LIES & DENIAL - Industry wide - no sympathy

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For the head of the AFL to come out and say he 'doesn't blame the players' just defies belief, and I won't even touch on the idiocy that clown from the AFLPA is spewing.

Also, why isn't more made of the fact that Vlad tipped off Essendon about the investigation!? You had a sporting organisation actively trying to help one of its clubs cover up its illegal doping program - that's a major ****ing story. I feel like it should have been one of the biggest headlines in this whole saga, but it had its 5 minutes of very minor fame and is now barely even referenced.
So are you going to ask for Crameri to be delisted?
Did you even read the post you quoted? No one is asking for players to be delisted.

It looks like you're trying to ask the OP if he's applying double standards, in which case the question would be "do you feel sympathy for Crameri?"

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There are parallels with journalists covering politics and working out of Parliament House in Canberra - Gillard's misogynist speech in Parliament directed to Abbott was initially dismissed and barely rated a mention from the Canberra press gallery. It took a groundswell of internet comment and coverage from the international media before the local journalists took it up. Analysis after the fact by the press gallery acknowledged they got it wrong and misread the significance, the public's mood and the wider implications. They were too caught up in the insular, chummy world of their own little bubble.

AFL reporting and journalists are no different - they have got it wrong but whether anyone has an epiphany and the balls to step out of line and tell it like it is remains to be seen.
Did you even read the post you quoted? No one is asking for players to be delisted.

It looks like you're trying to ask the OP if he's applying double standards, in which case the question would be "do you feel sympathy for Crameri?"
I see plenty of double standard around. Plenty are turning on the players but I dont see players from other clubs being targeted funny enough
There are parallels with journalists covering politics and working out of Parliament House in Canberra - Gillard's misogynist speech in Parliament directed to Abbott was initially dismissed and barely rated a mention from the Canberra press gallery. It took a groundswell of internet comment and coverage from the international media before the local journalists took it up. Analysis after the fact by the press gallery acknowledged they got it wrong and misread the significance, the public's mood and the wider implications. They were too caught up in the insular, chummy world of their own little bubble.

AFL reporting and journalists are no different - they have got it wrong but whether anyone has an epiphany and the balls to step out of line and tell it like it is remains to be seen.

Indeed. That show with Annabel Crabb where she hangs out cooking and drinking wine with politicians is a prime example. You're supposed to be keeping these campaigners to account Annabel, not being their best mate!
I see plenty of double standard around. Plenty are turning on the players but I dont see players from other clubs being targeted funny enough
Well then there's no need to invent new ones.

You're right in this instance that there was a lot more sympathy for Saad. Comes down to circumstances
Still find it bizarre how little scrutiny Tim Watson has faced in this whole debacle. For he was the one who brought all the major players into the EFC

Timmy's greatest defense is that he is an absolute imbecile .
He has now failed dismally as a coach and catastrophically as a behind the scenes powerbroker .
He should just stick to telling smutty jokes to tradies stuck in their cars on the way to work every morning ...

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Excellent posts here yebiga.

I do remember you and your earlier views. And yes they have changed.

Well articulated here.
I am now embarrassed by those views
And angry because info was kept from all of us
Credit to you and others who could see thru the b/s
Australian sports fans and media (as a collective) generally forgive Australian sportspeople for things they'd be furious about if done by foreigners. Shane Warne, Mark Waugh, now Essendon's players, seemingly all get off on some bizarre "Aw yeah, but it's not as bad as what others do!" mentality. This case is particularly galling as we now have evidence the players lied while it's patently obvious the afl admin tried to cover it all up from the very beginning. The entire saga shows the industry is corrupt to it's core and should be exposed. But nah, Reidy and Jobe and Heppell, they're all good blokes so no need to press 'em too hard, aye?
Did Caro and Barrett tell us the players lied to testers
I may be wrong but Caro s target seemed to be pretty much - Hird.

Fair target.

In a sense I do feel bad for the players. They put their complete trust in the club. But ultimately they are responsible for what they take, and they chose to not reveal to ASADA what they were taking when asked.

If they believed it was all okay why didnt they declare it?

This is the only question which truly needs answering by the players.
Yeah include Masters, but have Baker and McKenzie provided anything after the decision? Plenty about the poor players today, not much about their evasiveness with the investigators.

I dare say B&M are working on something as we speak............the angle they chose will be very, very interesting.
I think everyone who read the decision has changed their views on the players. I still sympathise with them to an extent (perhaps tough to say no to a coach telling you not to tell anyone), but it's impossible to say that are faultless now.

This had me thinking about the fringe players that may have received a bill and kochies words about wanting to accept a deal earlier but the players felt pressure from former teammates not to roll (haven't heard this myself saw it quoted in another thread so not 100% certain of it).
If they wanted to deal like the Cronulla players to ASADA and receive a soft ban they weren't allowed due to so many vested interests. The AFL would not have allowed them to roll over so it can be stage managed from the get go. Then Essendon the club would not have want them to roll due to the affect it has on their list with other players in the gun, ability to draw crowds...having to own up that Hird was a mistake and make a tough call.
So they sit through all of that and then perhaps get a bill at the end for CAS. I certainly hope Essendon said they would foot the bill for anyone involved in it and that it extends to players who no longer have the earning capacity to cover this.

The players should have separated themselves from the AFL after they couldn't guarantee the outcome. At least sought independent advice outside of the AFL. That includes Gordon and people like that who still have a vested interest in an AFL result.
Even if they, as the CAS result showed were in up to their eyeballs in it. They would have got a much more favourable result taking a Cronulla deal having WADA huff and puff but perhaps not wanting to go there.

The AFL are absolutely despicable. I get the whole sound bite "Well the AFL didn't inject anyone herp derp" but a lot of people see a position similar to theirs to be worse. They are charged with upholding the game. And I get there are certain financial concerns they are looking after but surely this exercise in doing anything but their job hasn't been cheap.
Players and clubs will push boundaries in the name of winning...some will go over...its up to the AFL to put a stop to that when they know about it. Not clunk a couple of heads together and pretend it didn't happen. I still remember Demetrio's "you's a re all just jealous of Essendon". Meanwhile knowing the whole season that he couldn't have a team in the finals that was under a doping investigation.
I think what the past day has revealed in all its glory is how naïve, amateurish and hypocritical the AFL and its associated hangers-on (in particular the media) are. When an insular sport in an insular country is exposed to the glare of international attention like WADA it merely showed just how mediocre and lazy those that run the sport and report on it really are.

What grates me is that my port membership and foxtel subscription subsidise this to an extent, and even worse that this will all be swept under the carpet and the circus will continue unabated. Policies and guidelines will be reviewed and amended, making sure that this scandal will never repeat as it will never see the light of day
For the head of the AFL to come out and say he 'doesn't blame the players' just defies belief, and I won't even touch on the idiocy that clown from the AFLPA is spewing.

Also, why isn't more made of the fact that Vlad tipped off Essendon about the investigation!? You had a sporting organisation actively trying to help one of its clubs cover up its illegal doping program - that's a major ******* story. I feel like it should have been one of the biggest headlines in this whole saga, but it had its 5 minutes of very minor fame and is now barely even referenced.

Vlad is Teflon and too well connected to cop scrutiny.

I agree it should've been a major story - my understanding at the time was that interference in an ACC investigation is a criminal offence. Anyway, I'm sure EFC appreciated the heads up, you know to destroy records, etc.
The next phase of spin is in play.

The AFL and Essendon are now spinning the story saying how sorry they feel for the players and how much they care for them.

The reason for this is simple, they act like good guys now because they know that the players law suits are coming.

The AFL needs a strong Essendon it makes them a LOT of money, they want to warm to the players to avoid the lawsuits

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LIES & DENIAL - Industry wide - no sympathy

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