My take on our start

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Club Legend
Aug 31, 2007
AFL Club
Other Teams
I know there are 100's of threads on this, but this is my take.

I don't think we're much chop outside our top 6, even our top 6 isn't that great.

Pendles, Sidebottom, Ried are all top class, but it drops off after that with a few good players coming along, but at least 2 years away.

Our game plan is shocking, its out of date and the main problem I can see with it is we don't have the player smarts to pull it off.

The skill errors from professional footballs are a disgrace, add to that game day pressure and the ball use falls apart quickly.

Our coaches are wrong, I'm not just talking about Buckley, but I think most of them.
Buckley was a very skilful player, a great kick and yet Rocca is our skills coach?

The Richmond win put a used bandaid over our problems, the up side is we're only 2 games behind the top side, the down side is Carlton have more upside at the moment.

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