronger and pick her up and slam her into the ground.. or how about a man who gets slapped by his wife, should he respond by picking her up and headslamming her too???? I would strongly advise, from a legal standpoint, if ANY of these were to occur, it would not be the 'slapper' that would be facing charges... in the REAL world.. the response must be of equal force to the 'attack'...

Why we need to have separate rules for these cowboys.. I'm not sure.. and that PSO has been stood down and is facing strong disciplinary action.. and may yet be charged with assault..

You mean the man who is required by law to detain fare evaders who attempt to escape?

How many times is he meant to let himself be assaulted for doing his job before he restrains a violent criminal?

His only mistake was letting her fall head first instead of flat on her back. Not ideal, but shit happens when you're required to restrain violent offenders.

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