NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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Never announced... Wonder who it will be
Yes, I wonder too. The fact that the Eagles have got an assistant, and publicised that, tells me that they've got the big one locked in too - you wouldn't sign up an assistant without the new coach's approval would you ?
Maybe the key is in the Club manager role which is still vacant - I wonder whether they want to settle that position before they line all the ducks up in a row.
To have a high profile assistant like Buchanan (and maybe Dragecivic too) means that they need a pretty impressive guy to head it all up and keep the ego's in check. And I think the appointment will be impressive to us all.
Twelve months ago, they were just plain old Baulko in the SFL - they've come a long way in a short time !
Have a feeling you have no idea what "***** of the north" actually means do you in the Canberra Footballing community.

Was not having a go at your comp you goose!

Stick to threads you understand or educate yourself on Canberra footy!
Next time u stick your nose into the Neafl thread which u often do I will be straight onto u goose balls.

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Next time u stick your nose into the Neafl thread which u often do I will be straight onto u goose balls.

Can you hear the knees knocking???

Wow only 2 posts to show all of Eastern your ignorant.

Get your feet out of your mouth and waddle back to Northern.
Next time u stick your nose into the Neafl thread which u often do I will be straight onto u goose balls.
Next time we go on your Northern thread, we will do it as "visitors". I hope we will be polite about it and will remember how "visitors" act when they go to other people's homes - you can see that ABH and others have been like that on other occasions this season.
You might learn something buddy. Act like that and you might even get invited to other's people's houses a bit more...sounds like you could use a friend or two in your life.

Goodbye and don't hurry back.
Think you need to look at the dates they were posted 08 & 09 making him what 17, 18 years old.

Pretty sure we all did funny things back then.

Come on ABH, what he has posted is a poor reflection on him. i was a fan until i read those. what a goose Klemke is
There is a slight difference between increasing player payments and asking players to take a pay cut don't you think?

And by the way what other clubs do? Fitzroy, Western Creek....

Can't say I ever experienced this.

I will make 3 points on your stupidity

1) A Bit High do you think you should have been asked to take a pay cut in your later years? no one can tell me that their contribution to their club was diminishing and therefore the rate of pay should conceivably diminish also.

2) i know that for the first time in our history our licensed club has lowered its grant to the football club effectively giving the football operations a "pay cut" should the players take a hit in the back pocket also? i admit that our budget for this year is still healthy but your opinion on this shows how out of touch you must be with the operations of your club.

3) the tigers club might be trading well because they have relaxed smoking laws and lessened gaming regulations but for a representative of the liquor industry to be ACT clubs for their decisions is poor form. if i was your employer and i saw the comments you are making on the businesses that you sell your product into i would be p1ssed off.

oh and Klemke's posts are also laughable. poor judgement by the big fella.
i just spoke with Rourkey. not happy Jan

Why would he not be happy?? Several coaches have had the role in recent times, Steve Maher, Mark Armstrong, Rourkey. Not like its a permanent gig and he had the rights to it.

But unfortunately like most sports when a side cops a flogging the coach is first to go.

Unless there is more your not telling us?

Pretty sure he will survive.

As for your other post - I am actually puzzled as to why you care when the club in question was not your own club but in fact your bitter rival. Or are you not from Ainslie?? Are you that courageous that not only do you hide your identity but you also mislead the club your involved in.

As for me and pay cuts, I took a voluntary pay cut of 1/3 in 98 when the club was flying me back from Adelaide when I was relocated for work. This was my decision unprovoked by Qbn to assist in the financial situation.

Should I have taken a pay cut in my later years, some may say yes but I did kick over 50 goals in my last season and after coming back from 3 games in the seconds I averaged 4 goals per game upon my return. At the time if the club had of approached me to do so I would not have had an issue with it. However bit of a difference between a guy at the end of his career compared to pay cutting due to being local.

So tell me do you believe Local players should take a pay cut to accommodate over paid new recruits? Maybe, however part of my point in saying that I would not know if this occurs was because I believe most clubs would keep this information internally would they not?

As for clubs not being happy about what I post maybe they should look internally and investigate the loose lips within. This is a free speach forum and just because I am happy to be known by all does not mean I should limit information which is football club related. Besides I don't determine what product stays within a venue I only introduce options that can benefit their business. The consumer demand dictates if it stays. Besides the football club does not tell the social club how to handle their operations. But as I mentioned earlier its not like I am talking about your club now is it AFC2 ;)
Never announced... Wonder who it will be

Yea sorry about that.. I got told a coach would be named but Obviously the announcement was in fact about Amon.. You would think a announcement can't be too far off

I've been told Nippa Gordon may go to sanfl although that's not set in stone.. Looks as though they are recruiting well with Stubbs,Eugene, Amon and Draga..this to go along with houlihan and vlatko they are looking to at least repeat a finals appearance
Yea sorry about that.. I got told a coach would be named but Obviously the announcement was in fact about Amon.. You would think a announcement can't be too far off

I've been told Nippa Gordon may go to sanfl although that's not set in stone.. Looks as though they are recruiting well with Stubbs,Eugene, Amon and Draga..this to go along with houlihan and vlatko they are looking to at least repeat a finals appearance
Miksmif, what's the role for Draga ? Assistant coach or player ?
And what's happened to Freney, last year's assistant coach ?

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Hills Eagles coach will be announced tomorrow night at their AGM. Nippa Gordon has signed to play in the SANFL pending the pre season draft.
Marc Dragicevic officially named senior club coach for Sydney Hills Eagles last night at their AGM.

He will be a playing coach with 2 x onfield assistants - Ryan Houlihan & Amon Buchanon. One off field assistant / match day coach. Fairly good coaching lineup IMHO
Marc Dragicevic officially named senior club coach for Sydney Hills Eagles last night at their AGM.

He will be a playing coach with 2 x onfield assistants - Ryan Houlihan & Amon Buchanon. One off field assistant / match day coach. Fairly good coaching lineup IMHO

Will definitely motivate them to lead from the front which should ripple through the entire side.
Marc Dragicevic officially named senior club coach for Sydney Hills Eagles last night at their AGM.

He will be a playing coach with 2 x onfield assistants - Ryan Houlihan & Amon Buchanon. One off field assistant / match day coach. Fairly good coaching lineup IMHO
Who is to be the off field assistant / match day coach ?
And what is their name for 2013 ? Hills Eagles or East Coast ?
Who is to be the off field assistant / match day coach ?
And what is their name for 2013 ? Hills Eagles or East Coast ?

Michael Sankey is the off field assistant. Played a in 1 or 2 of their flags over last few years and has been assistant to garner for the last 5 years. Is continuing in the role and pretty popular choice from what I've been told.

Unsure on name but certain it will stay the same
I will make 3 points on your stupidity
Our opinions may differ but no need for insults

1) A Bit High do you think you should have been asked to take a pay cut in your later years?
If I was I would have had no problem as mentioned i took a voluntary one in 1998. Money was never a motivation for me, in fact back in 1994 I was offered more to stay in Adelaide than by the Tigers

no one can tell me that their contribution to their club was diminishing and therefore the rate of pay should conceivably diminish also.
Tad confused by this, what exactly are you saying here

2) i know that for the first time in our history our licensed club has lowered its grant to the football club effectively giving the football operations a "pay cut" should the players take a hit in the back pocket also? i admit that our budget for this year is still healthy but your opinion on this shows how out of touch you must be with the operations of your club.
Given clubs lose players every season this does release funds to spend, however if your given less by the Social Club essentially it means your recruiting money is less and not your current squad take pay cuts. Besides clubs can make contracts more appealing than they actually are by offering incentives. They also find employment, accomodation etc

3) the tigers club might be trading well because they have relaxed smoking laws and lessened gaming regulations but for a representative of the liquor industry to be ACT clubs for their decisions is poor form.
Again not sure what your last point is here. Besides I was merely stating that the club apparently asked local players to take pay cuts to allow spending on new recruits. Not sure how that is poor form regardless of my employment.

But one thing you forget about Queanbeyan is that they only have one licensed premises where as Belconnen, Eastlake and Ainslie have 3 so the Tigers punch well above their weight. This is a credit to Chook and Co who actively seek sponsorship outside of the license club who do provide great financial support also.

if i was your employer and i saw the comments you are making on the businesses that you sell your product into i would be p1ssed off.
Why?? I am commenting on football matters.

Just re read your post and decided to respond again in kind. You definitely seem to have a grudge against myself and Queanbeyan because thats is all you post about. Rarely do we see posts about your alleged club but we see plenty of post from you defending Belconnen.
Marc Dragicevic officially named senior club coach for Sydney Hills Eagles last night at their AGM.

He will be a playing coach with 2 x onfield assistants - Ryan Houlihan & Amon Buchanon. One off field assistant / match day coach. Fairly good coaching lineup IMHO

That's a pretty impressive set-up. How old is Dragicevic? I have it in the back of my mind he'd be a few years older than Houlihan & Buchannan. How much game time will he be giving himself do you think?
Just re read your post and decided to respond again in kind. You definitely seem to have a grudge against myself and Queanbeyan because thats is all you post about. Rarely do we see posts about your alleged club but we see plenty of post from you defending Belconnen.

do you have issues with letting go much? just to point out im not defending Belconnen im defending all of the clubs in the ACT that you happily slip the boot into. your comments about pay cuts for players reflects on all football clubs with licensed clubs and i was pointing out the tough market conditions that face all clubs with poker machines in the ACT. recruits to this town have an inflated perception of their worth based on what our market has paid in the past, my point about AFC obtaining their first budget cut in 2012 is true and QBN maybe an exception to this with differing trading terms in NSW compared with the ACT on poker machines, i also attempted to point this out.

Also you think AFC like being called "dicks of the north" or "***** of the north" in your posts? i didnt distinctly point this out.
the other issue we face here is that you only have a go at Belco so any point that anyone makes about a post of yours seems like they are defending them. thats not the intention i assure you.

and perhaps im having a veiled go at players. you see players are employees of their respective clubs and its hard to justify ongoing pay rises when performance drops hence why i asked you about your own situation. i got the self indulgent response i was looking for which brought a smile to my face. anyway i hope that clears up any other thoughts you have so that you can finally move on from a post from about a week ago. hang in there buddy, dont let this forum obscure your view of the world
do you have issues with letting go much? just to point out im not defending Belconnen im defending all of the clubs in the ACT that you happily slip the boot into. your comments about pay cuts for players reflects on all football clubs with licensed clubs and i was pointing out the tough market conditions that face all clubs with poker machines in the ACT. recruits to this town have an inflated perception of their worth based on what our market has paid in the past, my point about AFC obtaining their first budget cut in 2012 is true and QBN maybe an exception to this with differing trading terms in NSW compared with the ACT on poker machines, i also attempted to point this out.

Also you think AFC like being called "dicks of the north" or "***** of the north" in your posts? i didnt distinctly point this out.
the other issue we face here is that you only have a go at Belco so any point that anyone makes about a post of yours seems like they are defending them. thats not the intention i assure you.

and perhaps im having a veiled go at players. you see players are employees of their respective clubs and its hard to justify ongoing pay rises when performance drops hence why i asked you about your own situation. i got the self indulgent response i was looking for which brought a smile to my face. anyway i hope that clears up any other thoughts you have so that you can finally move on from a post from about a week ago. hang in there buddy, dont let this forum obscure your view of the world

Is the trophy you play for against Belconnen not named "**** of the North"

Posters are happy enough calling Queanbeyan "Struggle Town" but maybe we have thicker skin that some of the silver spoons in Canberra

And if pointing out facts is self indulgent then so be it. Funny thing about facts, when known they can change perception of things.

As for your clubs pay cuts the ex St Kilda bloke must have been a "steal" given your current financial position or did you get him with the money saved from McGregor?

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NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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