Mysterious bottle from Mexico sets off alarm - Baker and McKenzie

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He probably has his own reasons.

To be honest, given ASADA's completely underwhelming process so far why would you trust them with anything.
ASADA are so incompetent that I bet if they found a needle on the street they'd stuff around doing silly things like trying to figure out what it is & if it's been used before jamming it into their arm.
Lol they suck
If it's not true, the club could and should sue because the article doesn't allege but flat-out says that's what happened. I'm sure they'll get their lawyers on it when they get around to outing the truth they've been so adamant (yet oddly secretive) about for 7 months.

Seriously, why would The Age make this up? It's completely libelous and would end careers if untrue.
Same reason they made up the stuff about Essendon players being used in human trials for Calzada.

They are currently getting sued for that one as well. Amongst a few others.
You make a good point. In isolation, lying about a substance given might work as a defence, but when you add in consent/release forms, off site injections and the whole secrecy over the affair, it's hard to argue the players didn't know what was going on.

Yes, save the players doing their own gas chromatography themselves, they really have to trust what their doctors are doing. But if it's written down that they may be receiving a banned drug, that had they called ASADA they would have been told it was banned, then they have no defence.

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Speaking of fraud, wasn't it only a few short weeks ago that Essendon supporters were accusing Dank of the very same with regard to the banned substances ordered by the club?

Now he's a beacon of truth?

Just because a person may have committed a fraud in one part of his life, does not mean everything else he says or does is a fraud or a lie.

Now do you think you can walk away and understand that or is it still a bit tricky?
He probably has his own reasons.

To be honest, given ASADA's completely underwhelming process so far why would you trust them with anything.

Mate , your loyalty to the EFC is to be admired but there must come a time when you realise the shitstorm your Club , Officials , Contractors and Players are immersed in.
You can denigrate ASADA all you like but with > 130 interviews , 14000 pages of testimony the process will take time. They are dotting and crossing i's and t's along the way - with the implications at stake you would expect that to be the case.
The interim report is damning enough to charge the Club and the 4 amigos , backed up by 25 specific points - the first of which ( if represented accurately ) should make your blood run cold.
I , like most posters , have been weighing all this up objectively but slowly but surely the house of cards is being challenged and very serious consequences seem inevitable.
The Final Report will name names and is almost certain to find that ADVR's have been reached and infractions will be issued.....once that happens it's every man for himself and it will get very , very ugly:(
Who are you are you trying to fool?

You don't care about Essendon players, you care to see them penalised no matter how much the facts sway to the contrary, to see Essendon gragged through the mud at all costs, your desire to see the Bombers fall has transitioned off the field because you've failed to do it on the field, this goes for a lot of supporters of other clubs. The entire last 7 months and the months thereafter are nothing but a pack of rabid biased dogs clutching at every piece of negative thread waiting for a bone to be tossed.

You can cut the crap now, we're not stupid.

You see, this is the thing that shits me about some Essendon supporters. You believe that we all have this massive hatred of Essendon - we're jealous or some such rubbish - and we couldn't give a shit about your players. You know what? That's ALL I care about in all this. I don't care about Essendon. I barely give them a second thought except for when Adelaide plays them.

I work in this industry. I understand the nature of interactions of drugs in the body and how essential it is that patients understand the dangers and consequences of combining drugs. It absolutely horrifies me that Dank used prescription drugs for off-label purposes and not approved for human use substances on your players. I can't understand for a nano-second that barely any of you have the same concerns rather you are more worried about saving your bloody coach! So lose your self-righteous victim status and look at the reality of the situation. What happened at Essendon is abhorrent. I would say that if it happened at any other club, so don't consider yourself special.
You see, this is the thing that shits me about some Essendon supporters. You believe that we all have this massive hatred of Essendon - we're jealous or some such rubbish - and we couldn't give a shit about your players. You know what? That's ALL I care about in all this. I don't care about Essendon. I barely give them a second thought except for when Adelaide plays them.

I work in this industry. I understand the nature of interactions of drugs in the body and how essential it is that patients understand the dangers and consequences of combining drugs. It absolutely horrifies me that Dank used prescription drugs for off-label purposes and not approved for human use substances on your players. I can't understand for a nano-second that barely any of you have the same concerns rather you are more worried about saving your bloody coach! So lose your self-righteous victim status and look at the reality of the situation. What happened at Essendon is abhorrent. I would say that if it happened at any other club, so don't consider yourself special.

You have been pretty clear and consistent on this Jen.

It's always been the ethics for me, as that is what allows any of this sort of thing to take place. The lack of ethics has been proven by how EFC and Hird have handled the situation. Sadly it has been shown that a very vocal section of the EFC supporter base share the same lack of morality as their club.
Nothing to see here folks, James Hird has confirmed that the ASADA investigators got their "wires wrong" and in fact took samples from the "El Paso mild chillie salsa" jar that he was having as an afternoon snack accompanied by some nice, healthy vegetable dipping sticks.
James went on to say that it was an innocent mistake by the rookie ASADA work experience investigator and in fact went as far as offering to share his snack with him remarking how the salsa was primarily responsible for his " youthful looks, luscious tan, strong cuticles and the virility of African Wilderbeast"....

In James we trust
Nothing to see here folks, James Hird has confirmed that the ASADA investigators got their "wires wrong" and in fact took samples from the "El Paso mild chillie salsa" jar that he was having as an afternoon snack accompanied by some nice, healthy vegetable dipping sticks.

Somehow Taco Bill will be to blame.
Just because a person may have committed a fraud in one part of his life, does not mean everything else he says or does is a fraud or a lie.

Now do you think you can walk away and understand that or is it still a bit tricky?
Qualitative parsimony.

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No - again, this is not hard.

One act does not mean the whole person is representative of that act.

For example in this thread you were gullible enough to get sucked in by a headline without undertaking sufficient thought processes as to the logic of it.

This does not mean this happens to you all time (well I hope not anyway).
So.. He's rogue, and has put your club in this situation by lying to the players, but he's an honest saint, who isn't lying now?
Trifecta. Echols has joined us.
So that makes Ian W, Echols and blackshadow.

I don't think you could find 3 people who have contributed more to this Board but have gotten basically nothing correct. Actually forget basically. Zero correct. Not one prediction right.

How the gossip going Echols?
Still reading women's magazines?


Thats nice.

Now, explain to the nice people why thymosin beta-4 isnt a banned substance, or how AOD-9604 is so totally authorised for human pharmaceutical use somewhere.

Oh, and lie to me about how EFC knows what drugs their players were given .... I can smell your doubt, and the bravado is cracking.

In two months, you'll *always* been of the opinion that James Hird should have been removed in March 2013.

Thats nice.

Now, explain to the nice people why thymosin beta-4 isnt a banned substance, or how AOD-9604 is so totally authorised for human pharmaceutical use somewhere.

Oh, and lie to me about how EFC knows what drugs their players were given .... I can smell your doubt, and the bravado is cracking.

In two months, you'll *always* been of the opinion that James Hird should have been removed in March 2013.

TB4 is a banned substance Ian. Not sure what your point is there.
AOD is approved. No Essendon players given infractions so you need to take that point up with the ASADA lawyers, I'm sure they will be most impressed with your google degree.

I'm not an Essendon player so I cannot answer on behalf of them. Tim Watson has said recently that the players and parents were comfortable with what they were given. Take that as you will.

Not sure how you're qualified to answer that question - can you please explain,. Do you have thources like Caro?
Trifecta. Echols has joined us.
So that makes Ian W, Echols and blackshadow.

I don't think you could find 3 people who have contributed more to this Board but have gotten basically nothing correct. Actually forget basically. Zero correct. Not one prediction right.

How the gossip going Echols?
Still reading women's magazines?

Oh, I take it Essendon have no case to answer?

That must be some other team that the AFL have just charged with conduct unbecoming?

I guess it's another team that continue to be investigated by ASADA?

You've been clueless throughout this entire saga. Nothing changes.

You need to take this up with the ASADA lawyers. They have obviously passed it. Now I know you have gotten this horribly wrong and can't understand why but you really need to discuss this with the experts and get their reasonings behind it.

Google won't help you here.


Have they ? Is that in writing ? Or is it just crap that EFC people repeat to each other ?

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Mysterious bottle from Mexico sets off alarm - Baker and McKenzie

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