Major Sponsor???

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Sep 6, 2005
Other Teams
Noticed on the news last night that the players new pre season gear was noticably very plain where usually the major sponsor name is plastered over everything.

Any word on a new major sponsor???Surely there is a big company in WA keen to sign up
mainman said:
Noticed on the news last night that the players new pre season gear was noticably very plain where usually the major sponsor name is plastered over everything.

Any word on a new major sponsor???Surely there is a big company in WA keen to sign up

Hagdorn said on radio 6PR a couple of weeks back that there are 3 or 4 potentials on the table.

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It is a concern that a new major sponsor hasn't been announced yet. It's unlikely that the new range of merchandise will be in stores before christmas, which will cost the club a lot of money.
I was sspeaking to a business man in Freo a couple of weeks ago and he was telling me that his business is considering pulling the pin on the Dockers because the return trade they get from the club is almost non-existant.He also said that many other businesses were of the same opinion.And no I will not say who he was or what the business he runs is.Just letting you know thats all.
I reckon our crap 2005 season probably cost us $1m over 3 years from a major sponsor. If we had a top 4 finish we could have commanded up to $2m a year. Instead I reckon we'll end up settling for something like $3.5-4m over 3 years. Which isn't much more than Bankwest paid.
anchor man said:
return trade
You sponsor the club, get your name on shirts/banners/backgrounds... what other "return trade" should they expect?

It's simply that we haven't been successful. Reckon anyone's turning away from the Eagles? If we have a good start to the season, keep the mid 30s crowds coming to the game, don't have "media bans" and do well in the big games on TV, we'll get the sponsors.
ThePope said:
You sponsor the club, get your name on shirts/banners/backgrounds... what other "return trade" should they expect?

My thoughts exactly. It's called exposure. The arrangement surely didn't include Scwabby calling up the business personally and saying - "we've got a customer for you"...
ThePope said:
You sponsor the club, get your name on shirts/banners/backgrounds... what other "return trade" should they expect?
It depends on what he means by return trade. If you mean an increase in revenue from the club directly it might be harsh.

But if he includes customers generated by the sponsorship of the club he's got a point. Sponsorship money is not a charity donation.

In this case, I don't think you want to go down the path of suggesting the businessman is a carping whinger. He/She's the client and it pays to listen to your clients.

Then you tell 'em to .... :D
Rob said:
I reckon our crap 2005 season probably cost us $1m over 3 years from a major sponsor. If we had a top 4 finish we could have commanded up to $2m a year. Instead I reckon we'll end up settling for something like $3.5-4m over 3 years. Which isn't much more than Bankwest paid.

BTW, did I tell you all my date with Megan Gale is all set for Saturday night at 7.30. Can't tell you where though.

You know -- unless you've got a direct line into both the details of the Banwest sponsorship AND the current negotiations at Freo HQ -- both the above statements look equally true.

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Surely sponsorship is similar to membership,you expect some return.We as members have the right to complain if we don't get something in return for what we pay.We even have the right to not renew our membership.Surely the same thing applies to sponsors,if they are getting nothing from sponsoship then they have the right to not renew their sponsorship.As the Doc said it is not a charity donation.
Imperial Purple you hit the nail on the head with your statement about CS ringing and saying we have a client for you.Why shouldn't that happen,surely that is what sponsorship is about.Or when the club is after something, rather than go to Subi or elsewhere, the club buy from a Fremantle business.
I know that if I was sponsoring the club and was running a business then I would want some return from the club.
ImperialPurple said:
My thoughts exactly. It's called exposure. The arrangement surely didn't include Scwabby calling up the business personally and saying - "we've got a customer for you"...
I agree with IP. The benefit for the sponsor is the exposure that they receive, what it really comes down to is on field success which generates more exposure, eg larger crowds at games and more people watching Freo games on TV. That is the main reason why all the club want Block Buster and Friday Night games.
anchor man said:
Surely sponsorship is similar to membership,you expect some return.We as members have the right to complain if we don't get something in return for what we pay.We even have the right to not renew our membership.Surely the same thing applies to sponsors,if they are getting nothing from sponsoship then they have the right to not renew their sponsorship.As the Doc said it is not a charity donation.
Imperial Purple you hit the nail on the head with your statement about CS ringing and saying we have a client for you.Why shouldn't that happen,surely that is what sponsorship is about.Or when the club is after something, rather than go to Subi or elsewhere, the club buy from a Fremantle business.
I know that if I was sponsoring the club and was running a business then I would want some return from the club.

Of course businesses have the right to choose whether or not they renew their sponorship. Like anything.

And do you seriously think Schwab should be calling all their sponsors?? FFS - they have a large number of sponsors of all shapes and sizes - some contributing as little as $5K per year... others, as we all know, in the millions. It would not be possible.

About 2 years ago, we decided to approach the club to see whether sponsorship of some sort would be viable for the small business we run. We met with one of the people in that particular dept, discussed a few options, but decided that was what available to us (within our budget) would not be beneficial to us in terms of exposure of our business name in the "right" (ie prominant) places. So we left it.

(That said, however, we have been contacted a few times by Scwabby's PA as the business we run is something that is often required by the club... ironic I s'pose).

I do agree wholeheartedly with you anchor man, that if the club can use a Freo business for something, then they should do so if the goods/services are competitively priced, rather than use people outside the area. That is good business - for everyone.
I guess you also have different types of sponsors. The big business who do it only for the exposure and benefits, and I include Bankwest and most headline name brand sponsors as that.
Then you have the smaller ones, who are probably found more at WAFL/club level who do it just as much as a donation or just for the goodwill, rather than as direct advertising benefit or a general business expense. Ford at Geelong and Toyota at the Crows are probably the last of these types for the headline major sponsors at AFL level.

The danger is if the club thinks some small sponsors are in the 2nd category, but they are actually in the first category...

The analogy to membership is similar. Some of us are WAFL members, despite rarely getting to the games, as it's like a donation to the club. Others want to make the most of their memberships as opportunity to schmooze clients etc.
Rob said:
I reckon our crap 2005 season probably cost us $1m over 3 years from a major sponsor. If we had a top 4 finish we could have commanded up to $2m a year. Instead I reckon we'll end up settling for something like $3.5-4m over 3 years. Which isn't much more than Bankwest paid.

LG = $4m over three years.

Rob was on the money (sic!). Just as well I like egg. Even on my face.
ImperialPurple said:
Of course businesses have the right to choose whether or not they renew their sponorship. Like anything.

And do you seriously think Schwab should be calling all their sponsors?? FFS - they have a large number of sponsors of all shapes and sizes - some contributing as little as $5K per year... others, as we all know, in the millions. It would not be possible.

About 2 years ago, we decided to approach the club to see whether sponsorship of some sort would be viable for the small business we run. We met with one of the people in that particular dept, discussed a few options, but decided that was what available to us (within our budget) would not be beneficial to us in terms of exposure of our business name in the "right" (ie prominant) places. So we left it.

(That said, however, we have been contacted a few times by Scwabby's PA as the business we run is something that is often required by the club... ironic I s'pose).

I do agree wholeheartedly with you anchor man, that if the club can use a Freo business for something, then they should do so if the goods/services are competitively priced, rather than use people outside the area. That is good business - for everyone.

You can support the club without actually giving money direct to them.

We indirectly sponsor the Dockers. We manage around 200 visa applications to Australia each year. When those people become new migrants/business migrants we give them a little thankyou pack which includes A Freo scarf. Got to get them early !

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Major Sponsor???

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