Opinion Mending Bridges

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I'm not sure how familiar you are with the backlanes of Fitzroy and StKilda, the attitudes there haven't changed since the first fleet landed.

I lived in those type of areas both as a boy and more recently as an adult.

It's praiseworthy to make a contribution, but I contend that 'programs' just scratch the surface. Symbols and acknowlegement are wonderful and desperately overdue but stopping there is a cop out.

I cried when we, as a nation 'acknowleged' the first Australians but I never let it blind me to the fact that too many are happy to let it go at that, feeling justified in having 'acknowleged'.

If attitudes aren't changed other things won't.

I understand what you're saying but sometimes repeatedly scratching the surface provides the impetus to drive change. There are a lot of ingrained social attitudes that won't shift overnight.
Who said I was talking about a discussion forum? There's a great big beautiful world out there and it doesn't listen to adolescent debate tricks, or sound grabs.

So have you picked a side in this adolescent debate or are you sitting on the fence being very un-extreme?
Ancestors. Not us. Not me. Not today. I can't be bothered with those demanding I have to apologize for something I had no part in nor feel associated with.
And as long as they refer to me as 'white ma whose ancestors did....', they are as guilty of racial prejudice as anyone else.
You've never talked to an aboriginal who feels that Australia Day is a celebration of invasion day have you?
Time you did.

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So have you picked a side in this adolescent debate or are you sitting on the fence being very un-extreme?
I will always come down on the side of common sense wicksy and common sense says having a significant portion of our population disadvantaged is a drain on the entire nation.

I'm all for self determination but that requires self responsibility, there are no free rides.

In a nutshell - change is inevitable, we can be proactive or we can sulk.

I'm a positive person so no prizes for guessing I'll always come down on the side of proactivity.
You've never talked to an aboriginal who feels that Australia Day is a celebration of invasion day have you?
Time you did.
Maybe I should. Hopefully they can fill me in on the part where my Dutch ancestors supposedly invaded their country.
I will always come down on the side of common sense wicksy and common sense says having a significant portion of our population disadvantaged is a drain on the entire nation.

I'm all for self determination but that requires self responsibility, there are no free rides.

In a nutshell - change is inevitable, we can be proactive or we can sulk.

I'm a positive person so no prizes for guessing I'll always come down on the side of proactivity.

On every form that we fill out in our daily lives, there is a section that says "Are you an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander". Why?
Maybe I should. Hopefully they can fill me in on the part where my Dutch ancestors supposedly invaded their country.

Have a chat to Anthony Mundine....He's the epitome of "downtrodden".
On every form that we fill out in our daily lives, there is a section that says "Are you an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander". Why?
Oh don't start that one. Let that one go to the keeper please. Some of those initiatives help, some don't but at least that is doing more then the meaningless :" we would like to thank..."
Have a chat to Anthony Mundine....He's the epitome of "downtrodden".
Mundine is someone who makes a living out of feeling insulted. Another polarising figure for whom I don’t have any time for.
I'm all for promoting equality and fighting racism and oppression but I'm not sure the acknowledgement of country is the right vehicle. For one thing it varies depending upon who's country you're in.
It's a bit weird acknowledging traditional owners at an informal dinner with a few friends/acquaintances!

My nephew and nieces are aboriginal and we have never had an acknowledgement of country at a family function. In my experience it's reserved for formal occasions and events.
What would they say?
Well, I just had a conversation with an aboriginal woman who has an issue with the way this country was settled and the way her race has been treated ever since.
Now normally you would think this was just any other conversation. But on her hip was a 10 month old baby.
I couldn't help but think of the life that child had to look forward to.
A life that discriminates against him when he fronts up for a job interview.
A life that by statistics means he is more likely to spend time in jail.
A life that by statistics means he is more likely to die in custody.

You may not agree with any of that, but that is the life these people live in the country we believe does not have racialism deep in its culture.
Reality bites.

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Maybe I should. Hopefully they can fill me in on the part where my Dutch ancestors supposedly invaded their country.
You are splitting hairs to reinforce your own entitlement views.
Good on you.
But you are doing nothing to advance unity within this country by divorcing yourself from your European heritage.
White Europeans, yes the Dutch included, have a history of racism and murder throughout the globe.
Your ancestors had the opportunity that the British had to "conquer" this country and its inhabitants. But they fumbled the ball. Good on them.
Oh don't start that one. Let that one go to the keeper please. Some of those initiatives help, some don't but at least that is doing more then the meaningless :" we would like to thank..."

I'm in no way suggesting it's not a good thing..... Just sick of it being suggested that we as a country have our heads in the sand.
On every form that we fill out in our daily lives, there is a section that says "Are you an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander". Why?
Like everything else it can be taken two ways wicksy, either it is a way to voice your heritage (positive) or it's a way to identify a potential victim of discrimination (negative).

The truth very rarely lies in either extreme.
You are splitting hairs to reinforce your own entitlement views.
Good on you.
But you are doing nothing to advance unity within this country by divorcing yourself from your European heritage.
White Europeans, yes the Dutch included, have a history of racism and murder throughout the globe.
Your ancestors had the opportunity that the British had to "conquer" this country and its inhabitants. But they fumbled the ball. Good on them.

So what is the us v them mentality doing for equality? I mean, isn't the definition of equality to treat everything equally?

What you are suggesting is that all the bad in the life of an indigenous person is caused by white man.... What are you personally doing in the quest for equality Black_White?
So what is the us v them mentality doing for equality? I mean, isn't the definition of equality to treat everything equally?

What you are suggesting is that all the bad in the life of an indigenous person is caused by white man.... What are you personally doing in the quest for equality Black_White?
Unlike you, I'm talking to the people involved.
I'm listening to their stories.
I'm reading the history of this country.
You? I'm assuming you are sitting behind a keyboard worrying about how your whiteness is under threat by the word "sorry".
What a tough first world problem you have.
What am I personally doing in the quest for equality?
Calling out racists like you. That's what.
Discussion about indigenous issues rarely has a satisfactory resolution on BF. It's easy to label people on the strength of a few words and thoughts. Perhaps the time has come to back off and focus on something football related. Calling people racist is only going to cause offence and reaction.
On every form that we fill out in our daily lives, there is a section that says "Are you an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander". Why?

Why not?
You are splitting hairs to reinforce your own entitlement views.
Good on you.
But you are doing nothing to advance unity within this country by divorcing yourself from your European heritage.
White Europeans, yes the Dutch included, have a history of racism and murder throughout the globe.
Your ancestors had the opportunity that the British had to "conquer" this country and its inhabitants. But they fumbled the ball. Good on them.
Bullshit answer that deserves another.

"Global history is drenched in one tribe, country or civilization fighting another for gains of any sort. Even Aboriginal tribes fought amongst themselves. With their natural defenses and resources they had the chance to become a regional power to be reckoned with but dropped the ball. Too bad for them"

Have a nice day.
Bullshit answer that deserves another.

"Global history is drenched in one tribe, country or civilization fighting another for gains of any sort. Even Aboriginal tribes fought amongst themselves. With their natural defenses and resources they had the chance to become a regional power to be reckoned with but dropped the ball. Too bad for them"

Have a nice day.
Tell me this.
What are you afraid of?
Is it the word "sorry"?
Because you, and your like, are certainly afraid of something.

The conversation I had with the woman I mentioned earlier. I bemoaned to her the rise of people like Hansen and Trump. They have empowered small minded people the ability to abuse and belittle people of colour and religion.
The Libs are trying hard to do the same.
I was a bit taken aback when she said she welcomed it. At least they are out in the open and we know who they are she stated.
I can now see her point.
People like you need to be outed. Glad you did it yourself.
What if the form said.... "are you white?" or is that what you want to believe it does mean?

The question is there to provide assistance to a group of people who are amongst the most disadvantaged in the country. What's wrong with that?

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