The vaccine had some limited efficacy in preventing infection. You're less likely to get infected with each exposure if you're vaccinated as opposed to if you're not. Eventually you will get it.
However, it had significant efficacy in reducing the virulence of the virus when you do get infected. If you're vaccinated you have milder symptoms, less chance of needing hospitalization, and reduced odds of death.
Being vaccinated also results in the virus not wreaking the same havoc on your body than it would have done if you were unvaccinated, leaving you in better health after your infection, than you would be if you were unvaccinated.
Effect of covid-19 vaccination on long covid: systematic review | BMJ Medicine
newsGP - Does vaccination reduce long COVID risk?
Heart issues caused by the virus.
You know; the same virus you decided not to get vaccinated fo
Missed the point, doesn't surprise me though.The most effective cults over the long term are those whose members dont realise they are in a cult