Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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Ah, firstly, we're not going to descend into the battle we had before.

So, I'm going to frame this thread very carefully - so don't deviate - this thread is about new evidence/leads into the case. We're not going over the old battle ground, nor do I want to read about the various individuals and the like manning the opposing battlelines.

This thread is purely about the new leads in the case.

New leads in missing toddler case

British police say they have more than 20 suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the British toddler who vanished from a family holiday in Portugal six years ago.
According to the Daily Mail, a review from Scotland Yard into how the case was handled by Portuguese authorities, identified dozens of fresh leads.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/world/new-leads-in-missing-toddler-case-20130518-2jsw5.html#ixzz2TeGst31G
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On a serious note among their leads they include a Briton. I think it fair to assume that there is a chance that the British pedo the media found living in the vicinity could well be one of these leads.

Messenger it's a big net if you think it's an individual isolated incident. If it 's a stealing ring the leads could well be linked in a chain, one linked to the next and so on.
Would suggest that any newcomers who start accounts purely to post here should just be banned instantly. That's what ahoukd have happened last time

Not the answer to block people who want to discuss and engage but now were a little wiser to British forums stances and history between participants a little bit of hard zero tolerance will apply to rule breaches in this thread.
Saw this one today, seems interesting they still think she is alive would assume most people believe she is dead at this point

A two-year review of the original Portuguese investigation, which is officially closed, had resulted in some new evidence, said Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood of Scotland Yard, the officer in charge of the probe.
Police also still believe that Madeleine, who was three when she disappeared, may be alive, he said.

Yeah, and if that were true (which I guess there's every chance it might be), you just know that whoever has her world be long gone from that place. Can't believe how this sort of stuff is allowed to go to the press.
If a tragic crime happened here and we investigated and finally closed the case with no arrests I'd be pissed of if another country kept trying to investigate and interfere.

Yeah how dare those other countries try and catch criminals........

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Would be something if she is still alive. I dont think this case will ever be closed
For all the accusations about Portugal messing up the investigation and the Brits massive amounts of work on it the best lead we have is a barrister at a dinner party got told by someone they'd bumped into her in Malta?

Just because they don't know who did it doesn't mean they shouldn't look, fine to be pissed off about other countries blaming the origin country for being inept, but there is no harm in trying to find answers however unlikely.

Think about it this way, a member of your family died in another country and the other country said "Yep someone killed them, not sure who though. Case closed"

Would you want the Australian authorities to look further into the matter or just say "Nothing to see here Portugal said they can't find the guy, no point us trying"
If a tragic crime happened here and we investigated and finally closed the case with no arrests I'd be pissed of if another country kept trying to investigate and interfere.

Meh, she's a British citizen. They have an interest and some would say a responsibility.

Put the shoe on the other foot - if somebody you knew disappeared abroad, and the local authorities found nothing, I'm sure you'd be grateful if Australian agencies launched their own investigation.
Missing for 6 and a half years now, and lost count of the number of times I've read: "New leads in Madeline McCann case."

Hard to see a happy ending. Though like everyone else I'd love to see one.
Unless you were part of the investigation, why would it bother you?

Problem is that with all the man hours being spent on running down leads in what has become a "celebrity" case, other areas are missing out. Feel bad for every other missing child that's been shelved in the meantime.

Anyway, it's a tragedy and here's hoping for a miracle.
Missing for 6 and a half years now, and lost count of the number of times I've read: "New leads in Madeline McCann case."

Hard to see a happy ending. Though like everyone else I'd love to see one.

I still think (and hope) there's a happy ending. The Cleavland girls were found after 10 years so never say never! Surly by now this is the most recognizable case in the world right now?? You'd Also hope that the captor isn't inflicting harm upon her but I really can't see that being the case unfortunately.
You'd Also hope that the captor isn't inflicting harm upon her but I really can't see that being the case unfortunately.

You never know I guess. Perhaps it's one of those cases where a woman desperately wants a child so resorts to kidnapping. I can't say that I would be completely shocked if she did turn up in the future. It's happened numerous times.

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