NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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Tuggeranong seem to be active, with new coach and recruits. I don't know much about the names involved, nor the rumors on this forum - Are Tuggeranong going to be any good next year or are they just pumping up their own tyres ?
Tuggeranong seem to be active, with new coach and recruits. I don't know much about the names involved, nor the rumors on this forum - Are Tuggeranong going to be any good next year or are they just pumping up their own tyres ?

Who knows is my best guess, one of the guys that works in my building seems to be in the know out there but he does keep me guessing a bit on names etc, he is pretty reliable and he said that they have a number of recruits to replace players departing and that they are all quality guys that have flown up here in recent weeks who are all mates and looking forward to being part of something special.

He expalined how they were expecting an exodus of players to leave after a poor year but that they were comfortabale with all but 2 that were headed elsewhere (he didnt say who the 2 were).

He said they had a line of new thinking at the club that you were either part of the problem or part of the solution, people deemed part of the problem they are happy let go, the ones that remain are the usual tight knit guys that put the club first always, he said by building around those blokes with quality they could leap forward from 2012.

It seems that from what he was saying they are timing thier announcements rather than waiting till they all arrive to show the younger guys that the club is slowly building something, I hope they can do what the Tigers did and introduce a good culture at the club as from the outside looking in they seem to stumble year after year with the same heads in place.

Will be interesting to see how the two Sydney NEAFL clubs go with recruiting, the cost of housing like Canberra would be off putting as yould the traffic congestion you would think, it was really good seeing some new teams in the competition it got a bit boring here in Canberra prior to the NEAFL coming into being.

I hear Kippax is looking good but that Belco are running over budget on the project, like normal these things never go to plan but I am looking forward to seeing them play at HOME instead of a sterile place like Manuka where there is limited home ground feel for them.
Tuggeranong will be well below average. wouldnt expect the top 5 to change much. Except with the GWS boys becoming more mature as senior footballers, thus putting more pressure on the 4th and 5th place teams to perform.

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I'm not saying they can't do it but I think it would be unlikely to see Bryce playing midfield. Daniher is better on the outside imo, i'm sure plenty of sides would be happy if he were their number 1 contested player. Might as well say Conroy is going to win his own footy too :eek:

As for Overs and Piggy. Overs is from country NSW if my info is correct and Piggy is a local boy. Chasing $$$ i'd say. Overs has a pretty high opinion of himself.

I hope I am proved wrong ABH, but I have a feeling Lokan may lure some good players from Adelaide given that there will be a coaching change at the Port Magpies. And Bennett is a gun.

Ainslie are always quiet, as is Eastlake. Will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Piggy is a shep boy at heart with both his olds growing up there and both grand olds there currently. Overs was origenly recruited from assumption college Melbourne and there and both wanted to go back. There's your correct back ground info, can't imagine the price tag being much higher where there playing then NEAFL.
i think tuggeranong are trying to pump up this Macleod a bit more than what is warranted. they told the Canberra Times that he was awarded the best player at the Australian Country Championships when in fact he won the best U21 player (which is still good, don't get me wrong). Bit all over the shop when the club who recruited him cant even get the facts right.

Sounds like he can play a bit but a few stories I have heard from SA way may suggest he will get sick if being in Canberra pretty quick and head back home, especially if Tugg aren't winning much.

Kenny McGregor off to coach Port Magpies in the SANFL. Big loss for Ainslie?
Piggy is a shep boy at heart with both his olds growing up there and both grand olds there currently. Overs was origenly recruited from assumption college Melbourne and there and both wanted to go back. There's your correct back ground info, can't imagine the price tag being much higher where there playing then NEAFL.

Thanks midfeild this shows I may have another reliable informant ;)
ABH any truth to the rumour that Klemke is leaving QBN Tigers? (Kade not Ben). I just had a person in the shop with very close links to QBN and advised me that all is not well out at Tiger Land. problem revolved around a full time coaching appointment?
ABH any truth to the rumour that Klemke is leaving QBN Tigers? (Kade not Ben). I just had a person in the shop with very close links to QBN and advised me that all is not well out at Tiger Land. problem revolved around a full time coaching appointment?

Welcome back AFC2.

First I have heard of this.

He has signed on to coach again in 2013 for Queanbeyan Tigers from discussions with him only 2-3 weeks ago and according to Tigers Website.
ABH any truth to the rumour that Klemke is leaving QBN Tigers? (Kade not Ben). I just had a person in the shop with very close links to QBN and advised me that all is not well out at Tiger Land. problem revolved around a full time coaching appointment?

Rumour is he has had a very enticing offer from a club in country Victoria, Have heard this from a few different people now. Would it even worry Qbn from all reports no one liked him anyway. Pav and piggy would be a bigger loss
Rumour is he has had a very enticing offer from a club in country Victoria, Have heard this from a few different people now. Would it even worry Qbn from all reports no one liked him anyway. Pav and piggy would be a bigger loss

Absolute rubbish!

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I don't know who or where started the rumors but I can guarantee you I am not leaving Queanbeyan tigers and haven't spoken to anyone. I'm very happy and looking forward to next year at the tigers.

Regards Kade Klemke

So you are going full time as coach next year then? or do you still need to find part time employment to make ends meet?
the person with whom i had the conversation with mentioned that was the major source of frustration for you in the negotiations for next year?

Swingman i don't think your comments are accurate. no one whom i have spoken to in footy circles has said ghostbuster is anything but popular and professional.
2 years ago the bogus rumour was I applied for the Belconnen job because me and Pav did not get along, this was by a Belco poster. Last year it was the Tigers elder players could not play for a guy who was 21 again by a Belco poster and this year its the players don't like Kade and he is now coaching in Country Victoria.

the swingman are you another Belco half wit?
So you are going full time as coach next year then? or do you still need to find part time employment to make ends meet?
the person with whom i had the conversation with mentioned that was the major source of frustration for you in the negotiations for next year?

Just a question and its sincere, how many "full time coaches" does the NEAFL have?

Ainslie because they have the cash to pay a bomb for coaches and always have, but anyone else???

Swingman i don't think your comments are accurate. no one whom i have spoken to in footy circles has said ghostbuster is anything but popular and professional.

Accurate Post :thumbsu:
Ainslie, Giants and Swans would have full-time coaches (no doubt with other duties as well). Syd Uni and the Sydney/EastCoasterly/Hills Eagles haven't had up until now, and I'm betting that Tuggeranong, Qbn, Belconnen don't have either. Don't know about Eastlake.
I can't imagine that a team of part-time footballers in a low level artificial comp could justify a fulltime coach, unless he does marketing, clinics, cuts the grass, marks out the lines, makes the coffee and studs the boots too.

My hunch is that the 2013 version of the Eastern Eagles (or whatever they come to be called) might create a coaching model that is different from what we are used to - one source suggested it might be Marc Dragicevic with bells and whistles built into his contract to make it worthwhile.
Anyone got anything on that suggestion ?
WTF, no wonder I have never taken to visiting this forum much over the years.

Some of you people never talk Football, but just BS and rubbish.

In fairness to the muppets your referring to its the off season and not much is going on in football circles
In fairness to the muppets your referring to its the off season and not much is going on in football circles
So true ABH. So is it appropriate over the off season to consider something a bit more interesting, namely what is arguably the most fundamental stumbling block to our game's development in Canberra and how, and how quickly, it can be resolved. And that is the disparity in funding sources between the established and the developing clubs.

Queanbeyan, Ainslie, Eastlake and Belconnen all have sound funding streams that flow from their licenced poker machine equiped clubs. There is little to no possibility of any more poker machine licences being issued so the only way that new clubs can access that form of money is through a redistribution of existing licences. That is not going to happen so the non pokie clubs have to find some other source of funds or go into some tiered partnership with the established four. The conflict of interest in that kind of arrangement is obvious.

I know better people than me have struggled with this problem for decades and nothing has changed. Our game is competing with three other football codes, some with vastly superior political and financial clout than us, and it must firstly consolidate before expanding to survive. It''s also essential to build the game in Tuggeranong and Gungahlin but, despite the best efforts of good people in both areas, the position in both zones is fragile.

As I said, I don't have answers but would welcome some constructive debate that, perhaps, could be of benefit to the people charged with determining the direction of ACT football.

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NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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