Let's talk about... Bailey Smith

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Never critique them then? I find this line of logic weird.

Can you direct or act in a movie? No well never speak on them then. Can you play an instrument? No? Who are you to talk about music? Etc etc.
I think people are welcome to critique but calling somebody soft, even if it is as far as an AFL player goes is just stupid.

It's like calling a scientist stupid, as far as scientists go. It's a disgrace to describe someone as soft who goes out and plays the game.

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Always the way. "Snowflakes are so offended these days" wail the people who can't see a rainbow on a beer can without losing their minds.
What are you on about? I never mentioned a rainbow. Love them. Love diversity. My daughter loves rainbows. So do I! All the best to you. I hope Bailey gets a hard ball and off loads to Libba for a nice easy kick down the wing.
I’m lost to be honest - I literally cannot be offended. I am officially too old it seems. You young blokes/girls have got me - man down! Man down!
I’m ok with your sentiment but the idea of other club supporters boards coming on here and seeing that thread makes me uncomfortable. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Agreed. It should be removed. Can someone set up a poll so we can vote it out?
The OP has a weird obsession regarding his take on social status.
It’s always been allowed, and I’m sure a continuous will be accepted.
I think people are welcome to critique but calling somebody soft, even if it is as far as an AFL player goes is just stupid.

It's like calling a scientist stupid, as far as scientists go. It's a disgrace to describe someone as soft who goes out and plays the game.
Fair enough. I don't see it that badly. To me it's on par with saying someone is a shit kick. Just another skill in the game. Could put it that I don't think he goes hard at the footy, soft is just less words.

I've met plenty of stupid scientists and engineers btw, they're more common than you think. I'm probably one myself.
Fair enough. I don't see it that badly. To me it's on par with saying someone is a s**t kick. Just another skill in the game. Could put it that I don't think he goes hard at the footy, soft is just less words.

I've met plenty of stupid scientists and engineers btw, they're more common than you think. I'm probably one myself.
Saying someone is a shit kick, is a bit different to saying they are a shit kick because you don’t approve of their background.
The OP clearly has issues.
Saying someone is a s**t kick, is a bit different to saying they are a s**t kick because you don’t approve of their background.
Again, I've never said a thing about his background. Take that up with the poster who said it. Honestly I think they just put it there to troll you.

Obviously which school a player went to has stuff all to do with their football ability, if that needed explaining at all.
Again, I've never said a thing about his background. Take that up with the poster who said it. Honestly I think they just put it there to troll you.

Obviously which school a player went to has stuff all to do with their football ability, if that needed explaining at all.
I don’t think they put it there to troll me lol, I’m not that important to bother, and new here.
I’m just a normal adult now, the OP’s thing with schooling is actually sad.
But allowed some how.
Would someone constantly be allowed to abuse a race? Or a sexuality? like this guy appears to have free reign on schools?

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I don’t think they put it there to troll me lol, I’m not that important to bother, and new here.
I’m just a normal adult now, the OP’s thing with schooling is actually sad.
But allowed some how.
Would someone constantly be allowed to abuse a race? Or a sexuality? like this guy appears to have free reign on schools?

Are all you private schoolies such cry-babies?
By the way I wouldn't call Smithy soft just playing a very outside role.
He took a pretty vicious hit not three weeks ago and walked away unscathed.
Yeah the Pickett hit showed he’s not soft imo. I’m pretty convinced he’s been instructed to play a largely uncontested game and leave ball winning to the likes of Bont and Libba.

Although I reckon if he started hitting a target with his kicks this thread probably wouldn’t even exist since it wouldn’t be so frustrating to watch him. He does need to learn to stick a tackle though. In my view it’s less of being soft, and more a lack of desire to do the dirty work (tackle and pressure)
Are all you private schoolies such cry-babies?
You don’t seem the brightest troll, jumping in to support this false guy tough garbage, while ignoring the schools Libba and Bont attended.
This thread is pure try hard garbage.
I guess it would be well supported by those that think Dunkleys sister and girlfriend are fair game.
Tuff Stuff from us.
You don’t seem the brightest troll, jumping in to support this false guy tough garbage, while ignoring the schools Libba and Bont attended.
This thread is pure try hard garbage.
I guess it would be well supported by those that think Dunkleys sister and girlfriend are fair game.
Tuff Stuff from us.
Settle down mate - just a footy thread.

Interesting debate the from public school vs private school and the qualities that either produce or do not produce, in general & sport.

In my general experience many private schools only expose the students to a narrow section of the community, compared to public school where we are all lumped in together and hopefully get to learn and embrace from a diverse population of all sections of society. No ‘old boys club’ at my Public School.

I do think it could be argued that it would be easier for elite footballers to have a their skills honed by specialist coaches, trainers, physios etc at a private school. Caulfield Grammar has like coaches FFS and talent counts at most games. In saying that I’m sure the occasional hard ball is won on the playing fields of Xavier and Co (if there is no one else to do it). Libba went private, sure it softened him up, but he’s still the hardest player in the league (imagine if he went to Braybrook High?)

There is also a separate debate about students who are brought up in a formalised form of private education, with strict upbringings, rules etc that as soon as they are let loose from that system they are snorting coke off hookers **** and growing their hair long.

In short, my son will be going to a private school and hopefully get into a good ‘old boys club’ so that meritocracy is once again thrown out the door and he can walk into any job simply with ‘Brisbane Grammar’ on his resume. Play on.
You don’t seem the brightest troll, jumping in to support this false guy tough garbage, while ignoring the schools Libba and Bont attended.
This thread is pure try hard garbage.
I guess it would be well supported by those that think Dunkleys sister and girlfriend are fair game.
Tuff Stuff from us.

You've replied twice to the same post. If it got under your skin that much then it was a pretty successful troll in my books.

State school Chads: 1
Private school Cry-babies: 0
Not soft, rather looks to be lacking confidence & second guessing himself. Hope he can find a way to rebuild and reach what we've seen him do in the past.
This could have been a good thread about the trajectory of Smith's career and why he isn't (yet) the dominant midfielder he looked like being two years ago.

"Soft" is a trigger word that has distracted us from the real questions.
This could have been a good thread about the trajectory of Smith's career and why he isn't (yet) the dominant midfielder he looked like being two years ago.

"Soft" is a trigger word that has distracted us from the real questions.
Yeah my fault there, threw a few hay makers that I regret boys and girls. But it is okay to be critical of our own. He could be so much better though. He could be Ryan Griffen (great comparison prior poster). Griffen was amazing at his peak.
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