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Age: 31
Height: 175
Weight: 79
Body type: Went from Ecto to between Endo and Meso
Qualifications in the industry: Watched 63 body building videos on YouTube

Supplements: Currently taking BsC Lean5, creatine, Vital all-in-one super greens (as I don't have enough F&V), and usually CLA

Diet: Too much processed food I think (protein and nut bars). Last day I tracked my macros: 38% carbs(280g), 36% fat(119g), 26% protein(191g) from 2,990 cals

Goals: Build as much lean muscle mass as I can

Achievements so far: Gaining weight was the first goal, went from 62kg at my lightest to 86kg at my heaviest. I now probably look 'bigger' than when I was my heaviest despite weighing 7kg less (fitbit scales say 21% bodyfat). Benching 100kg was an achievement I guess as that's not something I thought I'd ever be able to do.

Sport played: Previously played Footy, Athletics, Tennis, Squash, Cricket. Haven't really played any sport for about 9 years now, just been doing gym on/off for the last few years
I didn't include this with my original post but I probably should have. After not playing any sport for a few years I had no idea what sort of physical shape I was in, I had just always been thin. But in 2016 I saw this photo of myself (on the left) and thought "shit I think I need to something". To most people that's probably just an average physique, but from where I was coming from, that was probably the worst shape I'd ever been in. No definition, pecks starting to have a sagging appearance, kind of becoming skinny fat. Now on the right was last summer, about the best condition I've been in. I have been leaner but had no muscle (when I was 62kg). I'm a little bit heavier now but carrying a couple percent more body fat, so now I'm just trying to get back to that level, or exceed it.

Age: 18 female
Height: 157cm / 5’2”
Weight: 63
Body type: I don’t think I fit the profiles but I have an hourglass, slim but wide hips and big quads haha
Qualifications in the industry: I’ve been in several high performance programs

- creatine, whey protein, EAA+BCAA ehp labs blend, multivitamins

Diet: It’s okay for an athlete, work definitely dictates what I eat.

Goals: Lean down a bit more but also become as fit as I can coming off an ankle injury now waiting for Covid test results.

Achievements so far: Did pre season with the northern knights but got cut because I got injured, lost 2kg and looking lean but obviously want to get better

Sport played: Played soccer up to 2019, in 2018 went to nationals with Victoria and played in the national championships. 2021 joined footy and got to do pre season with knights and now just gonna grind out this season
Last edited:
Age: 22
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Bodyfat: No idea, used to be quite low but have put on a bit of weight recently
Qualifications: Certificate 1&2 in Sports and Recreation
Sports: Fencing (Sabre and Foil)
Supplements: None

After a few years being sick and injured (Glandular Fever, Whooping Cough, Shingles, Two Stress Fractures to Vertebrae in my back, Escalator Spike through my knee (Punched a hole through my patella), Stretched Labrum in Shoulder causing constant dislocation) I managed to get back to fencing last year and I plan on going to state and national level competitions this year.

Yesterday I got diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis, but I want to manage the injury this year and continue competing.

My ultimate goals are to get my weight levels down to 58-63 Kilos and ultimately make myself fit enough for high level competition again (After so many injuries and time outs I have grown rather unfit sadly).

Figured I should probably update this.

Since this was taken in 2014, I got pretty sick, had a few injuries and my weight blew out (got up to 87 kilos at my worst), have made some great progress since 2018 though so not too depressed.

Age: 31
Height: 171cm
Weight: 67 kilos
Body fat: 15.5%
Body type: Meso (I think currently)7

Supplements: Meal replacement shakes (breakfast), BCA/ EAA, Shred System (protein powder) (thinking whether I need to add creatine)

Diet: Working on it, a lot better than it used to be (I miss pizza and soft drink though).

Goals: Want to get through the competition period this year for my fencing with no injuries, limited fatigue and decent results (3 X state comps, 3 X national comps and Oceanic championships).

Would also like to get to under 13% body fat and shred myself a bit more (just a body I can be proud of).

Achievements so far: 20 kilos weight lost, represented Australia in my chosen sport.

Sports: National level fencer (have also represented Australia before), also enjoy boxing and tennis/ badminton.


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Age: 18 female
Height: 157cm / 5’2”
Weight: 63
Body type: I don’t think I fit the profiles but I have an hourglass, slim but wide hips and big quads haha
Qualifications in the industry: I’ve been in several high performance programs

- creatine, whey protein, EAA+BCAA ehp labs blend, multivitamins

Diet: It’s okay for an athlete, work definitely dictates what I eat.

Goals: Lean down a bit more but also become as fit as I can coming off an ankle injury now waiting for Covid test results.

Achievements so far: Did pre season with the northern knights but got cut because I got injured, lost 2kg and looking lean but obviously want to get better

Sport played: Played soccer up to 2019, in 2018 went to nationals with Victoria and played in the national championships. 2021 joined footy and got to do pre season with knights and now just gonna grind out this season
I just wanna update this and say that I’ve been able maintain this and get a bit leaner as the footy season went on. I’m pretty proud of myself because I don’t really like the way my body looks but this off season will be huge!!
Age: 26
Height: 178
Weight: 80
Body type: don't really subscribe to this
Qualifications in the industry: none

Supplements: currently using: WPC, creatine, pre-workout powders

Diet: -500 caloric deficit. Varied. Try to minimise meat consumption for various reasons.

Goals: Time to lean out. My bodybuilding show condition is about 73kg, hoping to get down to 75kg though. Recently did my ACL and had it reconstructed, so rehab is my main focus 8 weeks post-op.

Sport played: Wrestling (past), Cricket. Would love to get back into footy next year but understand I'm pushing it with an 8 year layoff and recently knee reco.
Seeing the notification of Ligma posting here...guess it's time for me to revisit this.

Height the same. I weigh 83kg now. Probably about 18-20% body fat at the moment. I got fighting fit after the ACL reco mentioned here, but unfortunately I'm currently rehabbing after my second ACL reconstruction now.
Age: 33

Height: 168

Weight: was at 134 Sept 1, already down to 120.

Body type: always been a fatty, put on and hold weight easily.

Qualifications: none

Supplements: none aside from protein.

Diet: keto/low carb for the most part.

Goals: to get down to 85kg and keep majority of my lean muscle mass. Also want to build strength across the compound exercises. Build a fitness base as well, so have been adding in cardio 3 or 4 times a week as well.

Sport played: cricket.
Age: 34
Height: 178cm
Weight: 87kg
Body type: don’t really buy into these, but atm I’d say I have average bf % but well above average muscle mass compared to the average bloke on the street
Qualifications: a fairly extensive list beginning at Cert III fitness all the way up to a Masters of Physio
Supplements: creatine
Diet: pretty average atm, waiting to move for work so have been working for my mate in construction and it’s those dodgy warehouse cafes for smoko every day
Goals: be more consistent, get back to competing in powerlifting, not get roped into filling in for footy again (lost about 6 months this year to 3 separate injuries in 4 games lol)
Achievements so far: nothing overly impressive, but am +20kg body weight on when I first started lifting and have 3x body weight squats and deadlifts (in multiply so probably not relatable to what anyone in here is doing)
Sports played: competed in powerlifting for about 6 years, have played close to a decade of footy and I race competitively in downhill skateboarding

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Age: 43
Height: 168cm
Weight: 102kg
Body type: Fat tank
Qualifications in the industry: Unfinished cert III as fitness instructor. To qualify that, I started over 15 years ago.

Supplements: currently using: Various standard pre-workout and amino acid formulas.

Diet: Heavy on carbs and booze.

Goals: 75kg, 20 min 5km run. For reference, I have a 22min 5km run in the past 5 years.

Achievements so far: Across the board PB's in weight lifting over the past year. I bench 120kg without a spotter.

Sport played: Cycling, weight lifting. Too fat to run atm.
Figured I should probably update this.

Since this was taken in 2014, I got pretty sick, had a few injuries and my weight blew out (got up to 87 kilos at my worst), have made some great progress since 2018 though so not too depressed.

Age: 31
Height: 171cm
Weight: 67 kilos
Body fat: 15.5%
Body type: Meso (I think currently)7

Supplements: Meal replacement shakes (breakfast), BCA/ EAA, Shred System (protein powder) (thinking whether I need to add creatine)

Diet: Working on it, a lot better than it used to be (I miss pizza and soft drink though).

Goals: Want to get through the competition period this year for my fencing with no injuries, limited fatigue and decent results (3 X state comps, 3 X national comps and Oceanic championships).

Would also like to get to under 13% body fat and shred myself a bit more (just a body I can be proud of).

Achievements so far: 20 kilos weight lost, represented Australia in my chosen sport.

Sports: National level fencer (have also represented Australia before), also enjoy boxing and tennis/ badminton.

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Think it's time for another update on this one.

Since last year on this one, finished top at at Oceanic Championships, Won state championships, been selected as part of the Australian Fencing Squad and will hopefully go to a men's sabre world cup next year.

Age: 32
Height: 171cm
Weight: 64.5 kilos
Body fat: 10.5%
Body type: Honestly not sure, think Ecto, try not to think about it and train as I can.
Qualifications in industry: Certificate 3, studying Cert 4, Fitness Boxing certificate, qualified fencing coach.

Supplements: Protein Powder (My Protein), L-Carnatine, Creatine, Collagen.

Diet: Started a diet recently through fencing Australia, eating breakfast now which is nice. Unfortunately I do not get severely hungry so I generally cut on my calorie intake, especially on days where I train twice.

Goals: Been selected for a world cup next March, so currently focusing on this, lean body mass improvements will be key here.

Vanity sake, maybe more abdominal muscles, I struggle to put on size in my arms (and is detrimental towards my sport), but will work on toning them further.

Achievements so far: 22 kilos weight lost, represented Australia in my chosen sport.

Sports: National level fencer (Currently in Australian squad), also enjoy boxing and tennis/ badminton. (Tennis and Badminton are on hold whilst competing, only doing fitness boxing currently).


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