Toast Long Live the King Michael Jackson

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Funny thing with Jackson (and his mangling of the English language),
is that i kinda sorta knew the choruses, but never knew the verses.

Did like the videos, (Beat it, and the Scorsese one)
the way they filmed them with live audio over the backing music,
commercial as the buggery, but damn effective.

ps: what the heck did "Sharmorn" mean anyway?
I'd love to but I would be lying.
I have no time for regular homogenised pop music and every day pop stars but that song along with Abba's Dancing Queen are templates for real pop music, that will last for a long time yet.

In all seriousness, MJ was the man. I defy anyone to say Billie Jean isn't the greatest song ever. I know you can. But don't. I defy you.

Practically spelled it out for you. :(

On another note, how cool was Smooth Criminal. I think it doubled in coolness after Alien Ant Farm sucked at the cover version.

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I agree Mr. Kray loved Smooth Criminal. MJ set the benchmark for making music video clips for the rest that followed.

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Idiots , Asif you dont like his music.

Every Artist out there is trying to mimic what he did.

You say how could anyone respect him , watch the news see how many people love the guy.

Oh wait you must be a closet fan ;)
Idiots , Asif you dont like his music.

No really, not everyone does.

He's like the male version of Madonna.

They have a massive effect on pop culture, but their msuic isn't that great.

Every Artist out there is trying to mimic what he did.

So he's the reason why music is so rubbish today?

You say how could anyone respect him , watch the news see how many people love the guy.

I respect the idea of being a good father over being a good singer/dancer.

One's kinda of a hell of alot more important a job.

Oh wait you must be a closet fan ;)

Why are you in the closet? ;)
Not sure what to think. Big news as he was iconic, but I was not really a fan of his style of music. Some toe tapping stuff in there and you did get caught in the melody I guess, but none of my favourites.

The last 10 years or so was pretty shameful. His legacy will be fairly interesting.
Freddie Mercury >>>>>>>>>> Elvis >>>>>>> Michael Jackson (different I know considering Freddie was in a band, but still, he craps all over them two IMHO, in the battle of the rock musicians from beyond the grave)

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