MRP / Trib. MRP and Tribunal - 2024 - Finals Week 1

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I hate Hawthorn as much as the next person, but that James Sicily suspension was soft as. I'm still confused with this and how Hewett got off last week. The MRO still making us shake our heads in 2024. Shambles.
Christian still a clown
And Kane with top shelf corporate speak to justify it all
Thought there was nothing in Sicily's, just defending himself from some attention, but hadn't noticed him kick McGrath on the way down. Fair enough I suppose.

Also McGrath will need to pick a softer target next time, really didn't do himself any favours there

There was zero force in that. But he has form and its early in the season so the Tribunal will agree with the AFL.

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Redman SHOULD have been a week except for last week, via the new off-season interpretation. But not consistent despite them trying to argue the difference - it’s still a lazy soft hit to the head for both Hewett & Redman.

I didn’t see the kick initially from Sicily but yeah definitely misconduct worthy. However with the level of contact surely it’s a fine? Barely got him it looked. Lower than low impact, so gotta punish the action yep I’m happy with that, but it’s not a week.
That is an absolute disgrace Sicily being suspended for that. He was surrounded by half a team trying to provoke him in any way they could, including physically. How can that be legal but a really minor retaliation with zero capacity to cause injury gets a week.

This is as bad as anything I have seen from the MRO. It is almost too bad to be believable except for it being an MRO adjudication.

I feel for the Hawks and Sicily. he seems to get the worst case scenario or worse from any decision the AFL ever makes about him.

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Mason Redman really gets a week for that? And Sicily?

wtf is going on?
Can't wait for a Brownlow fancy to do what Redman did

it is done in every single game in AFL........Hewitt did it and got nothing...

its a free kick....not even a fine.
In all seriousness though, Scicily should be at most a fine (if that) as per AFL tribunal guidelines. The contact was negligible. Even if you argue it was more than negligible then it was not more than low impact. As per the table in the AFL tribunal guideliens, low impact should also only be a fine: contact wasnt to the head or groin, low impact at most and to the non high/groin area.

It's obvious they've come up with the outcome first and engineered the way it's interpreted second.

There is no way that's medium impact.

Also I thought punching blokes was ok after Hewett. Not sure why Redman suddenly has a case to answer for.
It's obvious they've come up with the outcome first and engineered the way it's interpreted second.

There is no way that's medium impact.

Also I thought punching blokes was ok after Hewett. Not sure why Redman suddenly has a case to answer for.
There's no way you kick someone and don't get a week for it. The threshold for impact is lower significantly for things like punching and kicking someone.

Doesn't matter how soft it is, it was always getting a week.
Hawks really need to take the Siciliy one to tribunal for the good of the game. Unless they have video evidence of the attempted kick then he should be fine.

If they do have the evidence then he should get a week as it hopefully starts the trend of banning the action and not the outcome.
there is video.
but its soft. poor look and a shit act, but i'd dub it fine worthy more than anything else.

What i love is the AFL plays this clash up with it's history of violence. Then hands down two very soft one week fines for some in game niggle.

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MRP / Trib. MRP and Tribunal - 2024 - Finals Week 1

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