Males under 25 who drive cars - majority are hoons.

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Brownlow Medallist
Nov 13, 2004
Proud Queenslander
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Other Teams
Aussie Cricket Team, Roy, Punter.
Yesterday I was at a intersection waiting for the light to go green. I was at the front of the line as cars turned across my viewpoint when I accidently caught the eye of one young guy who was driving his car who then preceeded to hoon off, screching his tyres in the process.

These guys are absolute idiots in their hotted up pieces of shit. Revving your car doesn't make people think your tough, rather the opposite. There is an inordinate proportion of idiot young males who drive cars like hoons.

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Some other observations:

-Women in 4x4's are under the impression that road rules don't apply to them
-Men over 35 don't need to use indicators
-The smaller the car a woman drives, the bigger hook she has to take when making a turn. Woman + Barina = swirving onto adjacent lane to ensure the car can make the turn
-Corolla's and Camry's always drive 10km under the speed limit. 20km if they're on a freeway.
-Honk at a man who hasn't realised the light turned green, and he'll put his hand up to apologise. Honk at a woman in the same situation and she'll flip you off.
-P platers think that changing lanes should be done as fast as possible. Apparently its cool if you dart across.
-Vans are allowed to use two lanes simultaneously.
-Buses don't need to wait for space to merge into traffic / change lanes. They're bigger than other cars, they're allowed to barge in.
Yesterday I was at a intersection waiting for the light to go green. I was at the front of the line as cars turned across my viewpoint when I accidently caught the eye of one young guy who was driving his car who then preceeded to hoon off, screching his tyres in the process.

These guys are absolute idiots in their hotted up pieces of shit. Revving your car doesn't make people think your tough, rather the opposite. There is an inordinate proportion of idiot young males who drive cars like hoons.

They're probably all proud Queenslanders though.
P-Platers are very important and should be allowed to get to their destination a bit faster than the rest of us.
It is actually the law to give way to buses. Sometimes you will be side by side and they will chop you out but I do have some sympathy with them. As soon as the bus puts the indicator on you would get a lot of people speeding up to go around and you would never get space to merge in the city.
P-Platers are very important and should be allowed to get to their destination a bit faster than the rest of us.
Exactly, just get out of my way when I'm driving.

OP, don't generalise male drivers under 25 because what you have just said is a load of bollocks.

At what time were you at this intersection by the way?
Exactly, just get out of my way when I'm driving.

OP, don't generalise male drivers under 25 because what you have just said is a load of bollocks.

At what time were you at this intersection by the way?

Im not generalising male drivers at all, there are is a selection of drivers in all age groups , socioeconomic groups and genders that act like hoons behind a wheel. It is just that some of these respective groups have a higher proportion of hoons then others.

Males under 25 being one. The time was about 4:30 - 5:00 o'clock. It wasn't really hoon driving as such, more it was just him trying to act hard by revving his engine and spinning the wheels all because i made eye contact with him, which he has obviously viewed as a challenge.

Go out Thursday night and see these young idiots driving around in their pieces of shit acting hard and you'll see what I mean. If your unforunate enough to be at the lights next to a car of these idiots and you happen to take off at the green a split second before the other car you are greeted with a tyre spin and associated smoke.

I don't know how these guys think they are hard, but in future i will endeavour to stir them up as much as possible.

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I've seen hoon activity from every demographic there is. I extrapolate from this that everyone is a hoon. Except for old people, who still exhibit hoon activity, but are going senile and probably arent even aware they are driving.
Some other observations:

-Women in 4x4's are under the impression that road rules don't apply to them
-Men over 35 don't need to use indicators
-The smaller the car a woman drives, the bigger hook she has to take when making a turn. Woman + Barina = swirving onto adjacent lane to ensure the car can make the turn
-Corolla's and Camry's always drive 10km under the speed limit. 20km if they're on a freeway.
-Honk at a man who hasn't realised the light turned green, and he'll put his hand up to apologise. Honk at a woman in the same situation and she'll flip you off.
-P platers think that changing lanes should be done as fast as possible. Apparently its cool if you dart across.
-Vans are allowed to use two lanes simultaneously.
-Buses don't need to wait for space to merge into traffic / change lanes. They're bigger than other cars, they're allowed to barge in.

You can add to that the fact that taxi drivers appear to make up their own road rules.
The more experience i get on the roads the more i can predict what cars/drivers will drive 40k's an hour, drive real slow and stop for every orange light.

Drivers that come across as prudish as LtD i'll try to get on the inside of at the lights and beat of the mark cos it saves me 3-4 potential lights sitting behind these cautious cassie's
You can add to that the fact that taxi drivers appear to make up their own road rules.
Yeah they must think that driving over those reflector things must realign their tyres or some shit. Or swerving around.... IMO its a ploy to try and make the drunken yobbos yack so they can charge them a $200 penalty.
Some other observations:

-Women in 4x4's are under the impression that road rules don't apply to them
-Men over 35 don't need to use indicators
-The smaller the car a woman drives, the bigger hook she has to take when making a turn. Woman + Barina = swirving onto adjacent lane to ensure the car can make the turn
-Corolla's and Camry's always drive 10km under the speed limit. 20km if they're on a freeway.
-Honk at a man who hasn't realised the light turned green, and he'll put his hand up to apologise. Honk at a woman in the same situation and she'll flip you off.
-P platers think that changing lanes should be done as fast as possible. Apparently its cool if you dart across.
-Vans are allowed to use two lanes simultaneously.
-Buses don't need to wait for space to merge into traffic / change lanes. They're bigger than other cars, they're allowed to barge in.

Can't argue with any of those. Add two more:
- Taxi drivers don't think the road rules apply to them (at all)
- Idiots who disobey the "Don't queue across intersection". And most of them don't apologise for it either.
Eh another, day another thread bashing people under 25. I'm sure 20 years ago young drivers were hoons and im sure in another 20 years they still will be!
It's a massive stereotype, but it is completely on the mark, and that's Asian drivers...

whenever I see someone doing something just completely stupid on the roads... not hooning around at stupid speeds, or driving overly agressively... but something that's just plain stupid, that screams I have no idea how to drive, every time it's an asian driver...

the past 6 months whenever I've seen someone doing something completely stupid, I've had a look at the driver... and unfortunately, the Asian's are 10-0 at the moment...

not saying all Asian's are bad drivers, but most drivers that really have no idea are asian (or old)...

I don't put this down to genetics, i'm all but certain that most of these people I've seen would have all immigrated to Australia at a mature age, and never had learnt how to drive properly...
when i drive, im usually bloody scared of running into things/people, and generally no respect is given to these tools, it doesn't really make you a hardnut. looks like an increase with fast and the furious out.

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Males under 25 who drive cars - majority are hoons.

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