My latest letter to Terry ;)

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Dec 18, 2005
AFL Club
Other Teams
Dear Terry,

Thanks for your replies to my letters in the past. It’s great that you take the time to read what supporters have to say and to reply to our thoughts. I definitely think we have enough quality players to take us places, but there are half a dozen players really holding us back. Our biggest problem against Hawthorn was not quite skill level, it was decision making, lack of running and lack of game plan. All of these things lead to a silly handball or a poor kick because the players put themselves under unnecessary pressure. I honestly think our biggest problem is our captain. His skill level and football brain are not up to AFL standard I believe. Most times he gets the ball, he will run backwards or in a circle, hesitate and hold on to the ball. He holds up the game and instead of kicking long, he is more intent to give off a short handball to a player in traffic and not take risks or responsibility. Very often he will cause a turnover because of this but he also makes unforced errors by hand and foot under no real pressure while other times he drops simple chest marks or misses important goals.

We must change captaincy and I think it is in the best interests of our football club that he is delisted at the end of the season. I really think he is a liability to our senior team and I think it is just his love of the footy club which got him the captaincy in the first place. I don’t believe he has had enough talent to make the senior team since 2005. Although he can tag a player, his turnovers and slow reaction time are too costly and he is halting the progression of our club while we have other good tagging options anyway. Our youngsters need to be inspired by a captain who they can rely on and take control. Richo, Brown, Coughlan, Newman and Foley are the types of players who should be involved in the captaincy group. Other players who are concerning me are Raines and Tuck. They add a lot of run and hardness, but they turn the ball over by foot quite often. Can Raines improve his kicking over time and is Tuck’s ankle problem affecting his kicking? Maybe they can spend some late games this season at Coburg, while Hughes, Reiwoldt, Connors and Casserley can get a taste of senior action.

I really liked the look of Hughes during his senior appearances and thought he was unlucky to be dropped after the Adelaide game . I honestly think 17 of the 22 players from the Hawthorn game will take us places, but there are some changes we need to make. Below, I have mentioned who I think will take us places and who will/may not.

These young players add something important to the side and they do have improvement in them, which will come with experience:
King, Edwards, Foley, Howat, Jackson, Pattison, Thursfield, Tambling, Mcguane, Deledio, Hughes, Polo and White

These experienced players are very important to us:
Richo, Brown, Polak, Newman, J Bowden, Simmonds(when 100% fit), and Coughlan(when 100% fit)

These players are definately talented and should be part of our future and although they have to work on parts of their defensive game, I believe they will take the next step once they have the correct players around them who will deliver a fast flowing game plan:
Hyde, Schultz and Pettifer

Reiwoldt looks promising and so do Connors and Casserley. While Collins, Clingan, Graham and Peterson have been untried yet. The 30 players above are our most important players on our list. Hyde, Schultz and Pettifer are big talents who would benefit greatly if we chose our senior team from the 30 players above. The 30 players above have the pace and the footy smarts to move the ball on quickly and deliver it to an open forward line. Schultz has been averaging 2 goals a game for 2 years and will be able to improve to 3 or 4 goals a game. Pettifer works very well with Brown and Hyde has excellent evasive skills and kicks some classy goals. Hyde would be dangerous running into an open forward line. The 30 players above are our future. I would love if we can pick up Kruezer in the draft to boost our struggling rucking divison, but we will have to wait and see what happens. We will pick up half a dozen quality youngsters at the end of the season anyway.

We must get the group above to work on their weaknesses. As mentioned Hyde, Schultz and Pettifer need to work on second efforts, urgency and hardness. Players such as Polo, Mcguane, Hyde, Edwards, Pattison, Thursfield, Moore and Oakleigh Nicholls need to bulk up on weights. But most importantly these players need to stick to the game plan and run hard offering themselves as an option to kick too. We need to form tighter huddles at our defensive kick ins and present better. After the first kick in has been marked, our players upfield need to be huddled and offer their leads at the appropriate time, rather than running to the wing before the original kick in has been marked. Same with the next kick to half forward. I like the idea of having a huddle at half back for the first kick, a huddle in the centre for the second kick and a huddle at half forward for the third kick. This will give all players more space to lead to and more space to kick to.

Quick movement will not allow the opposition to flood our forward line and our forwards will benefit greatly and so will players who can deliver the ball to a nice open forward line. We also have to be more disciplined and run harder when in defensive mode. Other improvements can be done at the other end of the ground when the opposition kick the ball in after a behind. Our defensive ring around the huddle should be extra 5m in diameter so that each player has more reaction time and less distance for their opponent to get an advantage. Each player should be looking after their assigned opponent for the match in this situation rather than just running to the nearest opposition player to prevent two of our players running to the same opposition player and leaving another opposition player free. I would also like to see more of the zone defense used too.

Another improvement is the prevention of too many of our own players running into forward 50. With a quicker game plan we will kick to a more open forward line, but we should only have one or two players assigned to enter the forward 50 which is already occupied by our 3 deep forwards. There is nothing worse than watching us take too long to get the ball forward and having the opposition flood our forward line while another half a dozen of our players and their opponents also run to this area. This gives Richo, Browny and company no chance to make a lead in a forward 50m arc congested with 30 players. One other point to mention is that we also need to be a bit more desperate at centre bounces and I think a fit Coughlan and a more bulked up Polo and Hyde will be the right players to help out Foley and Jackson.

We must delist these players I believe:
Johnson, Kingsley, Krakouer, Hartigan, Knobel and Hall. Hall, Hartigan and Knobel are too injury prone to persist with. Krakouer is too inconsistent and Kingsley and Johnson won’t take us places. The 6 places can be taken up by great new talent. I know it’s a tough call on certain players, but we need to start 2008 with the best young list possible. Our best 22 needs to skillful, quick, smart and young. The above 6 players are definitely holding our club back. Our club has struggled for the last 26 years and it’s well overdue that we pick the best list possible. With 2 consecutive years of success, we will have 40,000 members and average 55,000 a game. We’ll be the new Collingwood, but we are louder and more hungry. This is what the AFL would be dreaming of.

The players below should be used sparingly in the seniors next year only due to injuries if they don’t improve their current deficiencies, but a couple may be delisted to make room for the draft:
Meyer, Moore, Oakleigh Nicholls, P Bowden, Tuck, Raines, Tivendale, Graham and Clingan. There will be hard decisions on who to keep from this group. Do we give Meyer, Moore and Oakleigh Nicholls another year to see if they will take the next step? Moore showed some promise before getting injured this year. Tuck and Raines add value, but they also hurt us with kicking turnovers. Tivendale is usually very good but occasionally turns the ball over. P Bowden has struggled with injury this year

I believe we can have a strong 2008 by delisting the 6 players mentioned plus a couple more. We will be left with a promising young list which will be strengthened in the draft with a couple of quality ruckman, a couple of strong/skillful midfielders and one or two talls, quicks or small forwards. I look forward to your decision making at the end of the season and trust you will make the best decisions for our club. You are the right coach of this club and a few alterations to the list will turn this club around quickly. Our list can be strong as early as next season and if the players know the game plan and run hard enough we can have a strong season in 2008. Polo, Coughlan, Foley, Hyde, Jackson can form a pretty strong midfield group. Hopefully we can display a younger and more exciting Richmond in the 2008 preseason and go on to have a big season just like the Hawks have done.

Thanks Toby
I think you overate Hyde and underate Johnson (though he's wearing me donw this year), but overall a pretty good post MT. :thumbsu:

Although long term Deledio is the key to our midfield.
Good post MT, i agree with the delistings. Maybe just a touch overrated on Hyde tho. I don't see him in our midfield for the future, he doesnt get enough contested posessions.

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I'm sure plough made up his mind long ago as to who will be given the flick this year MT. The players you mention are prime suspects but to be honest, I seriously doubt that johnson will be shown the door. You don't go from being captain one minute to the scrap heap the next. It just doesnt happen. Johnson needs to be retained but stripped of the captaincy in the hope he can concentrate on his footy and once again become the attacking player he was at the crows when they won 2 flags.
I think you overrate howat and white. I can see white possibly making it - he's hard at it, should fill out to a decent size, needs alot of work though. howat has no upside at all, he's at an age where he should be playing well above the standar of first year players and I really don't see it. throw casserly/connors in his position you'd get the same impact, edwards is well above him in terms of positive contributions on the field, he needs to go.
I think you overrate howat and white. I can see white possibly making it - he's hard at it, should fill out to a decent size, needs alot of work though. howat has no upside at all, he's at an age where he should be playing well above the standar of first year players and I really don't see it. throw casserly/connors in his position you'd get the same impact, edwards is well above him in terms of positive contributions on the field, he needs to go.

Every time you post I can smell vomit. Have another drink ya bum.
Johnson needs to be retained but stripped of the captaincy in the hope he can concentrate on his footy and once again become the attacking player he was at the crows when they won 2 flags.

I thought he was a tagger in those two flags? Might be wrong.

Who else do people think should be captain? I agree KJ is not the perfect choice, and i would prefer to see him only have to worry about his game (particularly his decision making and disposal) but who are the other options?

Foley - silly, let him become a star before we burden him with captain. Wouldn't even have been in contention before this 'break out' year. Certainly looks like future captain material but not yet.

Bowden - not captain material IMHO. Admits doesn't like training etc. Cheap kicks across HB line not really inspirational if you ask me.

Richo - People call him a headcase and say he has/had a bad attitude. For mine he would have been a reasonable choice. Bleeds yellow and black. Inspirational, see busted eye/nose, chasing C.Brown from HFF all the way down the wing when both him and Brown knew he wouldn't catch him. Has matured as far as temperament goes in the last few years (although i forgive him his onfield displays of frustration - the guy is 6'6 and we consistantly put the ball over his head or at his ****ing ankles???). Amazing the guy has taken as many marks as he has with the delivery he receives. Certainly there is a question mark about kicking the goal we need when it really matters but I dont think this would be more detrimental to the team than some of KJ's disposal......
In saying that - Richo's chance to be captain has passed. Too old now and not what the team needs from him.

Lids - see Foley

Newman - Very good option IMHO, but let him have 2008 to ensure he is over the leg before giving him the job. Out half of last year and would have been lucky to get it two years ago, before the leg.

N.Brown - Leg and not sure his was the right person before 2005. Not sure he would be the right person in the future either. Let him just be the cocky, arrogant SUPERSTAR he is. Thats why i love him. There has been a real lack of arrogance at RFC for over 20 years. He brings it to this team. It shows in how those around him play when he is there, that it is a very important quality for success (gives Pettifer a set of kahunas, which says it all).

Struggling to think of any other options. Happy to be corrected if i have the above wrong:thumbsu:

The club did get outside assesments on our peoples leadership qualities IIRC. I guess KJ was the best option at the time. Doesnt mean he is not the worst captian in the AFL:p

I would like to see Newman get it in 2009 and then let Lids and Foley fight it out for the job:thumbsu:
Here's my letter to Terry......

Dear Terry,

F%#$ off from OUR club you pathetic fraud.

During your tenure, you have fast become the most unaccountable coach in the competition and you still galavant around OUR club as though you are our saviour.

Any other coach with your current record would be severely under the pump, however you seem to have somehow slipped under the radar.

I think Damian Barrett's article in today's HUN is absolutely spot on (except for Polak who I think is a great pick up) and for the life of me, I don't understand how you have the comlpete backing of the board. Either they are negligent in their duties, or they are working behind the scenes to p!ss you off out of OUR club. I really hope the latter is the case.

I can't see any positives arising from your reign so keep mentioning that they will be great when they reach that magical age, but there is absolutely no guarantee of this. While our team matures, do you think the other clubs will remain stagnant.....I think not.....

So do us all a favour and simply Eff Off.

Yours in sport,


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I think Damian Barrett's article in today's HUN is absolutely spot on (except for Polak who I think is a great pick up)

I read the Polak message as we dont know yet how good he is because he has played the season as that loose man getting the easy possesions. Im stoked we got him though. A great pick up:thumbsu:

Also what did you make of tha last small paragraph? Interesting. Something tells me the rumour is stronger than some might suggest.

And i for one think its so left field it may be a stroke of genius if it dose take place.

Im so sick and tired of always finishin down the bottom with the "Prommise" that we are on the rise:(
Here's my letter to Terry......

Dear Terry,

F%#$ off from OUR club you pathetic fraud.

During your tenure, you have fast become the most unaccountable coach in the competition and you still galavant around OUR club as though you are our saviour.

Any other coach with your current record would be severely under the pump, however you seem to have somehow slipped under the radar.

I think Damian Barrett's article in today's HUN is absolutely spot on (except for Polak who I think is a great pick up) and for the life of me, I don't understand how you have the comlpete backing of the board. Either they are negligent in their duties, or they are working behind the scenes to p!ss you off out of OUR club. I really hope the latter is the case.

I can't see any positives arising from your reign so keep mentioning that they will be great when they reach that magical age, but there is absolutely no guarantee of this. While our team matures, do you think the other clubs will remain stagnant.....I think not.....

So do us all a favour and simply Eff Off.

Yours in sport,

On behalf of the silent majority, SPOT ON.
Hows a bloke meant to coach a team when he has to read through all these type of letters from supporters?

I hope he doesnt put aside much time for reading letters from supporters or answering them. Thats what Tuesdays with Terry is about.

I mean I would be worried if he didnt have his own ideas on players since that is what we are paying for so I am not a big fan of coaches listening to the supporters on ideas on the team.

thats not to be confused with listening to supporters as to our discontent on the teams predicament.
Hey after being on a weeks holiday I missed you guys ... Why don't you send Wallet this...

By the way, laugh it off ... Us Hawks had to suffer for ages so it only makes it sweeter when you have success, and you will. Even though you guys gave me heaps about the Hawks Tigers game beforehand I am not gonna say much I would have done the same to you.

By the way I have said this before you have heaps of young talent so when it gels it will and you will do very well. Wallet is the one who annoys me, and it is because of his public comments surrounding his taking the job at Richmond. You see that's why I bag him. I cannot understand why he would do that and it made me despise him. He told the Hawks he wanted a 5 year contract and they said they were only looking to give out a 2 year contract. He then grabbed Richmond because you guys fell for it. A money hungry person not into it with his heart. This is why he isn't succeeding and was never going to, and why I bagged him so much.

It wasn't because I wanted him at Hawthorn, it was because his true colours were shown, and from that day on I knew he was a destroyer of clubs.

Send him this if he is getting on your nerves ...

His skill level and football brain are not up to AFL standard I believe. Most times he gets the ball, he will run backwards or in a circle, hesitate and hold on to the ball. He holds up the game and instead of kicking long, he is more intent to give off a short handball to a player in traffic and not take risks or responsibility. Very often he will cause a turnover because of this

Hmm, this sounds incredibly similar to a certain mature age rookie listed player that you so incredibly over rate so much that sometimes I think you are this player:thumbsu:
Hey after being on a weeks holiday I missed you guys ... Why don't you send Wallet this...

By the way, laugh it off ... Us Hawks had to suffer for ages so it only makes it sweeter when you have success, and you will. Even though you guys gave me heaps about the Hawks Tigers game beforehand I am not gonna say much I would have done the same to you.

By the way I have said this before you have heaps of young talent so when it gels it will and you will do very well. Wallet is the one who annoys me, and it is because of his public comments surrounding his taking the job at Richmond. You see that's why I bag him. I cannot understand why he would do that and it made me despise him. He told the Hawks he wanted a 5 year contract and they said they were only looking to give out a 2 year contract. He then grabbed Richmond because you guys fell for it. A money hungry person not into it with his heart. This is why he isn't succeeding and was never going to, and why I bagged him so much.

It wasn't because I wanted him at Hawthorn, it was because his true colours were shown, and from that day on I knew he was a destroyer of clubs.

Send him this if he is getting on your nerves ...


Don't paste your Hawthorn Publicity Movie here asswipe...
You're not one of us, you brown slimeball.
And btw, you haven't achieved anything yet fool.
You're no better than us still.
When your peanut brain coach actually holds up the cup, then we'll know he can actually coach better than the guy we've got.
Till then, Go the Mighty Dawks.
Don't paste your Hawthorn Publicity Movie here asswipe...
You're not one of us, you brown slimeball.
And btw, you haven't achieved anything yet fool.
You're no better than us still.
When your peanut brain coach actually holds up the cup, then we'll know he can actually coach better than the guy we've got.
Till then, Go the Mighty Dawks.

Why the hatred? Isn't footy all about the fun ... Most of the people I PM now are supporters of your club on BF, so relax and enjoy the passion...

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My latest letter to Terry ;)

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