Millewa 2010 season

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Re: 2010 season

Bigrig Every year you target Merbein players to come across but nice to see this year trying to get some of the imps youngsters.

Also nice to see Brad Duscher is still running around every weekend trying to get players to play telling them that Werimull is going to win the flag and offering them big coin when most of them arent even senior players. but seriously do you think you will even get with in 10 goal of Bambill?
thankyou rattus for your comment, im glad i'm not the only person seeing and hearing these events and statments.
its hard for merbein to cover the loss of players with this points system in place that favours the top sfl sides. merbein lose atleast another seven players to the millewa and they can replace them with only four players from outside their club. as a football enthusiast i would hate to see merbein have to join the millewa or fold at the expense of a couple of peoples egos.
i believe merbein is financial now thanks to the footballing fraternity and hard work of the committee. it is alack of players that may force this proud club into a dire situation.
if the millewa league clubs left merbeins 'depth' alone they would survive where they are today. in the sfl
Re: 2010 season

i know there is something personal between you and merbein. my recollection of you as a player was " hit and watch me run" unfortunately for you they always caught you.(noticed others have posted similar comments).
suprised you left cardy thought you would have preferred to play with and not against benny
as for being an idiot well what a statement 'easy 4 points' as if they wouldnt give werrimull a hiding. reminder, you have not got the cream you are affecting their depth ( numbers to fill three sides) by offering money to these players. do you really think they would be out there for nothing
no one stated that you get players without recruiting. my point being leave merbein players (easy targets) alone and get yourselves a recruiting coup by recruiting and paying a player or players from one of the stronger sfl clubs, like a wentworth premiership player, then you would have genuine reason to backslap each other
Damn i am copping a pasting on here!:eek: Well i'm glad you have a recollection of me, it's nice to know i left an impression. Hit & run.... Were can someone run on a field and hide? I would say your full of shit and have no idea but your more then welcome to your opinion and at least there is some activity on here albeit at my expense. What did i do to upset you at some stage that you haven't been able to get over it in the 4 years since i played SFL?:rolleyes: Must of been something pretty good.
By the way i have nothing personal against Merbein other then they always seemed to notch their one win for the year against us even when were playing in finals they would still get us somehow.

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Re: 2010 season

Worrying about other clubs chasing their players isn't the main thing Merbein should be looking at. The reasons why these players want to leave is what they should be working on. It is quite funny, however, that it has only come to a head this year when it has been happening for a number of years. Not only to Merbein but to basically every SFL club. This my friends is plain and simply, FOOTBALL!

That being said, i think we should just get on with talking Millewa. If you want to talk about merbein go to the SFL thread.


Does Paul Jenkins need a clearance from Merbein to play at Werrimull?

Can someone let me know when the Pies play the Roos so i can come watch that one! Also Pies and Cardy!

Skeeter, you rock, anyone that doesn't wana go at you? Always got ya back.

The Hog out.
Re: 2010 season

Bigrig, some of Werrimull's recruits may have connections with the club, but it's not going to change anything. Don't play the family connection card - Werrimull prides themselves on being a "family club" - I couldn't think of anything further from the truth. Most of these blokes swap and change between clubs - it's a given that when next season rolls around these guys will be nowhere in sight. How's that going to fit in the "three year plan". The few quality players that are going to line up for them this year won't help them win a premiership - they aren't going to take it to the likes of Bambill and Gol Gol. No-one will compete with the Hawks and the Saints this year - why don't clubs put some kind of plan in place to take advantage of the fact that in a couple of years Bambill and Gol Gol aren't going to be anywhere as strong - you need blokes playing now that are going to build a foundation - and be around in a couple of years to have a real hot go then.
Re: 2010 season

Worrying about other clubs chasing their players isn't the main thing Merbein should be looking at. The reasons why these players want to leave is what they should be working on. It is quite funny, however, that it has only come to a head this year when it has been happening for a number of years. Not only to Merbein but to basically every SFL club. This my friends is plain and simply, FOOTBALL!

That being said, i think we should just get on with talking Millewa. If you want to talk about merbein go to the SFL thread.


Does Paul Jenkins need a clearance from Merbein to play at Werrimull?

Can someone let me know when the Pies play the Roos so i can come watch that one! Also Pies and Cardy!

Skeeter, you rock, anyone that doesn't wana go at you? Always got ya back.

The Hog out.
Thanks Hog nice to feel some love for a change, starting to get depressed here!!!:D Definately made an impression by the sounds of it and looking forward to the season ahead and playing against some of these guys.... whoever they are!
Re: 2010 season

Worrying about other clubs chasing their players isn't the main thing Merbein should be looking at. The reasons why these players want to leave is what they should be working on. It is quite funny, however, that it has only come to a head this year when it has been happening for a number of years. Not only to Merbein but to basically every SFL club. This my friends is plain and simply, FOOTBALL!

That being said, i think we should just get on with talking Millewa. If you want to talk about merbein go to the SFL thread.


Does Paul Jenkins need a clearance from Merbein to play at Werrimull?

Can someone let me know when the Pies play the Roos so i can come watch that one! Also Pies and Cardy!

Skeeter, you rock, anyone that doesn't wana go at you? Always got ya back.

The Hog out.

why would you want to watch them games for?
Re: 2010 season

pull up big fella. everyone of those merbein players you have 'worked so hard' to recruit are getting paid more money than merbein has ever paid them. fact
the family rubbish is a cop out for paying them over and above there worth. barring thomo i think all there fathers played for merbein as well
brad has been quoted by several players some signed, some not that werrimull will give the flag a shake 'if you join us' and we will give you x amount of dollars to play with us.
what is chooka byrnes tie to werrimull? you offered him your assistant coaching job not that long ago. (i assume thommo has stood down already) and a fair pay packet for some club that does not pay much for players.
and the second year of your big plan will no doubt be to try and entice megs, josh longeri, simo and every other player that comes out of contract at merbein.
as stated in previous post if you keep going the way you are you will be playing against merbein next year. then who are you going to bleed and what happens to the three year plan.
by decimating merbein at your clubs expense do you think you will wiin that elusive flag? honestly
sometimes big rig you have to widen your vision and look at the broader picture. football in general
and the big loser in all this will be football in the sunraysia area

Dishy, you take the blinkers off an stop blaming everyone else for the demise of a club that had the league at its mercy in early 2000's but for the greed of players and coaching staff which has lead to the very demise of your club which now is trying to raise money an crying poor to the public because of its own stupid actions. Why is Merbein offering players $1000 a game now when last yr they could not afford to buy shitta paper for the change rooms. Still paid the coach $20K plus but was in debt by the same amount!!!:eek: Does not make sense...... All your seniors apart from a select few get paid and well above the odds i may must say and some got pay rises this year. Your kinding arent you!! Brad is on the same money he was on at Merbein, Thommo is on a bit more as he is one of the assistants his brother does not get paid and is on match day incentives like Alfie and Paul does not need a clearance from Merbein as he played in NSW last year as was cleared. :thumbsu:

Meringur took Keatchy & Carlo last year and Joey this year an whoever else they have recruited & Bambill took 4 last year so why bash Werrimull.:thumbsdown:

Would be great to see Meggsy out their again but that will be up to him in the future. Simo not welcomed and Josh will play with Carlo at Meringur.:thumbsdown:

Chooka is Ryan Tierney's (Our Coach) brothers Luke best mate and has been training with us and i asked if he was interested but blatenly said no as his body is shot!! :confused:

I have offered the assitant coach to probably 10-15 players and have currently had no takers so the money cant be that great or they just dont want to play with us which is fair enough.:eek:

Funny you say they will leave as they have all signed 2 year contracts with an option of more as they understand that it will take longer than a year!! I think a 3 year plan would be a good model for you guys to take on board as it might help you get of the bottom of the ladder but add another 3 knowing the way you have recruited and run the show in the past.........:D:D

The recruiting method you have suggested is way from the truth. I have not mention the word flag once to our recruits but have said that we are aiming to be more competive this year and who knows where that will take us. We offer less money than most clubs in the comp but will pay more players this year due to being on the bottom for so long and the fact we need players as we are fat slow and unfit with an average age of 30+.

I will continue to talk to players from other clubs to find a fit for our club so that we become an continue to be competitive!!

Had enough will not be writing anymore posts re this subject as does not matter what i say it will be wrong and we are bastards etc etc.....:thumbsdown:
Re: 2010 season

Dishy, you take the blinkers off an stop blaming everyone else for the demise of a club that had the league at its mercy in early 2000's but for the greed of players and coaching staff which has lead to the very demise of your club which now is trying to raise money an crying poor to the public because of its own stupid actions. Why is Merbein offering players $1000 a game now when last yr they could not afford to buy shitta paper for the change rooms. Still paid the coach $20K plus but was in debt by the same amount!!!:eek: Does not make sense...... All your seniors apart from a select few get paid and well above the odds i may must say and some got pay rises this year. Your kinding arent you!! Brad is on the same money he was on at Merbein, Thommo is on a bit more as he is one of the assistants his brother does not get paid and is on match day incentives like Alfie and Paul does not need a clearance from Merbein as he played in NSW last year as was cleared. :thumbsu:

Meringur took Keatchy & Carlo last year and Joey this year an whoever else they have recruited & Bambill took 4 last year so why bash Werrimull.:thumbsdown:

Would be great to see Meggsy out their again but that will be up to him in the future. Simo not welcomed and Josh will play with Carlo at Meringur.:thumbsdown:

Chooka is Ryan Tierney's (Our Coach) brothers Luke best mate and has been training with us and i asked if he was interested but blatenly said no as his body is shot!! :confused:

I have offered the assitant coach to probably 10-15 players and have currently had no takers so the money cant be that great or they just dont want to play with us which is fair enough.:eek:

Funny you say they will leave as they have all signed 2 year contracts with an option of more as they understand that it will take longer than a year!! I think a 3 year plan would be a good model for you guys to take on board as it might help you get of the bottom of the ladder but add another 3 knowing the way you have recruited and run the show in the past.........:D:D

The recruiting method you have suggested is way from the truth. I have not mention the word flag once to our recruits but have said that we are aiming to be more competive this year and who knows where that will take us. We offer less money than most clubs in the comp but will pay more players this year due to being on the bottom for so long and the fact we need players as we are fat slow and unfit with an average age of 30+.

I will continue to talk to players from other clubs to find a fit for our club so that we become an continue to be competitive!!

Had enough will not be writing anymore posts re this subject as does not matter what i say it will be wrong and we are bastards etc etc.....:thumbsdown:
your really not worth commenting on mate you continually reply to things that are not actually stated. you seem content on twisting things around to suit your argument. which isnt very strong. facts dont make for as good reading i guess.
fool you for signing these players on two year deals. wat happens when a bit of quality comes on the scene how r going to compete for them.
the player that was "offered" 1000.00 which included airfares i might add was not going to be paid very much by the merbein football club. (about the same you are giving each of your new recruits) a supporter group and several players including one that has now joined you were prepared to take pay cuts in an endeavour to recruit this player. on market value he would be worth every cent. when you have the mallee, central murray and to a lesser extent the millewa league to compete with the market value of players have been blown out of proportion.
as for keatch, dual premiership player sad to see him leave but had been a good player for a number of years and we could not match meringurs offer.
wont comment on carl
fritz appointed coach last year of bambil last year great worker for merbein in his time there. picko didnt want the demands of sfl footy. reidy and hunty suprised you named them both 10 year players at merbein dual premiership players and have been at bambil for awhile now.
all the above mentioned left with the clubs best wishes due to their efforts for the club and didnt leave soley for the $$$$$
i dont understand why as recruiting gurus you didnt look at the reserves list of the top 4 clubs in the sfl and offer each clubs top 5 reserves players 200.00 a game if you only picked up one from each club you would be along way ahead of where you are at this moment
in finishing i would like to wish your club the best in your endeavours to win some games in 2010. if you get paulie you will probably be competitive.
Re: 2010 season

your really not worth commenting on mate you continually reply to things that are not actually stated. you seem content on twisting things around to suit your argument. which isnt very strong. facts dont make for as good reading i guess.
fool you for signing these players on two year deals. wat happens when a bit of quality comes on the scene how r going to compete for them.
the player that was "offered" 1000.00 which included airfares i might add was not going to be paid very much by the merbein football club. (about the same you are giving each of your new recruits and a fair bit less than paulie if you get him) a supporter group and several players including one that has now joined you were prepared to take pay cuts in an endeavour to recruit this player. on market value he would be worth every cent. when you have the mallee, central murray and to a lesser extent the millewa league to compete with the market value of players have been blown out of proportion.
as for keatch, dual premiership player sad to see him leave but had been a good player for a number of years and we could not match meringurs offer.
wont comment on carl
fritz appointed coach last year of bambil last year great worker for merbein in his time there. picko didnt want the demands of sfl footy. reidy and hunty suprised you named them both 10 year players at merbein dual premiership players and have been at bambil for awhile now.
all the above mentioned left with the clubs best wishes due to their efforts for the club and didnt leave soley for the $$$$$
i dont understand why as recruiting gurus you didnt look at the reserves list of the top 4 clubs in the sfl and offer each clubs top 5 reserves players 200.00 a game if you only picked up one from each club you would be along way ahead of where you are at this moment. therefore leaving merbeins depth alone
in finishing i would like to wish your club the best in your endeavours to win some games in 2010. if you get paulie you will probably be competitive.
i just looked back over your post bigrig re player payments. coach on 20000.00
alfie on match payments only
brad on the same as merbein (and you mentioned his name)
ETC ETC. DONT TELL FIBS what have you got hide from who. and please dont comment on players being overpaid. you guys criticise bambill and golgol. take a leaf out of their books and be select with your recruiting

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Re: 2010 season

Gee wiz big rig, you must pull yourself whilst writing documentrys on big footy, and dishy pull your finger out of your arse and lets talk about football. I must say Werrimull would demolsih Merbein in a practice game.
Can members of each club put foward there starting 18?:D
Re: 2010 season

Gee wiz big rig, you must pull yourself whilst writing documentrys on big footy, and dishy pull your finger out of your arse and lets talk about football. I must say Werrimull would demolsih Merbein in a practice game.
Can members of each club put foward there starting 18?:D

haha you must be pulling yourself mate if you seriously think Werrimull would demolish Merbein!:p
Re: 2010 season

Rattus please submit Merbeins line up, I'm super keen for good laugh.
Big Rig cat got your tongue? The way you talk up Werrimull, they would beat Wentworth. submit your side! :D:D:D
Re: 2010 season

great to see the millewa parasites are at it again. how easy it must be for you and your recruiting guru to recruit players to your club. you only look at merbeins bottom half of their list (players that would not get a game with any other sfl club) and offer them money. wow that must take you two awhile to pick out the ones you wish to target. you and your club have been having a crack at merbein players for a few seasons now and have not and will not get the ultimate reward using this pathetic, simple recruiting method of yours. lets be realistic.. if you and your ex lakeside buddies dont stop offering merbein players so much money you may end up playing against them next season.
Haha... how can you say that when you yourself has played Millewa? I found out who you are although i wouldn't know you if i fell over you. It must be hard living in the shadow of a local football legend! I look forward to reading more of your enlightened posts on the playing ability of myself and others. It makes me feel pretty sad that with my below average footballing ability i have you covered in spades yet you feel the need to bag me. Enough sour grapes over not being able to retain players and having an ordinary club, get over it, lets talk constructive football and stop blaming everyone else. If you look over other forums they can actually hold a conversation on relevant football topics.

I heard a rumour Phil Byrnes and Tim Watson are going to Golly.... Can anyone confirm?
Re: 2010 season

Rattus please submit Merbeins line up, I'm super keen for good laugh.
Big Rig cat got your tongue? The way you talk up Werrimull, they would beat Wentworth. submit your side! :D:D:D

i dont't no who would line up but hasnt Merbein recruited Miller and hooker is back playing and Cavallo and then you still have blokes like Riordan, Mark Duscher, Jeremy Weinert, Damian Spicer who would Werimull have to stop them?
Re: 2010 season

i dont't no who would line up but hasnt Merbein recruited Miller and hooker is back playing and Cavallo and then you still have blokes like Riordan, Mark Duscher, Jeremy Weinert, Damian Spicer who would Werimull have to stop them?
Clearly Merbein would beat ANY Millewa side so why bother with the discussion, i don't think anyone was serious
Re: 2010 season

Byrnes and Watson to Gol Gol, what a joke.
Gol Gol must have a lot a faith in the 36 players they already have.
Why recruit more qaulity players?? although it would feel great to train every Tuesday and Thursday and only get a game every 2nd week.

You Werrimull boys should target Gol Gols 15 waterboys, I'm sure they'll want to play footy, not train and run water.
Re: 2010 season

i dont't no who would line up but hasnt Merbein recruited Miller and hooker is back playing and Cavallo and then you still have blokes like Riordan, Mark Duscher, Jeremy Weinert, Damian Spicer who would Werimull have to stop them?

Isn't Meggs heading down River somewhere? Which Hooker is that?
Re: 2010 season

Byrnes and Watson to Gol Gol, what a joke.
Gol Gol must have a lot a faith in the 36 players they already have.
Why recruit more qaulity players?? although it would feel great to train every Tuesday and Thursday and only get a game every 2nd week.

You Werrimull boys should target Gol Gols 15 waterboys, I'm sure they'll want to play footy, not train and run water.

I am not from werrimull and have no ties to any club at the moment, but why is it that werrimull are copping a hiding on here for trying to recruit. All they are doing is talking to players in the end it is entirely up to the player where he wants to play. So how bout dropping this shite and get on with talking footy! If werrimull get these players, then good on them, if not i'm sure they'll just move on.

Still no news on a coach for the Bombers?

The Hog out!!!
Re: 2010 season

Clearances went through on Paul Jenkins, Ryan Tirney and Francis Kelly to Werrimull..GREAT GETS... Duscher, Thompson and Roberts handy midfield.

I wish the swallows could recruit.

Big rig great recruiting. :thumbsu:
Re: 2010 season

Haha... how can you say that when you yourself has played Millewa? I found out who you are although i wouldn't know you if i fell over you. It must be hard living in the shadow of a local football legend! I look forward to reading more of your enlightened posts on the playing ability of myself and others. It makes me feel pretty sad that with my below average footballing ability i have you covered in spades yet you feel the need to bag me. Enough sour grapes over not being able to retain players and having an ordinary club, get over it, lets talk constructive football and stop blaming everyone else. If you look over other forums they can actually hold a conversation on relevant football topics.

I heard a rumour Phil Byrnes and Tim Watson are going to Golly.... Can anyone confirm?
as i told you in the private forum i played for werrimull. never tried to hide that. i know you would have known who i was because brad, the 2 thomos, paulie, alfie and and the other merbein players you have tried to lure for 2010 do. never tried to hide that. as for living in the shadow of a legend, if respecting your father is that ive been doing that all my life. happily.( i can assure you the legend does not agree with your club trying to cripple a club thats already on its knees due to lack of players as he said that was never the werrimull way). ive never blown my own trumpet as a footballer not like yourself. i thought for a second i had you mistaken for someone else but i spoke to an ex teammate of yours and he assured me i had the right person. few senior games in a poor side. for yours and werrimulls sake i hope you can walk the walk.
dont know why you wanted to put it back out in the public forum again. i can see why others are sick of it thats why i was happy to keep the banter going privately. lets move on have agood year and i would love to see werrimull get off the bottom of the ladder just not at merbeins expense. go pies!
Re: 2010 season

as i told you in the private forum i played for werrimull. never tried to hide that. i know you would have known who i was because brad, the 2 thomos, paulie, alfie and and the other merbein players you have tried to lure for 2010 do. never tried to hide that. as for living in the shadow of a legend, if respecting your father is that ive been doing that all my life. happily.( i can assure you the legend does not agree with your club trying to cripple a club thats already on its knees due to lack of players as he said that was never the werrimull way). ive never blown my own trumpet as a footballer not like yourself. i thought for a second i had you mistaken for someone else but i spoke to an ex teammate of yours and he assured me i had the right person. few senior games in a poor side. for yours and werrimulls sake i hope you can walk the walk.
dont know why you wanted to put it back out in the public forum again. i can see why others are sick of it thats why i was happy to keep the banter going privately. lets move on have agood year and i would love to see werrimull get off the bottom of the ladder just not at merbeins expense. go pies!

Crippling Merbein?? Merbein crippled Merbein... over paying non local players.. and leaving locals out of the premierships.
If locals wish to leave clubs it is tottaly there decision, and if they do you can not blame the recruiting club for crippling the other.
You may aswell say the Gold Coast is crippling Geelong because they are trying to get Ablett.
Merbein is on its knees due to poor a committee and un ethical actions. Take a leave out of Imperials book play locals, target a good playing coach, increase payments on games played, and dont get half a dozen non locals to stay in town for 12 months then piss off!!!
"Success has many fathers... failure has none"
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