Time for you to catch up, Mal. You ought to be embarrassed at how far behind the curve you are on this one.
At the micro level, that of industries and companies, the Great Reset will entail a long and complex series of changes and adaptation. When confronted with it, some industry leaders and senior executives may be tempted to equate reset with restart, hoping to go back to the old normal and restore what worked in the past: traditions, tested procedures and familiar ways of doing things – in short, a return to business as usual. This won’t happen because it can’t happen. For the most part “business as usual” died from (or at the very least was infected by) COVID-19.
From 'COVID-19: The Great Reset' by Klaus Schwab. Available as a pdf here.
Apparently a rather popular book.
None of this is a 'conspiracy theory'.
It is all out there in the open.
And just as Yuri Bezmenov predicted, the true believers will refuse to see what is in front of their faces.
complete bunkum- the entrenched Capitalist power will not allow a move to Socialism or death of the free market.
They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. As the saying goes, in a 2 horse race always back self interest.