Hello all
Once again there has been some debate in regards to team sheets, what works in the sim and how the sim works and I'm actually sick and tired of being tagged in different threads asking so let's all just settle and use this thread where you can ask me, a known simmer in my 3rd simming season, anything you'd like to know about the sim. I may not know all the answers or the technical workings of it (Mobbenfuhrer may be a better person to ask) but to make your lives a bit easier, ask away
Once again there has been some debate in regards to team sheets, what works in the sim and how the sim works and I'm actually sick and tired of being tagged in different threads asking so let's all just settle and use this thread where you can ask me, a known simmer in my 3rd simming season, anything you'd like to know about the sim. I may not know all the answers or the technical workings of it (Mobbenfuhrer may be a better person to ask) but to make your lives a bit easier, ask away