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Guys, if you prefer a more private approach we have our group that we do through messages. ODN can explain. Feel free to post here or with the PM group. Cheers.
My problem is due to my location and limited resources, I have very little chance to have tangible therapist/professional help and I have a lifelong litany of PTSD and other pain that I cannot seem to shrug off, and sadly turning to alcohol is a crippler and enabler in many respects, happy to join the private group, but i am not ashamed anymore of baring my soul or pain to the world.

I always find the little but beautiful things in life that keep me going, such as my cat Leela, my passion for reading and video games (animal crossing addict lol) and yes my sports teams. DirtyLeeds that win over Wolves yesterday was a tonic.

Sometimes if you have such a swell of pain and depth of pain in your heart and soul, and you have nothing or no one immediately to turn to for solace, try a temporary solution like reading a great book, revisit a favourite movie or TV series that makes you laugh/feel good. I only recently discovered It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and that show really gives me a boost when I need it.

It's important to know and acknowledge you are never alone. We got each other's backs and I do get comfort from that. #upthebaggers

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When I crash out I'm a heavy sleeper and my partner wakes up at 3am to study

Tonight is one of those nights that I'm thankful the Blues have me so excited that I could not sleep if I tried.

Our dogs woke her up at about 2am to take the dogs out. I decided to turn in. She picked up her phone to discover heartbreaking news.

One of her favourite colleagues ever moved to Geelong last year to support her family and her ex-military husband. Her son - who had a lot of similarities with my stepson - was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in December.
She woke up to the news that her brave Henry lost his brave fight with this dreaded disease yesterday.

Henry, all of those who met you and/or knew you through your amazing family, will have a you shaped hole in our hearts forever.

I'm so fortunate to have stayed up tonight to console my partner whose heart is shattered for her friend and colleague.

If any of you listen to Neil Mitchell's show on 3AW may have heard of their story as he had her on recently.

Hug and love your loved ones. Life is is too short and precious. When I go I know I'll have given life a shake. This precious boy never got the opportunities that I have.


An excellent piece and some beautiful and honest words from our Dylan.

Hopefully this can encourage more young footballers (and men/boys too) to reach our and seek professional help if they need it.

Suffering in silence is soul destroying (believe me I know)
Have buried two kids because of it.
What it leaves behind I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Mind you, being a member of this club is soul sapping atm!
Life has given me plenty of physical challenges which are difficult to bear. Power to Wickzki for his efforts this week. I have an estranged older daughter and it weighs heavily. Unfortunately some things in life are beyond our control. I have enough joy in life thanks to the late life miracle of my recently turned 7 cherub picture$ as my Avatar. My mind often journeys to dark places. I doubt I could survive the loss of one of my childre.n. My heart goes out to you and yours.

I admire your strength to go on. I know we have little option with such events, but again my heart goes out.

…and yeah, many of us have banked on the resurgence of our once great club to put some joy in to our existence, soul sapping is not an exaggeration for many.
Life has given me plenty of physical challenges which are difficult to bear. Power to Wickzki for his efforts this week. I have an estranged older daughter and it weighs heavily. Unfortunately some things in life are beyond our control. I have enough joy in life thanks to the late life miracle of my recently turned 7 cherub picture$ as my Avatar. My mind often journeys to dark places. I doubt I could survive the loss of one of my childre.n. My heart goes out to you and yours.

I admire your strength to go on. I know we have little option with such events, but again my heart goes out.

…and yeah, many of us have banked on the resurgence of our once great club to put some joy in to our existence, soul sapping is not an exaggeration for many.
I've been thinking how we do that Coona, and how we can find other ways to get joy when our team gives us the opposite.
It's so ingrained isn't it! And here in Melbourne it is a way of life really.
I have seriously wondered if our club will survive.
It's that bad.
I can relate to the last few comments, especially in regard to this once great club giving us a ray of hope when things were otherwise astray.

I think for me personally, what I don't like is that I've become absolutely feral because of the way we're losing.

Feral comments aren't particularly me, blunt yes, feral, not so much.
It's not good for my mental health and it's not good for anyone else's.
I just get sick of seeing the club play without desperation.......

..... but anyway, life, kids, grand kids, family, holidays, etc, etc in the end are more important than something, a game, that we personally have absolutely no control over.
I can relate to the last few comments, especially in regard to this once great club giving us a ray of hope when things were otherwise astray.

I think for me personally, what I don't like is that I've become absolutely feral because of the way we're losing.

Feral comments aren't particularly me, blunt yes, feral, not so much.
It's not good for my mental health and it's not good for anyone else's.
I just get sick of seeing the club play without desperation.......

..... but anyway, life, kids, grand kids, family, holidays, etc, etc in the end are more important than something, a game, that we personally have absolutely no control over.
I think that's the lesson in it.
Amazing how deeply the club is entwined in our lives. Especially for those of us born into a Carlton supporting family. A lot of history.
I think that's the lesson in it.
Amazing how deeply the club is entwined in our lives. Especially for those of us born into a Carlton supporting family. A lot of history.
Make no mistake, we are going to be continually challenged in this sphere. Sayers does not like being wrong, he is going to back HIS horse totally. A battle of wills, if you like, is taking place. A couple of very senior players are leading the charge, trying to alter the path of the coaching group for what they see as the benefit of the club and the playing group.

Sayers and by proxy Cook are backing Voss to the hilt as they have done publicly. We are in for a period of more grief. No end in sight.

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We had to put one of our dogs to sleep this morning… I was a blubbering mess…

After coming on here to numb my brain, it really puts into perspective that the AFL is just a game, that we let engulf our lives…

There are more important things in life…

More importantly things absolutely.

However, we should also appreciate the role that the AFL and other sports and entertainment ventures play in keeping us sanw and engrossed whether the results be good or bad. There's a big place for sports and entertainments n our lives and and we surely need it.

I'm sorry for your lost my friend. Sending love and peace to you and yours at this difficult time
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Really sad news Tenacious.
Thinking of you.
One of the hardest things to go through in our adult lives.
Gentle cyber hug for ya. :heartssuit:
We had to put one of our dogs to sleep this morning… I was a blubbering mess…

After coming on here to numb my brain, it really puts into perspective that the AFL is just a game, that we let engulf our lives…

There are more important things in life…
That's just shit. Know he/she had a happy life with you. It gets ok but takes a bit. Very, very sorry. They are such great little mates.
We had to put one of our dogs to sleep this morning… I was a blubbering mess…

After coming on here to numb my brain, it really puts into perspective that the AFL is just a game, that we let engulf our lives…

There are more important things in life…

Sorry to hear this very sad news. Always tough losing a pet. Hope you’re ok xx
I've had a few people message me this week about my health. so I thought it was time to provide an update

. I had my five week post operative appointment with ophthalmology on Monday. my right eye still requires additional surgery. The left eye was the one that they operated on first. I knew that I had a gas bubble inserted into my left eye that would aid the healing process. I wasn't so concerned prior to my appointment because I'd been told that gas bubbles can take 2 to 8 weeks to clear.

Unfortunately, my gas bubble has cleared but the vision issues in my left eye that we heard believed were the gas bubble turn out that they're not the gas power after all. The ophthalmologist told me that there was no gas left in my eye. However, I am still getting a sensation of swimming underwater with my vision there. He says I have a buildup of liquid in that eye as well as a tiny bit of blood.

The answers were pretty vague. Post operative care has been weak in general. I elected to go and see my outstanding optometrists. Unfortunately I got a different girl but she was just as nice albeit less experienced. Still, they did the standard scans. She confirmed that the right eye still needs surgery but scarily their scans could not work on my left eye.

I broke down at lunch time today. Not much of a cryer so when I do it's pretty noticeable. And that's when I may have detected the issue with my eye. Cheers. Ran down my right cheek just as I would any other time I cried. However, tears would not run down my left cheek. The exterior of my eyes weren't even wet.

The doctor told me on Monday that one of my issues were the left eye was there was too much liquid in them on top of the blood and that this was causing the issue. Made sense to me. But now I feel like they've botched the surgery completely and screwed up on my tear ducts.

My blood pressure is hovering around 170 to 180 since surgery. This isn't even during Carlton games when I'd be passionate and arked up for the game

Otherwise, my GP is concerned about my decreasing kidney function. I am not a candidate for transplant surgery. Once my kidneys are done I am done.

Obviously, however, my vision is the number one concern right now. Apologies for all of the errors. I am certain speech to text is delivering on my posts but I'm really trying my best to be able to contribute to something in my life right now and this is one of my primaries outlets

Not sure how much of the game I'll be up until they actually see at the game on Saturday, but I'm going to give her my best and we'll cheer the boys on anyway.

I wish I knew an optometrist other than the one that I visited at the store or at the hospital.

As always, thank you for checking in on me. It means more than you know. I love you all
Educumating one article at a time;

Not a bad article, last paragraph really resonates with me -the simple stuff, checkout operator today smiled at me and packed my bag, as she could see I was struggling to do it. A bit of kindness every now and again goes a long way.

Happy things... my Nephew and his wife welcomed their third child into the world today. A baby girl. The first one in the family... that I know of :)

Bad things... my mum is refusing to go to hospital with a blood oxygen saturation percentage between 75 and 84... and a touch of pneumonia in her left lung.
Happy things... my Nephew and his wife welcomed their third child into the world today. A baby girl. The first one in the family... that I know of :)

Bad things... my mum is refusing to go to hospital with a blood oxygen saturation percentage between 75 and 84... and a touch of pneumonia in her left lung
Congrats on the baby news! That's fantastic

I'm scared for your mum though. Pneumonia is what got my mum in the end. I hope you can get her to take it seriously. Never mind you can really take over her body and immune system very quickly. She now has that baby girl to keep her kicking.
Congrats on the baby news! That's fantastic

I'm scared for your mum though. Pneumonia is what got my mum in the end. I hope you can get her to take it seriously. Never mind you can really take over her body and immune system very quickly. She now has that baby girl to keep her kicking.
It’s jumped up to 93 when I checked it this morning. Just under normal so… I’m hoping she’s over the worst of it now.
Happy things... my Nephew and his wife welcomed their third child into the world today. A baby girl. The first one in the family... that I know of :)

Bad things... my mum is refusing to go to hospital with a blood oxygen saturation percentage between 75 and 84... and a touch of pneumonia in her left lung.
Bloody hard to post an emoji to such a mixed message. Go well, Dramster and co.

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Resource Mental Health

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