Conspiracy Theory Media & Manufactured Consent

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Editor of major German newspaper says he planted stories for the CIA. He says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs or find their careers cut.


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Media Matters is part of a left-wing propaganda machine that wants one thing: to censor and silence everyone who dissents from its narrative.
Free speech warrior Elon seems to be trying to censor and silence that outlet's right to free speech here.


"I think sometimes people forget that Media Matters was created, shaped and governed for a long time by David Brock, arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen. There was no way for anything decent to be spawned from that rotted root:" Glenn Greenwald Nov 23, 2023.

The guy that used to date Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis and is a "Clinton devotee"? :oops:

The current Media Matters 'hoax' supported by evidence and summarised by X Senior Exec and former NBCUniversal, exec vice president of communications, global advertising and partnerships, Joe Benarroch.


"I think sometimes people forget that Media Matters was created, shaped and governed for a long time by David Brock, arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen. There was no way for anything decent to be spawned from that rotted root:" Glenn Greenwald Nov 23, 2023.

The guy that used to date Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis and is a "Clinton devotee"? :oops:

The current Media Matters 'hoax' supported by evidence and summarised by X Senior Exec and former NBCUniversal, exec vice president of communications, global advertising and partnerships, Joe Benarroch.

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I love it how Elon and co. think this is some kinda rebuttal. They are literally just confirming the original report's contention lol

"Hey these guys just made an account and followed nazi-adjacent stuff, then after awhile some ads for big companies appeared next to the nazi stuff"

Umm yep, you got it :tearsofjoy:
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Of course you added that in
James Alefantis wasn't Comet Ping Pong owner?

From the link, looks like they had their photos on cover of Washington Magazine.

David Brock now advising The 65 Project, pushing bar associations to disbar any lawyers who help Republicans in election-related litigation.

Brock told Axios The 65 Project would “not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms…You’re threatening their livelihood.”

Manufacturing media consent just a warm up for ... 'arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen."

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James Alefantis wasn't Comet Ping Pong owner?

From the link, looks like they had their photos on cover of Washington Magazine.

David Brock now advising The 65 Project, pushing bar associations to disbar any lawyers who help Republicans in election-related litigation.

Brock told Axios The 65 Project would “not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms…You’re threatening their livelihood.”

Manufacturing media consent just a warm up for ... 'arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen."

I never said he wasn't the owner. Just amusing you felt it necessary to add that detail. More comedy from Bluey.

On the latter; so lawyers knowingly aiding in the fraudulent lawsuits Trump and his ilk try to use to discredit the democratic process should be named and shamed? Sounds fine to me.
I never said he wasn't the owner. Just amusing you felt it necessary to add that detail. More comedy from Bluey.

On the latter; so lawyers knowingly aiding in the fraudulent lawsuits Trump and his ilk try to use to discredit the democratic process should be named and shamed? Sounds fine to me.
Just a fact, but not surprised what you find funny.

Even though US propaganda, US Media propaganda is a major source of this show and of my work, it sometimes does surprise me when you put these things together just how far they're willing to go and in fact that has been pretty much the entire way, not just that this incident.

The entire US involvement in the war in Ukraine. How the war in Ukraine happened. How it's going. All of it is characterized by the same low-level absurd propaganda that if you challenge any part of you will actually get put on official list of being a Kremlin propagandist. Has happened to not just me, but to everybody who has done so and sometimes it's worth taking a step back and realizing just how extreme and far they're often willing to go.

Even if you're cynical and skeptical of the media they will always go lower than you think they will always surprise you in the way that they do. ...

Aside from being an act of extreme industrial terrorism, you just blow up a gas infrastructure and oil infrastructure, it was a major environmental disaster. Remember how we're supposed to care about the environment? This is one of the worst
environmental disasters in years, with all kinds of natural gas leaking from that platform that was transmitting huge amounts back and forth and amazingly at the time when this question arose - 'oh who might have done this?' 'who might have blown up this up?' ...

Explicitly Biden and Victoria Nuland came out and said 'if the Russians invade Ukraine you can say goodbye to the nordstream 2 pipeline.' So the US threatened repeatedly in public to blow it up and then nine months later when it was blown up the Western media was like

'oh my God who might have done this?' 'a gigantic mystery could it be? As we're about to show you, they try to imply strongly that a leading suspect was Putin. That for some reason Putin decided to blow up his own pipeline.

Seymour Hirsch who is one of the most decorated journalists on the planet, if not the most decorated. He's one two Pulitzer prizes for his reporting about massacres in Vietnam and then Abu grabi. I think he's won six poke awards for investigative reporting, more than any other person reported at the time that it was the United States that was responsible.

Here's his article back in February of 2023. He said how America took out the Nordstream pipeline. The United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret until now, when he detailed what he had learned. Of course, all the people in the know still in the corporate media all mocked him and said that was some weird conspiracy theory.

Today there was a report from a publication called 'Politiken', which is an outlet in Scandinavia, where a lot of these investigations were taking place. In fact it took place right off a Danish Island where the pipeline was blown up, the Danish conducting the investigation up until now have refused to release the findings of that investigation.

But today from that publication, it's actually from last week September 26 2024, published in the original Danish and it's now been translated. The title 'a small Danish Island got caught in a major political sabotage case'.

Quote, "In September 2022 the explosions of the Nordstream gas pipelines attracted enormous International attention. At first everyone believed Russia was behind the sabotage". Let me say not everyone. A lot of us knew that was completely idiotic and scoffed at it and laughed at it as one of the dumbest pieces of propaganda imaginable. But a lot of people did believe that Russia was somehow behind the sabotage.

The article goes on "But now Germany is searching for a Ukrainian diving group on a pleasure yacht while Denmark and Sweden have closed their investigations" quote "It's a huge case and the biggest Act of Terror in this area since World War II" said Soren Thiim Andersen administrator of Christainso.

"In the beginning we didn't know what the police were looking for and there were no ship names to relate to. But it does affect us of course it has if there has been a boat with explosives right over there without us without us noticing anything," explains Anne Marie Koefoed.

Her husband, the Harbor Master John Anker Nielsen said he provided the police with information from the payment machine where ship dock. But the machine contains no names and he only spoke with the police a few times. A journalist
also showed the Harbor Master a picture that didn't ring any bells.

For the first few days the Harbor Master claimed he quote "wasn't allowed to say a word", but today John Anker Nielsen can reveal that four or 5 days before the Nordstream explosion he was with the rescue service from Christianso, because there were some ships there that their radios were turned off.

It turned out that they were the that they were US Navy ships. When the rescue service approached them ,he was asked by the naval command to turn back. Therefore the Harbour Master leans toward the theory as suggested by among others the American Seymour Hersh, although without any evidence, the US was behind the sabotage.

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Conspiracy Theory Media & Manufactured Consent

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