My Opinon for next week

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Apr 24, 2008
AFL Club
Heres my Panel for next week.

W.b vs Swans
Field- 7 Kennedy, 8 Rosebury, 11 Scott McLaren EM- 5 Matthew James
Boundary- Ian Burrows, Adam Coote, Jamie Giles, Justin Bennison
Goal- Mark Canning, Jason Venkataya EM- Daniel Wilson

St.Kilda vs Coll
Field- 2 Vozzo, 3 McBurney, 18 Chabo EM- 30 Shane McInerney
Boundary- John Morris, Robert Haala, Darren Wilson, Mark Foster
Goal- Steven Axon, Peter Nastasi EM- Luke Walker

I must admit that the goal umpires- Peter Gonis and David Dixon were shocking on the weekend and on the field 1 Chris Donlon was a disgrace!

P.S- Ok, If you don't agree show me your panel.

Didn't see much of today's game so I'm guessing usual sorts of games for those fieldies and nothing out of the ordinary for the others.

Ryan, Rosebury, McInerney, McBurney, Vozzo, James
Emergencies/Prelim: McLaren, Kennedy
Gone: Meredith, Stevic, Chamberlain, Donlon

Nastasi, Walker, Venkataya, Canning
Emergencies: Axon, Wilson (may've got the decision right, still wasn't in the position to make it)
Gone: Gonis (for the missed touch), Dixon (may've shaved the post but it doesn't look like it)

No idea
Gone: Giles, Doig, Foster, Morrison

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WB v Swans

Field: McBurney (3) James (5) Meredith (21) E: McInerney (30)
Boundary: Giles Wilson Doig Deckys
Goal: Nastasi Axon

StK v Collingwood
Field: Vozzo (2) Rosebury (8) Ryan (25) E: McLaren (11)
Boundary: Burrows Vittriti Bennison Coote
Goal: Walker Ventakaya

Gone: Stevic Donlon, Marginal: Chamberlain.

Grand Final Picks (at the moment)

Field: McBurney (3) Kennedy (7) Rosebury (8- certainty if he doesnt stuff up) E: Vozzo (2)
Boundary: Wilson Coote Bennison Giles
Goal: Ventakaya Axon

Of course, there are still 2 weeks till the GF and this will undoubtedly change.
WB v Swans

Field: McBurney (3) James (5) Meredith (21) E: McInerney (30)
Boundary: Giles Wilson Doig Deckys
Goal: Nastasi Axon

StK v Collingwood
Field: Vozzo (2) Rosebury (8) Ryan (25) E: McLaren (11)
Boundary: Burrows Vittriti Bennison Coote
Goal: Walker Ventakaya

Gone: Stevic Donlon, Marginal: Chamberlain.

Grand Final Picks (at the moment)

Field: McBurney (3) Kennedy (7) Rosebury (8- certainty if he doesnt stuff up) E: Vozzo (2)
Boundary: Wilson Coote Bennison GilesGoal: Ventakaya Axon

Giles and Doig both had a clear error last week- finished
Vitiritti failed to make the top 16

McBurney will not do the GF. Guarenteed.

My guess for this week


Vozzo, McInerney, Rosebury

St.K v Coll

McLaren, Chamberlain, Ryan

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My Opinon for next week

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