Missing, Abducted or Murdered (including Manslaughter) of WA Women, Men and Children & Teens of Australia & NZ

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All Australian
Aug 11, 2019
AFL Club
West Coast
Welcome to the forum for Missing, abducted and murdered people. A spreadsheet has been compiled which lists people of Western Australia and also young people Australia and NZ wide, including reports of indecent acts. An index has been added to provide somewhat easier locating within the spreadsheet.

Periodically the information is edited and reuploaded. Each worksheet lists a revision date.

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  • Mysteries and Incidents.xlsx
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Well done LAM! Great informative spread sheet. I had not heard of Veronica Lockyer. After reading up on her from Google, it made me really sad to think that in 20 years none of her family missed her and thus did not report her missing, all thinking some one else was in contact with her. Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way as I don't know the family situation, but it makes me wonder if she (Veronica) felt unimportant? Many families, unfortunately, are very disjointed for various reasons and this is how both adults and children fall between the cracks. Maybe I am overreacting as I haven't seen my daughter (who has issues and is not talking to me again) and granddaughter for just over a week and I'm worried sick and about to storm their house to make sure they are ok.

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Thank you all for the information. I've located a few more missing women and added them too.

I've been compiling the male's missing/murdered spreadsheet and there's such a lot. I'm surprized that more men have gone missing rather than actually found/located murdered.

A lot of those men have gone missing from the country regions, whilst along long-stretches of highway. Perhaps they were apprehended whilst pulled over to use the bush-toilet and forced to drive their own vehicle's elsewhere. I think in some instances two people might have been involved. Australia has such a large area of open-space, once a body is disposed a couple of metres off the roadside, the person probably wouldn't be located for years, because no one actually walks past.

Also, 3 missing persons have had their car left abandoned at the Perth airport. That would seem two people are involved in dropping off the vehicle because the perpetrator needs a lift home. There's no public transport at the airport and it's risky catching a taxi home.

The mind boggles but I'll keep working on the information and upload it as soon as it's completed.
Well done LAM! Great informative spread sheet. I had not heard of Veronica Lockyer. After reading up on her from Google, it made me really sad to think that in 20 years none of her family missed her and thus did not report her missing, all thinking some one else was in contact with her. Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way as I don't know the family situation, but it makes me wonder if she (Veronica) felt unimportant? Many families, unfortunately, are very disjointed for various reasons and this is how both adults and children fall between the cracks. Maybe I am overreacting as I haven't seen my daughter (who has issues and is not talking to me again) and granddaughter for just over a week and I'm worried sick and about to storm their house to make sure they are ok.
My friend once told me, if your daughter ever avoids you, make sure you ignore her - don't phone or visit etc. When she visits you, don't ask how she is and make out you're not really interested. People hate being ignored.

My friend said, You don't have to be nasty, just step back for a while. It seems to work.
good work LAM, and thanks for the tag. will be interested to see the male version of the spread sheet, no doubt its a bit more populated. Im inclined to believe there would be a number of suicides in the regional missing males. unfortunately as you say we have a large amount of country side, so bodies can be undiscovered for long periods of time.
good work LAM, and thanks for the tag. will be interested to see the male version of the spread sheet, no doubt its a bit more populated. Im inclined to believe there would be a number of suicides in the regional missing males. unfortunately as you say we have a large amount of country side, so bodies can be undiscovered for long periods of time.
Some of the missing males might be due to hitchhiking along deserted roads throughout long distances. It's possible some men are likely to dismiss the idea of becoming a victim. A lot of victims have driven somewhere remote and gone missing, which doesn't explain what happened to their vehicle. Not even a burnt out vehicle has turned up. Makes me wonder if the victim and their vehicle is taken back to someone's shed.

Once people go missing the police perform a considerable search such as aerial surveillance etc. They discovered Raymond Kehlet down a mineshaft which was one of hundreds. Imagine the resources needed for someone to clamber down to have a look.
Some of the missing males might be due to hitchhiking along deserted roads throughout long distances. It's possible some men are likely to dismiss the idea of becoming a victim. A lot of victims have driven somewhere remote and gone missing, which doesn't explain what happened to their vehicle. Not even a burnt out vehicle has turned up. Makes me wonder if the victim and their vehicle is taken back to someone's shed.

Once people go missing the police perform a considerable search such as aerial surveillance etc. They discovered Raymond Kehlet down a mineshaft which was one of hundreds. Imagine the resources needed for someone to clamber down to have a look.

for sure there is a lot of effort put into searches, with a lot more resources required in covering vast distances. my thinking is more along the lines of male suicide rates are higher in the country, males in the country usually have higher rates of depression, and there are larger amounts of space where a suicide victim can go undiscovered. im not suggesting all the missing people are suicides, but there is possibly some amongst them. its also quite possible that the potential victim mentality is lower in the country, with most people knowing one another, and thus being more trusting. bodies could be anywhere, with vehicles and belongings easily hidden.
Well done LAM! Great informative spread sheet. I had not heard of Veronica Lockyer. After reading up on her from Google, it made me really sad to think that in 20 years none of her family missed her and thus did not report her missing, all thinking some one else was in contact with her. Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way as I don't know the family situation, but it makes me wonder if she (Veronica) felt unimportant? Many families, unfortunately, are very disjointed for various reasons and this is how both adults and children fall between the cracks. Maybe I am overreacting as I haven't seen my daughter (who has issues and is not talking to me again) and granddaughter for just over a week and I'm worried sick and about to storm their house to make sure they are ok.
Bless your heart Zedx, I hear ya and totally understand your situation. Hope your daughter contacts you soon and you see your granddaughter again. 💓
The West Australian. Friday 15th March 2019.
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Alvin Gidgup (age 32) was reported missing on the same day as Veronica and baby Adell - Sun 1 November 1998.

Mr Alvin Gidgup, also known as Alvin Hart hasn’t been seen by family since Sept 1998. Although Mr Gidgup has a history of solidarity and of no fixed address he was known to travel between the NT and WA. In early Nov 1998 he was last seen sitting in Weld Square Park Perth (Cnr Beaufort & Newcastle Sts).CS
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'Cold Case Homicide Squad detectives are searching bushland in Perth’s north for clues into the disappearance of 14-year-old Radina Djuki, a North Beach teenager who went missing more than 20 years ago.

Police were today seen combing through bushland along Old Yanchep Road.........'

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In the case of Lisa Mott, I think David Birnie has got to be the prime suspect. He had access to a yellow panel van. As far as I can gather, the only reason he wasn’t looked upon as the prime suspect is because his ex wife gave him an alibi. While I don’t think she in any way intended to protect him, I think she could have been mistaken about the dates.
In the case of Lisa Mott, I think David Birnie has got to be the prime suspect. He had access to a yellow panel van. As far as I can gather, the only reason he wasn’t looked upon as the prime suspect is because his ex wife gave him an alibi. While I don’t think she in any way intended to protect him, I think she could have been mistaken about the dates.
Totally agree, everything points to him AFAIC. She quite likely could have got the dates wrong or for what ever reason and there could be many just assumed that was the correct date?
Totally agree, everything points to him AFAIC. She quite likely could have got the dates wrong or for what ever reason and there could be many just assumed that was the correct date?
Yes, it was quite a time after the fact that she provided the alibi. It’s surprisingly easy, even with an excellent memory and particular memory landmarks about a date, to mix up dates, even those in recent memory. She was very adamant about it, even years later, but then, so was the woman in the BRE trial who claimed BRE went to work with her husband while the logs showed that they arrived separately. Without a break down of that alibi, police didn’t really have anywhere to go, and if at some point they decided it was almost certainly Birnie in spite of that, it was probably too late to find any other evidence.

I would not be surprised if Catherine Birnie knew and was refusing to say anything. She is sick and twisted on a whole other level.
I’ve also always thought David Birnie is a serious possibility for the disappearance of Annette Deverell. Regardless I think her and Lisa Mott could well have been abducted by the same person - there were reports of a yellow panel van around her disappearance as well.

There might be some movement on that one. Police are revisiting it with DNA testing of her handbag, found near her body, and a blood stained towel found near her house. The hand bag was in extremely good condition given the state her body was in, and it looks to me like the person involved revisited the area much later to place it. Sounds like the sort of sick thing David Birnie would have done (although to be fair anyone sick enough to murder someone like that is probably sick enough to revisit the remains).

There’s a new podcast on the case if anyone is interested:https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/story/6387936/annette-cold-case-unlocked-episode-1/
I’ve also always thought David Birnie is a serious possibility for the disappearance of Annette Deverell. Regardless I think her and Lisa Mott could well have been abducted by the same person - there were reports of a yellow panel van around her disappearance as well.

There might be some movement on that one. Police are revisiting it with DNA testing of her handbag, found near her body, and a blood stained towel found near her house. The hand bag was in extremely good condition given the state her body was in, and it looks to me like the person involved revisited the area much later to place it. Sounds like the sort of sick thing David Birnie would have done (although to be fair anyone sick enough to murder someone like that is probably sick enough to revisit the remains).

There’s a new podcast on the case if anyone is interested:https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/story/6387936/annette-cold-case-unlocked-episode-1/
Thanks for attaching the pod cast, it was interesting to listen to it again. The family feel Annette was killed by some one she knew, mainly IIRC because they believe only a local would have know how to get to the isolate bush track where Annette was found. I don't think this is necessarily correct. Any bush driver could have found this area if they were looking for some where to hide a body. Birnie lived down that way so he quite likely could have done a lot of bush driving.
There was rumor that the spot where she was found was a regular bush party area for young people and her death was accidental. But I think if this was the case some from the party would surely have cracked by now and given up the details to police.
The mention of a gun found near her body has always puzzled me, she wasn't shot? Do we know this? And the hand bag being in such good condition for the probable time it was there, it could have been sheltered from the sun? But also does sound like something Birnie would do, as it is similar to his leaving his victims jewelry neatly collected, near their grave site. An evolving MO?
Thanks for attaching the pod cast, it was interesting to listen to it again. The family feel Annette was killed by some one she knew, mainly IIRC because they believe only a local would have know how to get to the isolate bush track where Annette was found. I don't think this is necessarily correct. Any bush driver could have found this area if they were looking for some where to hide a body. Birnie lived down that way so he quite likely could have done a lot of bush driving.
There was rumor that the spot where she was found was a regular bush party area for young people and her death was accidental. But I think if this was the case some from the party would surely have cracked by now and given up the details to police.
The mention of a gun found near her body has always puzzled me, she wasn't shot? Do we know this? And the hand bag being in such good condition for the probable time it was there, it could have been sheltered from the sun? But also does sound like something Birnie would do, as it is similar to his leaving his victims jewelry neatly collected, near their grave site. An evolving MO?
I agree; very similar thoughts to my own.

I also find it hard to fathom how, if that was a regular bush party area, her body wasn’t found sooner. Like you I think if there were multiple witnesses to an accidental death someone would have spoken up. Although not always the case, the ones that remain unsolved after decades are usually random murders by strangers/psychopaths.

The fact that the person she was last seen with has never come forward and nobody has identified them also suggests to me a stranger. I know the theory amongst family and friends is that other locals know who that person is and are covering for them, but, short of organised crime, I don’t see that happening over this length of time.

That person doesn’t meet the description of David Birnie, though, so that moves a bit away from him as the perpetrator. The person was described as a young blonde surfie type. Then again, maybe that person has something to hide but has nothing to do with her murder or maybe they are from out of town and have no idea about the whole matter to come forward.

If she was shot I know they are better placed to tell that than a lot of other injuries - although flesh decomposes the bone evidence remains in tact for much longer. However, I don’t think they found all her remains so they may not know for certain the cause of death. I don’t recall that ever being stated. It was apparently a popular area for shooting so the gun could easily be a red herring. Or someone who committed another crime could have coincidentally dumped it there if they knew the area.

I think people often make too much of others not wanting to speak about things. If you know nothing, but are repeatedly asked about a situation, you’d get to a point where you just don’t want to talk about it. Or if you’ve given statements to police you might be sick of it.
I’ve also always thought David Birnie is a serious possibility for the disappearance of Annette Deverell. Regardless I think her and Lisa Mott could well have been abducted by the same person - there were reports of a yellow panel van around her disappearance as well.

There might be some movement on that one. Police are revisiting it with DNA testing of her handbag, found near her body, and a blood stained towel found near her house. The hand bag was in extremely good condition given the state her body was in, and it looks to me like the person involved revisited the area much later to place it. Sounds like the sort of sick thing David Birnie would have done (although to be fair anyone sick enough to murder someone like that is probably sick enough to revisit the remains).

There’s a new podcast on the case if anyone is interested:https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/story/6387936/annette-cold-case-unlocked-episode-1/
There's also a thread for her.
If you listened to all 4 episodes you must know the panel van belonged to friends of hers who feature on the last episode and claim the police have always known it was them she was with. They said they drove her around town looking for a friend she had an argument with then dropped her off at the place she was last seen. Their car was a grey EH Holden panel van.
I’ve also always thought David Birnie is a serious possibility for the disappearance of Annette Deverell. Regardless I think her and Lisa Mott could well have been abducted by the same person - there were reports of a yellow panel van around her disappearance as well.

There might be some movement on that one. Police are revisiting it with DNA testing of her handbag, found near her body, and a blood stained towel found near her house. The hand bag was in extremely good condition given the state her body was in, and it looks to me like the person involved revisited the area much later to place it. Sounds like the sort of sick thing David Birnie would have done (although to be fair anyone sick enough to murder someone like that is probably sick enough to revisit the remains).

There’s a new podcast on the case if anyone is interested:https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/story/6387936/annette-cold-case-unlocked-episode-1/
It's been mentioned beforehand that David Birnie had buried the victims which him and Catherine were responsible, that they'd both planned. It's thought they started having an affair about 1984, living together in 1985, then spent the next year practicing for the abductions which were Oct to Nov 1986.

When Kerrie Birnie (David's ex wife) was interviewed there was a photo of a yellow panel van. Kerrie had provided an alibi for David, for the time Lisa went missing. Lisa was just 12-years of age, but when you think about it one of David and Catherine's victims was only 15.

Whilst married to Kerrie, it's possible he may have picked up ladies hitchiking, with intentions of raping them, and who knows may have murdered.
WA has lots of bushland, so a revisit to the d-site might have been to bury them. David had worked in Bunbury which would have meant a two hour trek, back and forth from Perth's suburbs. Back then there would have been many secluded roads on-route, suitable for d-sites.

In the 1980s both Collie and Bunbury were a two hour trip from Perth's southern suburbs. From Bunbury, Collie is an eastern side trip of about half an hour inland. The town of Collie isn't on route from Bunbury to Perth.

Additional information: Mandurah is on-route from Perth to Bunbury, it's half way between Perth and Bunbury.
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There's also a thread for her.
If you listened to all 4 episodes you must know the panel van belonged to friends of hers who feature on the last episode and claim the police have always known it was them she was with. They said they drove her around town looking for a friend she had an argument with then dropped her off at the place she was last seen. Their car was a grey EH Holden panel van.
A few years ago when I was more heavily focusing on unsolved crimes in WA, I came across more than one article analysing this case that spoke about a yellow panel van quite independently of the dark coloured one otherwise mentioned (as in, they spoke of both and made a point of distinguishing). I should have made that clear with my post, as leaving that out is confusing. I cannot find the articles now as they are buried under more recent ones.

Of course it’s possible that people heard panel van and jumped on it and it was all a misinterpretation, but these were much older articles that referred to comments from the time it happened. It’s also possible that mistaken links were made after info came out about Lisa Mott, but again, the links of that and Birnie weren’t made until much later.

Apologies if this is in the wrong thread. I was keeping the discussion together because I was linking the two cases (Lisa Mott and Annette Deverell).
It's been mentioned beforehand that David Birnie had buried the victims which him and Catherine were responsible, that they'd both planned. It's thought they started having an affair about 1984, living together in 1985, then spent the next year practicing for the abductions which were Oct to Nov 1986.

When Kerrie Birnie (David's ex wife) was interviewed there was a photo of a yellow panel van. Kerrie had provided an alibi for David, for the time Lisa went missing. Lisa was just 12-years of age, but when you think about it one of David and Catherine's victims was only 15.

Whilst married to Kerrie, it's possible he may have picked up ladies hitchiking, with intentions of raping them, and who knows may have murdered.
WA has lots of bushland, so a revisit to the d-site might have been to bury them. David had worked in Bunbury which would have meant a two hour trek, back and forth from Perth's suburbs. Back then there would have been many secluded roads on-route, suitable for d-sites.

In the 1980s both Collie and Bunbury were a two hour trip from Perth's southern suburbs. From Bunbury, Collie is an eastern side trip of about half an hour inland. The town of Collie isn't on route from Bunbury to Perth.

Additional information: Mandurah is on-route from Perth to Bunbury, it's half way between Perth and Bunbury.
Great info. My understanding from what I have read regarding Lisa Mott’s disappearance is that David Birnie was working in Bunbury at the time, with a friend who had a yellow panel van. Not sure if that would be the one in the photo; you’d assume so, but if not, that’s an incredibly bizarre coincidence. It would have been very easy for him to borrow that for a day.

Also, I wanted to say that your spreadsheets are INCREDIBLE work.
A few years ago when I was more heavily focusing on unsolved crimes in WA, I came across more than one article analysing this case that spoke about a yellow panel van quite independently of the dark coloured one otherwise mentioned (as in, they spoke of both and made a point of distinguishing). I should have made that clear with my post, as leaving that out is confusing. I cannot find the articles now as they are buried under more recent ones.

Of course it’s possible that people heard panel van and jumped on it and it was all a misinterpretation, but these were much older articles that referred to comments from the time it happened. It’s also possible that mistaken links were made after info came out about Lisa Mott, but again, the links of that and Birnie weren’t made until much later.

Apologies if this is in the wrong thread. I was keeping the discussion together because I was linking the two cases (Lisa Mott and Annette Deverell).
There's still much conjecture about the colour but I cant imagine why her friends who claim it was them & their grey panel van that satisfies the sighting of her in one, would come forward to muddy the waters after hearing the first episode if it wasn't true. Nor why they would say absolutely, that the police had always known it was them she was with when she was seen in that car.

Clearly it wasnt readily available info to the reporter though seeing she had already clarified the colour of the van in the earlier episodes as being Maroon whilst her brother still claimed his belief had always been that it was yellow too.

Thats not really surprising though after hearing not 1 detective was based in Mandurah at the time & the investigation was run from Midland. It was sure to appear disjointed for that reason alone. Added, was the other later sighting of her walking down the street much closer to her home & near to the location of the screams heard where the bloodied towel was found, which I dont believe was widely known at any time either.

I was also stunned that the police had her handbag in their possession for a full 2 years before showing it to her family & only after her body was located, but even then they declined to confirm how it came into their possession or where it was found.

With those circumstances appearing to be the most recent & reliably known "facts" of the case, is it any wonder we have no real clue of the truth.

I'm sure I also read that when Birnie was finally arrested in 86 there was a panel van parked in his driveway too, but whether thats accurate either, again, who really knows.

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