Maynard cleared by tribunal for Brayshaw collision

What should happen with Maynard?

  • 1-2 match suspension for careless, med-high impact, high contact

    Votes: 247 27.9%
  • 3-4 match suspension for intentional, med-high impact, high contact

    Votes: 203 23.0%
  • 5+ match suspension, intentional or careless with severe impact, straight to tribunal

    Votes: 68 7.7%
  • Charges downgraded to a fine

    Votes: 52 5.9%
  • No charge/no penalty

    Votes: 314 35.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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THE AFL has opted against appealing the Tribunal's decision in the Brayden Maynard case, meaning the Collingwood defender is in the clear to play in the Magpies' preliminary final.

The AFL, having brought the charge against Maynard, said on Wednesday that it would not challenge the Tribunal's ruling, but would comment further later in the day.

"The AFL has confirmed that after careful consideration and review of the Tribunal's decision and reasons following last night's hearing into the incident involving Collingwood's Brayden Maynard and Melbourne's Angus Brayshaw, the AFL has decided not to appeal the Tribunal's decision," a statement read.

"Per the Tribunal Guidelines the AFL had to make this decision by 12:00pm AEST today.

"The AFL will release a further statement later today."
Finally some sanity 👍
Hate to see you if you trip over, hip and shoulder the ground every time is gonna hurt.
Same for all those players that get pushed towards the fence.

it’s about mindset. and we know what Brayden Maynard’s on field mindset is.
He pushed his shoulders inwards and covered his torso with his arms. His shoulder hitting his head was not a conscious decision. I’d love to see you miraculously avoid a collision with someone when you’re flying through the air at over 25kmph with the other person coming at 10-15kmph.

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The precedent is if you jump off the ground to spoil and after you leave the ground someone shifts to the right into your drop zone and you land on them you won't get suspended.

Don't think we're going to see a spate of blokes jumping to smother and land a little bit off the line of a kicker in the hope that the kicker changes course and they can knock them out.

How many players are going to run into vertical spoils?
AFL are set NOT to appeal the common sense decision either. More amazing common sense by the AFL. So much common sense that it is forming a trend of commonality that is becoming all too common. They must show the public that this is not the case and suspend Jack Martin for 8 WEEKS! Get back on track AFL!
Well main thing is i hope Brayshaw is okay.

Going forward as a league we need to be careful about deliberate acts and football accidents.

With the concussion protocol the disadvantage the resulting team faces is quite signficant.

Not suggesting a coach would tell a player to deliberately take out a player but just need to be careful.
The vocal minority in full swing after the verdict screaming that the sky is falling.

What just happened is the status quo. We move on to next week in exactly the same place as we were last week according to the rules and how we play the game. Nothing has changed.

If he was found guilty it would have changed the way the game was played for almost every impact incident not already covered under bumps and tackles.
You somehow think Collingwood and their supporters would've handled this all any differently if the positions of the players were flipped?
You mean like when Murphy got knocked out and had his nose broken by an attempted spoil by Fogarty earlier this year and wasn’t even cited?

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Sigh, this is like wwe

1. Ex Coll MRO finds nothing wrong
2. Gets referred to tribunal by his boss.
3. Leaked reports about him quitting then he doesnt
4. Numerous Coll blokes vocalising Maynard should get off.
5. Interesting prosecution moves described as being messed up by a Coll Supporter.
6. Maynard gets off

Maynard just happens to be a best 22 player in a big vic club who finished on top.

Contrived outcome much?
Utter piffle. You need to change your name. I just thought of one too!
I thought he'd get rubbed out a couple as to me as there's things he could of done from that point instead of turn the shoulder into him and he knocked a bloke cold.

For those saying it sets a precedent, no it doesn't, this is the AFL, they will make it up as they go along each time.

Mind you, nothing surprises me with the AFL tribunal, it's whatever pot luck you get on the day and this well fell in the favour of Maynard.

I didn't really know what outcome to expect but leant towards the suspension as more likely.

the afl will almost certainly bring in an interpretation that if you leave the ground and your shoulder connects with a players head that will be on you over the off season

much like how for pretty much the entirety of the history of the game sliding into your opponent to win the ball was fine

and then some players had their legs snapped in such an incident and a new interpretation of the rules was created
That doesn't actually make sense. Plus I bet you haven't actually bothered to read the guidelines and are just going totally on your own version of what constitutes careless. Or your own vibe on natural justice.
The “I reckons” are hilarious in this thread.

They haven’t heard the evidence and haven’t read the reasons.

If they had done either, they would see (if they have functioning brains) that he just had to get off. It would have been a travesty had it been upheld.
Less than a month ago a Pies player was KO’d and everyone just got on with it

In a similar incident to this?

No, no it wasn't. So not sure of the relevance of bringing it up.

Collingwood supporters would be crying from the rooftops if one of their players was knocked out by a Melbourne player who then got off at the tribunal
Bullshit decision but totally expected.

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Yeah I give up
Another Manipulated outcome for the AFL
🙌 all round

I can’t wait when this boys club league of entitled VFL flogs gets its arse sued off by a players led class action based on head trauma …..
then knowing the AFL tho they ll try and get in early and conduct their own inquiry … of course finding themselves no case to answer
Laura Kane is looking stupid now. Burnt money on the tribunal hearing for nothing.

We got the only just outcome. It’s been pathetic the way Melbourne has carried on
I think she had to refer because of the brutal nature of the collision and the public and media intensity around it. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The optics of an ex Collingwood player saying no case to answer, possibly played a part.

I hope Clubs don’t start training the method.
Looking forward to players running directly at player who has possession of the ball ..... pretending to smother the kick or handball .... and plowing straight through the oncoming players head

No case to answer :thumbsu: .... happy days!!
"pretending" ??? On that basis, you could suspend anyone at any time. A player crashing the pack was only "pretending'' to go for the ball, but really wanted to injure the opponent. Arguments such as this would be appropriate in Salem in 1692.
He pushed his shoulders inwards and covered his torso with his arms. His shoulder hitting his head was not a conscious decision. I’d love to see you miraculously avoid a collision with someone when you’re flying through the air at over 25kmph with the other person coming at 10-15kmph.

Yeah, because players have never run into each other in a marking contest, I guess we’re allowed to knock opponents out in those situations too.

The point that many disagree with is that Brayden Maynard put himself in that position without any thought of his opponent.

Ill guarantee you one thing, if Maynard made a complete smother, there would have been no bracing and almost certainly no incident.

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Maynard cleared by tribunal for Brayshaw collision

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