Membership Crisis.

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Cursed Dogs....
We are a very fickle bunch at the bulldogs... Very sad indeed.,26576,23503562-19742,00.html

Club calls on lost Dogs
Mark Stevens | April 08, 2008 12:00am

THE Western Bulldogs are facing a dramatic membership shortfall of up to $1.2 million despite their unbeaten start to the season. More than 8000 members from 2007 have yet to re-commit, leaving the Dogs increasingly anxious about the impact on the bottom line.

The Dogs are last on the membership ladder with 23,564 paid-up supporters.

Even embattled Melbourne - the club the Dogs thumped by 95-points in Round 2 - has sold more memberships.

Despite a shocking start to the season on the field, the Demons have managed to scrounge together 23,622.

"As chief executive, I feel embarrassed," Bulldogs boss Campbell Rose said yesterday.

"The club has never been better positioned, however, a loss of 8000 members from last year would put our club into a precarious financial position.

"It could border on a crisis.

"This is a call to arms to our supporters."

The Dogs had set a target of 32,000 members this year, but have been stunned by a lack of interest from supporters.

The club sold less than 200 memberships at its Friday night home game against St Kilda at Telstra Dome.

The lack of activity came despite a Friday morning email from Bulldogs president David Smorgon, urging more than 2000 unsigned members to jump back on board.

Smorgon said the task of re-signing the bulk of the 8000 "lost dogs" could prove to be the difference between a profit and loss.

"We know who they are, we know where they are, the question we want to understand is why these people haven't renewed their membership," Smorgon said,

Smorgon said the Dogs had been expecting an "avalanche" of phone calls after the win against St Kilda. Instead, there has been stone-cold silence.

"There's been barely a drip," Smorgon said. "My appeal is 'Where's the pride in the Bulldog?'.

"Have a look at some of our competitors, who haven't got that much to hang their hat on.

"Carlton has lost 14 games in a row and their membership is over 35,000."

The Dogs now face an uphill battle to get close to last year's club record of 28,752 members.

Smorgon said surveys had revealed supporters were bitterly disappointed with the Dogs' run home last year, which included six losses and a draw.

"The view of those surveyed was there was a lack of effort from the club," Smorgon said.

"My view is, we've addressed that very strongly in a public manner over the summer with the football report.

"We, as a board, weren't happy and we've made the hard changes.

"Last year is last year.

"The first week we had a stirring victory for Johnno's 300th, which would have stirred the passion and emotion in any Bulldog fan.

"We came out two weeks ago against Melbourne and instead of winning by five or six goals we ended up winning by 95 points.

"And then, we had our biggest test on Friday night, and we came out with one of the most exciting victories in years against St Kilda.

"We, as a football club, need these members to come on board."

Smorgon went as far as pledging to talk to supporters personally if they are disgruntled.

"If they want to contact Campbell or I and explain why they're not happy to renew, we're happy to take their calls and answer them," Smorgon said.

Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade took the step of calling for members to renew at his press conference on Friday night.
"As chief executive, I feel embarrassed," Bulldogs boss Campbell Rose said yesterday.

"The club has never been better positioned, however, a loss of 8000 members from last year would put our club into a precarious financial position.

"It could border on a crisis.

"This is a call to arms to our supporters."

It's to late to pull the 'crisis' membership sale campaign. Should have been sprouting that back in Jan like North.
Imagine if we lost our first 3 games like Melbourne!!:eek: They may as well shut the place down!
Pretty ordinary effort if you ask me, some people look for any excuse not to sign on!
Lift your game people or we will be doing another "tin rattle" some time soon!

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I find Smorgon's plea frustrating, he says he knows who the lapsed members are and where they are, but at the same time says he doesn't know why they haven't signed up.

Wouldn't the obvious thing to do is call them and find out!

Setup an outbound telemarketing campaign and call each individual. They can be asked if they will sign-up and if not, why not? How hard is that. Table the results and provide a report to Smorgon and Rose, not rocket science by any means.

Overall, my perception on this year's membership drive, is that it has been apathetic.
Also for the club to assume a target of 32,000 members after a year like 2007 indicates to me a degree of over optimism, unfortunately reality has now hit them. A new approach should of been taken in 2008, one of damage control and consolidation.
I find Smorgon's plea frustrating, he says he knows who the lapsed members are and where they are, but at the same time says he doesn't know why they haven't signed up.

Wouldn't the obvious thing to do is call them and find out!

Setup an outbound telemarketing campaign and call each individual. They can be asked if they will sign-up and if not, why not? How hard is that. Table the results and provide a report to Smorgon and Rose, not rocket science by any means.

Overall, my perception on this year's membership drive, is that it has been apathetic.
Also for the club to assume a target of 32,000 members after a year like 2007 indicates to me a degree of over optimism, unfortunately reality has now hit them. A new approach should of been taken in 2008, one of damage control and consolidation.

I would even go a step further and take out the a from the front of apathetic. All the other clubs have been out there marketing themselves in the media but I haven't heard a single thing from the kennel. It should have happened months ago, not after the horse has bolted. I am a bit disappointed and the players and coaching staff who are performing now are being let down.
I get the impression a lot of those memberships are sympathy ones from outsiders who have handed over their hard earned to North this season.

The whole buying multiple memberships etc probably causes a fair chunk of the fluctuation. Nevertheless, I'll probably by one for the dog or something.
It is a discrase that there are 8000 members not signed.What is wrong with these people are they so fickle.You support the dogs for life good and bad.I have had a gut full of these people.I understand if it is a financial issue but if it is not they should stop being tight and get a membership.
Yes last year was disappointing but god get over it.After friday night surely that should have motivated them.These people who come and go with membership really crap me off.We need all the money we can get.
Go Dog's:mad:
This happens most years with the dogs appealing for members I guess the only way around this is for loyal supporters to dig deep and buy a second basic 11 game membership . I know a lot cannot afford this but for those that can it is just the price we need to pay help to ensure our future. We will always have swinging members who do not join up year to year
This happens most years with the dogs appealing for members I guess the only way around this is for loyal supporters to dig deep and buy a second basic 11 game membership . I know a lot cannot afford this but for those that can it is just the price we need to pay help to ensure our future. We will always have swinging members who do not join up year to year

I will buy another one come thursday (pay day).
Interest rates may be biting hard, dont me to harsh. I had to weigh up whether to get a seat again this year and I am by no means on the poverty line.

I also think there is a perception that the club is not in such a desperate postion financially any more
I would even go a step further and take out the a from the front of apathetic. All the other clubs have been out there marketing themselves in the media but I haven't heard a single thing from the kennel. It should have happened months ago, not after the horse has bolted. I am a bit disappointed and the players and coaching staff who are performing now are being let down.

Good post - I totally agree :thumbsu:

Why has it taken this long for the club to come out and address this and why has our membership marketing so far this year been (seemingly) in the background as opposed to the last few years?

If any of us know any so-called "lost dogs", we must take it on ourselves to urge them to sign up!
On rough calculations, an 11game membership is $14per month. While not everyone can afford this, it is a very affordable price for a large majority.........
Personally I think we only have about 23,000 real members. The rest was inflated by people buying extra memberships. The same with North they would only have about the same. Next year is there real test. Dogs will struggle for members until they win a few flags.

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It is a sad situation that we are last on the membership tally considering the football that we are playing at the moment. Hopefully this newspaper article will act as a catalyst for those who haven't joined (and who can afford it) to take out a membership.

Being in Sydney I don't get to many games in Melbourne - but, as stated, there are membership stands outside the ground for persons to sign up. I am not sure what the story here is in Sydney when we play the Swans in early May but I have emailed the club to see if we can set up a stand to sell memberships. It is not our home game so I am not sure of the situation whether away teams can have membership stands. There may not be many supporters up here but hey even if we signed up 1 or 2 it would be better than none.
Ill put my hand up. I have been a member for many years in a row, but this year I have opted not to purchase a membership simply because I cant afford it. I have a mortgage which is putting severe stress on the household finances and we are tightening our belts in all areas, and unfortunately a bulldogs membership is one of the casualties.

When my finances change, I will of course get back to being a paid member, but thats just how it is at the moment.

I dont know how representative of the rest of the 8000 I am.

So now you know my dirty secret.
Also for the club to assume a target of 32,000 members after a year like 2007 indicates to me a degree of over optimism, unfortunately reality has now hit them. A new approach should of been taken in 2008, one of damage control and consolidation.

You're right. They should have said the figure was 20,000 so it looked like we smashed it.
Ill put my hand up. I have been a member for many years in a row, but this year I have opted not to purchase a membership simply because I cant afford it. I have a mortgage which is putting severe stress on the household finances and we are tightening our belts in all areas, and unfortunately a bulldogs membership is one of the casualties.

When my finances change, I will of course get back to being a paid member, but thats just how it is at the moment.

I dont know how representative of the rest of the 8000 I am.

So now you know my dirty secret.

I'm in the same boat, I would love to sign up, but simply can't afford to. At the end of last year, I was hoping to get a Bulldogs membership for myself, and a Brisbane membership for myself and the ex so we could get along to games up here... I'm doing tougher than I thought now and can't even afford my Bulldogs membership. I need to save at least a couple grand to support myself during uni internship. Not a good year. Although, if the doggies win this weekend and a few other results go my way, I might just be able to scrape enough together.
Surely these numbers were not unexpected. Are the people running our club really so naive to not predict a membership slump after last years finish.

I hate to sound critical but I am a realist and we simply will not get the 32000 plus year in year out until we have a 10 year period off dominance with at-least two Premierships.

Thats my opinion on it.
Surely these numbers were not unexpected. Are the people running our club really so naive to not predict a membership slump after last years finish.

I hate to sound critical but I am a realist and we simply will not get the 32000 plus year in year out until we have a 10 year period off dominance with at-least two Premierships.

Thats my opinion on it.

Other clubs don't seem to go through troughs like we do. Carlton haven't won in yonks, neither have Richmond, yet they still get more members than we do. I know they always have had more supporters overall, but strings of losses don't seem to impact much on their memberships.
It's a good organised ploy by the club to scare a few members who may feel complacent about our position. Thing is, if non-renewing members knew that our club would be gone should they fail to sign up they'd find the money. Our problem therefore is a combination of complacency and financial stress.

look at the benefits of a tin rattle campagn in the form of North this year.
Pros and Cons of representing the working class I guess. We are passionate to the bone, love our team, but are also the first target of financial constraints. Purely demographically speaking, Carlton don't lose members, but the suburb they represent aren't terribly concerned with the interest rate rises.....
The membership crisis is really dissapointing. I'm from Perth and I purchase 2 Full memberships and 3 Junior memberships with seats that we do not even use as we do not live in Melbourne but my family loves the Bulldogs whether they win or lose and purely buy memberships to support the club. I can understand things may get tough at times but maybe you could sacrifice something like alcohol or cigarettes and pay for your membership. There is no use jumping on and off when you feel like it as the club brings us all enjoyment at different stages. Like I say to my mates in Perth that barrack for Melbourne based clubs but will not join is that they can't hear you cheering unless you join up. Go Doggies.

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