Murray FL 2018

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It's going to be interesting to see how the year unfolds. Will the addition of the three new clubs be temporary or will they be looking to cement themselves in the Murray League long term? There are rumours the old Tungamah league could be reformed in 2019 and might include Tungamah, Shepp East, Katandra, Rumbalara, Congupna and perhaps one or two other nearby clubs...

As for jumper clashes, there certainly isn't enough contrast between Numurkah and Katandra, or Barooga and Tungamah for that matter. Even the royal blue Shepp East Eagles kits aren't a great match up against Echuca United's navy Eagles guernseys.

I’m pretty sure the jumper and netball dress clashes have been sorted already with the incoming clubs having alternative stops for those games or permanently in place already.

Not sure where the talk of the Tungamah league comes from Tucky, but I can say that Rumbalara certainly wouldn’t be in discussions to join it. We are quiet comfortable in the MFL and we’d like to think competitive enough.

But I think what we are most likely to see happen in 2019 is
a)all the clubs continue to operate as is with this season, no changes other then the draw.
b)Picola league come under the AFLgm and we lose Katandra and Shep back to the picola.
c)Picola league doesn’t affiliate, we gain possibly 5 (or more) additional clubs from the PDFL, and split into a 2 tier competition.
Still too early to know but, and it will all hinge on what the PDFL decide to do.....
I’m pretty sure the jumper and netball dress clashes have been sorted already with the incoming clubs having alternative stops for those games or permanently in place already.

Not sure where the talk of the Tungamah league comes from Tucky, but I can say that Rumbalara certainly wouldn’t be in discussions to join it. We are quiet comfortable in the MFL and we’d like to think competitive enough.

But I think what we are most likely to see happen in 2019 is
a)all the clubs continue to operate as is with this season, no changes other then the draw.
b)Picola league come under the AFLgm and we lose Katandra and Shep back to the picola.
c)Picola league doesn’t affiliate, we gain possibly 5 (or more) additional clubs from the PDFL, and split into a 2 tier competition.
Still too early to know but, and it will all hinge on what the PDFL decide to do.....
d) A new comp featuring Congupna , all blacks, Murch , tally, stanhope , tungamah , shepp east , dookie, with under 14' s and six netball sides, either in its own right (tungamah league) or under the KDFL banner .

e) MFL refuse to give their admin to AFLGM and are refused affiliation in 2019 .
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Good to see you back around these traps Goodgolly.

Do you think a two-tier system would work best geographically or with promotion-relegation?

I think the only way pdfnl clubs would be comfortable that they would be competitve in the long term would for it to be a 2 tiered promotion/relegation system. It wouldnt create much more travel for existing MFL clubs and might give the bottom few clubs a new lease of life. Who knows if enough PDFNL clubs went across then it could end up being a 3 tiered system
Good to see you back around these traps Goodgolly.

Do you think a two-tier system would work best geographically or with promotion-relegation?

Yeah been a while Tucky..... I think a 2 Teir system based on relegation would work best for everyone.... it would allow clubs to drop back in performance and rebuild at times without sustained periods of hidings.
TRIB, I doubt the MFL will now denounce their affiliation, I reckon their are in the AFLGM for the long haul, warts and all. My hope it's that they would absorb our Admin into their structure and continue with our administrator in a satellite office along the Murray somewhere.
I can't see congupna or Tally wanting to move comps, and it doesn't make sense why Stanhope would want to either, but stranger things have happened......
Intimidator, this years going to be a Final 8 as best as I can tell.
I think the only way pdfnl clubs would be comfortable that they would be competitve in the long term would for it to be a 2 tiered promotion/relegation system. It wouldnt create much more travel for existing MFL clubs and might give the bottom few clubs a new lease of life. Who knows if enough PDFNL clubs went across then it could end up being a 3 tiered system

It was stated in a radio interview yesterday morning that long term the MFL see the additional clubs staying put and that they would welcome anyone else interested, that the league intention is to stay affiliated but NOT give up administration, so, with your experience with the happenings in the lead up to the commencement of this season, in your opinion do you think the MFL will be facing a similar senario to the PDFNL next season or do you agree with the comments in the interview that their lines of communication are kept open enough to prevent such an occurrance?

Also from the feedback you have received around the traps how many other PDFNL clubs do you potentially see looking over the fence to the MFL or elsewhere if the PDFNL can not re-affiliate for the next season?
Yeah been a while Tucky..... I think a 2 Teir system based on relegation would work best for everyone.... it would allow clubs to drop back in performance and rebuild at times without sustained periods of hidings.
TRIB, I doubt the MFL will now denounce their affiliation, I reckon their are in the AFLGM for the long haul, warts and all. My hope it's that they would absorb our Admin into their structure and continue with our administrator in a satellite office along the Murray somewhere.
I can't see congupna or Tally wanting to move comps, and it doesn't make sense why Stanhope would want to either, but stranger things have happened......
Intimidator, this years going to be a Final 8 as best as I can tell.
Interesting what you say about the MFL admin.
In my opinion regulation systems don't work in football netball leagues particular those who cover a large geographically area for a number of reasons these days. Below would be some known hurdles without considering the possible hurdles.
Competiveness of the whole club ;
Although I accept football and in particular the senior football side is seen as the premier grade , junior grades and netball are the most economical . Clubs with schooling within their communities do have an advantage in all grades. Think the difference in netball and junior grades is what will be most evident in clubs changing around this year.
Financial position :
PDFNL clubs don't use the level of umpiring the MFL do and I'd suggest their would be near $20k difference per annum per club difference.
PDFNL clubs have a rotating finals policy which has allowed clubs to lobby council for funding and additionally provides the host club all catering rights , an estimated $12k per annum profit in a 13 team comp.
The leagues are able to attract sponsors who fit their model and geographical location of clubs.
There is a $45k variation in annual salary cap.
Interleague football I estimate would cost MFL clubs $2-3 k per club each year.
It is not unreasonable to suggest there is a $70k + variation in both comps currently . Even if one comp had the above differences and one didnt , clubs having that sought of budget variation from year to year isn't viable.
Point system :
The comps have a different structure for how players are awarded points. It will be interesting to see how this is handled this year . Does a player recruited from the GVFL by say Shepp East in 2017 attract an extra point ? Does a MFL recruit now attract an extra point as they were recruited from a club they now compete against ?
Community structure club culture :
There is a massive difference in clubs cultures . This includes things such as requirements of players in regards to training etc.

In theory it may great to say all clubs are the same and that one side is a judge of the whole clubs on field ability.
Regulation / delegation between the two suggested comps IMO would cause massive issues financially especially via reduced club and leagues sponsors. It would also potentionally see players not wanting to play football or netball at a specific club in case they play against their old side. Example being that a bloke from cobram may go to strathy later in their career and when they have less time to commit to the game, but they don't want to play against their own side. vice versa a young kid may want to try themselves at MFL without possibly playing against their own side. I'd suggest this would be the case with the majority of the apparent 130 clearances to and from the MFL - PDFNL and vice versa each year.
I actually think whilst the balance in and out remains equal ( provided they are not contracted or owe money;) ) it is healthy and good for both comps. They only years that it appears to have been thrown one way or the other is the years the PDFNL have been outside the points system where certain MFL clubs seemed to lose alot of players with ODFNL clubs the benefactor.
Then there is the potential travel compenent and lost of traditional rivilaries.
Having recently attended a PDFNL event where the majority in attendance voicing the enjoyment, it is impossible to deny that rivalries aren't good for footy and netball and nor is having likeminded communities in the one comp, whether that be farming (PDFNL) or industry / retail MFL, as I would suggest makes up the majority of the of the respective leagues.
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It was stated in a radio interview yesterday morning that long term the MFL see the additional clubs staying put and that they would welcome anyone else interested, that the league intention is to stay affiliated but NOT give up administration, so, with your experience with the happenings in the lead up to the commencement of this season, in your opinion do you think the MFL will be facing a similar senario to the PDFNL next season or do you agree with the comments in the interview that their lines of communication are kept open enough to prevent such an occurrance?

Also from the feedback you have received around the traps how many other PDFNL clubs do you potentially see looking over the fence to the MFL or elsewhere if the PDFNL can not re-affiliate for the next season?
13 were joining only two days before only 4 did.
It was stated in a radio interview yesterday morning that long term the MFL see the additional clubs staying put and that they would welcome anyone else interested, that the league intention is to stay affiliated but NOT give up administration, so, with your experience with the happenings in the lead up to the commencement of this season, in your opinion do you think the MFL will be facing a similar senario to the PDFNL next season or do you agree with the comments in the interview that their lines of communication are kept open enough to prevent such an occurrance?

Also from the feedback you have received around the traps how many other PDFNL clubs do you potentially see looking over the fence to the MFL or elsewhere if the PDFNL can not re-affiliate for the next season?

It was explained to PDFNL clubs (that stayed for the meeting at strathmerton) by the AFLGM that the affiliation agreement and the administration agreement are 2 seperate documents. Also it was stated in this meeting that administration was not a requirement for affiliation in 2019. There where approx 20 people in the room that can corroborate that. On this basis I believe the MFL would be able to negotiate an outcome that works for them. On that point I would hope the PDFNL board are able to get back to the table with AFLGM and work through the issues. In my personal opinion this would be the best outcome as I want PDFNL to retain its own identitiy. Failing this i do beleive there will be number of clubs constatly re-assesing their decision this year. I am not in the position to put a number on how many clubs and who they are.
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It was explained to PDFNL clubs (that stayed for the meeting at strathmerton) by the AFLGM that the affiliation agreement and the administration agreement where 2 seperate documents. Also it was stated in this meeting that administration was not a requirement for affiliation in 2019. There where approx 20 people in the room that can corroborate that. On this basis I believe the MFL would be able to negotiate an outcome that works for them. On that point I would hope the PDFNL board are able to get back to the table with AFLGM and work through the issues. In my personal opinion this would be the best outcome as I want PDFNL to retain its own identitiy. Failing this i do beleive there will be number of clubs constatly re-assesing their decision this year. I am not in the position to put a number on how many clubs and who they are.
I have no reason to doubt what was said , but it confuses me why it couldn't be removed from the 2018 agreement ?
It was stated in a radio interview yesterday morning that long term the MFL see the additional clubs staying put and that they would welcome anyone else interested, that the league intention is to stay affiliated but NOT give up administration, so, with your experience with the happenings in the lead up to the commencement of this season, in your opinion do you think the MFL will be facing a similar senario to the PDFNL next season or do you agree with the comments in the interview that their lines of communication are kept open enough to prevent such an occurrance?

Also from the feedback you have received around the traps how many other PDFNL clubs do you potentially see looking over the fence to the MFL or elsewhere if the PDFNL can not re-affiliate for the next season?

Browntown I cant speak for the league in their negotiations with AFLGM, but it is still a negotiation and I would think our Exec will do what they think is best for our league. Having said that I’d like to see us hold onto our administrator/administration to some degree, if only to assist the AFLGM in the further reaches of their area, and out league particularly.

TRIB, I’d give the relegation system a go, before we try the geographical system, but it would all depend on the number of clubs that would decide how competitive the comp is for mine. Too many and there are too many large winning margins. Too few and it becomes a top 2 race in the end.....
Spoke interesting results today!!!

Can anyone give us a report on today’s gave purps vs pies???

Are the purps as good as the score line suggests?... or any games for that matter.?.?

Also, congrats to Jord Souter and tonny. I did not see that one coming....
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Spoke interesting results today!!!

Can anyone give us a report on today’s gave purps vs pies???

Are the purps as good as the score line suggests?... or any games for that matter.?.?

Also, congrats to Jord Souter and tonny. I did not see that one coming....
Yes had to do a double take with the Moama score!
And was awesome to see the Cat get a win on the board early :)
Great to see the league up and firing so early!! Quiet a few surprise packets amongst the league which is fantastic for the competition..

Have heard a few things over the last two weeks if anyone has any answer for them.

- Mulwala's Coach standing down the morning of round 1?

- Barooga having a lot of in house problems?

- Cobram popping up for two from two, big jump for not beating a top 6 side at all last season and already beating two from last season?

- Finley up and about after a long year last year?

- Tonny surprising a few for those who have watch them this season?

Great to see the league up and firing so early!! Quiet a few surprise packets amongst the league which is fantastic for the competition..

Have heard a few things over the last two weeks if anyone has any answer for them.

- Mulwala's Coach standing down the morning of round 1?

- Barooga having a lot of in house problems?

- Cobram popping up for two from two, big jump for not beating a top 6 side at all last season and already beating two from last season?

- Finley up and about after a long year last year?

- Tonny surprising a few for those who have watch them this season?

I have heard the feeling around Cobram is as good as it has been for many a year and to a lesser extent Tonny, with neither getting ahead of themselves just enjoying their footy.
Some of Nathalia's recruits are a lot better than some may have thought.
Great to see the league up and firing so early!! Quiet a few surprise packets amongst the league which is fantastic for the competition..

Have heard a few things over the last two weeks if anyone has any answer for them.

- Mulwala's Coach standing down the morning of round 1?

- Barooga having a lot of in house problems?

- Cobram popping up for two from two, big jump for not beating a top 6 side at all last season and already beating two from last season?

- Finley up and about after a long year last year?

- Tonny surprising a few for those who have watch them this season?


Haven't heard anything from the Barooga and Mulwala camps. But every club has its issues at times so it wouldn't surprise me if changes are afoot.
We've rated Cobram for the last 2 years and probably would of gone deeper last year if they didn't have injuries.
Finley were never going away for long, but I don't think they'll be as strong as a couple of years ago.
Tonny has had a great result. An early win at home should give them a great boost and should surprise afew, myself included. Preseason I think its fair to say Tonny were staring down the barrel after their coach and marquee recruit pulled the pin, but they stuck to it and got a fairly decent scalp for their efforts. Not having seen the game an argument could be made that Mul kicked themselves out of the game, but that's how it goes some days.
Congupna for mine is bigger surprise. Having led Mul for most of their rnd 1 encounter only to go down in the last quarter, at Mulwala, is not easy. And then to back it up the week after with a nail biter against a much improved Finley is a great effort. I haven't had a look at them first hand yet, but i think they'll take down a few big teams this year.

Also, Rumba just ticking along quietly first win for the season at deni. I'm sure that oval keeps getting bigger every year!!
Baroogas issues stemmed from some boys playing up at a Pub that was going to sponsor them. The Sponsorship was lost and a few boys were suspended for the first game. Think it's all sorted now though and had a good win on the weekend. Could see them running top 3 still.
Baroogas issues stemmed from some boys playing up at a Pub that was going to sponsor them. The Sponsorship was lost and a few boys were suspended for the first game. Think it's all sorted now though and had a good win on the weekend. Could see them running top 3 still.

Doc, I know its probably not a laughing matter, but it is kinda funny...... I'm sure it'll be water under the bridge in no time ;)

Now, is it too early to talk about predictions for the weekend-

Barooga vs Rumba- Rumba, by 13 points. Purely an emotive call. We'll have to stop Downie if we are any chance, and an injury to Terlich doesn't make it any easier. But if it's good weather, I reckon we'll get over them it a ripper.

United vs Numurkah- With both teams coming off a lose there is plenty to play for. they should be fairly easily matched, but without having seen United in person yet, I think United at home by 24point.

Finley Vs Tongala- Both teams coming off a win, Tonny likely to coming off a high, and Finley wouldn't be taking anyone lightly after last weeks scare. Its a tuff road trip and its too hard to see Tonny winning up there. Finley by 18 points.

Mulwala vs Moama- This will be an interesting game. Is it a case of no Jones no Moama? or was it one out of the ordinary from them? (and yes, we all expect Nathalia to be that good). Was it just Mulwala's inaccurate kicking that let them down??..... At Mulwala, I think Mul by 10 points.

Congupna vs Deni- Deni to struggle in this one for mine. The Road has done everything right and build quietly. I think they'll get their first win for 2018 here. Congupna by 30 points.

Nathalia vs Cobram- This will be match of the round for mine. Both teams undefeated after 2 rounds. Nathailia to in favorites purely for their scoreboard pressure, but I'm tipping Cobram in an upset, by 6 points.

Shepp East vs Katandra- Don't know much about these 2 clubs or sides yet. Katandra have openly admitted they will battle this year, while Shepp East have been a strong team for years by all reports..... But I hate Shepp east from the CGFL days, and just cant bring myself to tip them. Katandra by 2 points hahahaha!!

Go Rumba!!
Doc, I know its probably not a laughing matter, but it is kinda funny...... I'm sure it'll be water under the bridge in no time ;)

Now, is it too early to talk about predictions for the weekend-

Barooga vs Rumba- Rumba, by 13 points. Purely an emotive call. We'll have to stop Downie if we are any chance, and an injury to Terlich doesn't make it any easier. But if it's good weather, I reckon we'll get over them it a ripper.

United vs Numurkah- With both teams coming off a lose there is plenty to play for. they should be fairly easily matched, but without having seen United in person yet, I think United at home by 24point.

Finley Vs Tongala- Both teams coming off a win, Tonny likely to coming off a high, and Finley wouldn't be taking anyone lightly after last weeks scare. Its a tuff road trip and its too hard to see Tonny winning up there. Finley by 18 points.

Mulwala vs Moama- This will be an interesting game. Is it a case of no Jones no Moama? or was it one out of the ordinary from them? (and yes, we all expect Nathalia to be that good). Was it just Mulwala's inaccurate kicking that let them down??..... At Mulwala, I think Mul by 10 points.

Congupna vs Deni- Deni to struggle in this one for mine. The Road has done everything right and build quietly. I think they'll get their first win for 2018 here. Congupna by 30 points.

Nathalia vs Cobram- This will be match of the round for mine. Both teams undefeated after 2 rounds. Nathailia to in favorites purely for their scoreboard pressure, but I'm tipping Cobram in an upset, by 6 points.

Shepp East vs Katandra- Don't know much about these 2 clubs or sides yet. Katandra have openly admitted they will battle this year, while Shepp East have been a strong team for years by all reports..... But I hate Shepp east from the CGFL days, and just cant bring myself to tip them. Katandra by 2 points hahahaha!!

Go Rumba!!

Barooga vs Rumba 17 points
Echuca vs Numurkah 9 points
Finley vs Tongala 25 points
Katandra vs Shepp East 95 points
Mulwala vs Moama 32 points
Congupna vs Deni 55 points
Nathalia vs Cobram 35 points
Barooga vs Rumba 17 points
Echuca vs Numurkah 9 points
Finley vs Tongala 25 points
Katandra vs Shepp East 95 points
Mulwala vs Moama 32 points
Congupna vs Deni 55 points
Nathalia vs Cobram 35 points

Barooga 67 - Rumba 32
United 28 - Numurkah 47
Finley 88 - Tonny 21
Katandra 53 - Shepp east 88
Mulwala 77 - moama 42
Congupna 75 - Deni 42
Nathalia 47 - Cobram 18

.... I got 3/8......
Barooga 67 - Rumba 32
United 28 - Numurkah 47
Finley 88 - Tonny 21
Katandra 53 - Shepp east 88
Mulwala 77 - moama 42
Congupna 75 - Deni 42
Nathalia 47 - Cobram 18

.... I got 3/8......

5/7 for me. Nice tip on the Mulwala game GG that was a little surprising after their loss the week before. 3/7 not 8 either so not too bad. Can't tip against your own and you tried getting Nathalia beaten :)

Some interesting games this week with the former PDFL sides all coming up against MFL sides.
Deni vs Barooga 53 points Barooga too strong.
Rumba vs Echuca 9 points Should be a great game Rumba at home just.
Moama vs Finley 10 points Moama could bounce back but Finley for me in a close one.
Cobram vs Shepp East 27 points Cobram look to be fairly strong this year with Shepp beating both PDFL sides so far. This game should give us an indication on the PDFL sides strength.
Tongala vs Katandra 32 points it's a big jump from one win last year in the PDFL for the Kats
Tungamah vs Mul 22 points it'll be interesting as they've over the years had plenty of players move between the two clubs. Mul for me.
Numurkah vs Nathalia 40 points can anyone stop the Nathalia juggernaut
5/7 for me. Nice tip on the Mulwala game GG that was a little surprising after their loss the week before. 3/7 not 8 either so not too bad. Can't tip against your own and you tried getting Nathalia beaten :)

Some interesting games this week with the former PDFL sides all coming up against MFL sides.
Deni vs Barooga 53 points Barooga too strong.
Rumba vs Echuca 9 points Should be a great game Rumba at home just.
Moama vs Finley 10 points Moama could bounce back but Finley for me in a close one.
Cobram vs Shepp East 27 points Cobram look to be fairly strong this year with Shepp beating both PDFL sides so far. This game should give us an indication on the PDFL sides strength.
Tongala vs Katandra 32 points it's a big jump from one win last year in the PDFL for the Kats
Tungamah vs Mul 22 points it'll be interesting as they've over the years had plenty of players move between the two clubs. Mul for me.
Numurkah vs Nathalia 40 points can anyone stop the Nathalia juggernaut

Good luck to the former PDFNL clubs - as they undertake their next new challenge facing up against new competition this weekend. Will be interesting to see how the measure up across all the grades in both football and netball.
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