Power Raid
We Exist To Win Premierships
Hopefully this thread isn’t dead. Hasnt seen activity for nearly 12 months.
late first home buyer (over 40) about to sign a contract on a $900k property.
$64k genuine savings
$180k inheritance
$244k in total for those without an abacus
joint income enough to service without issue. Long term stable employment for both. Serviceability (NSR) at around 1.45 based on using 20% deposit. Remainder used to cover stamps, legal etc with some left over to keep for renos (approx 25k)
wife’s credit history is clean
mine has a few too many enquires back in 2018 when we got married but otherwise fine.
very anxious FHB as we have found the perfect home.
what should I look out for?
1) get an offset account
2) get a broker to assess your best loan options but exclude two or three banks and advise you will go direct to these to generate competitive tension (essentially make the broker work harder or lose business)
3) consider borrowing $900k rather than 80% as you may get a lower interest rate by borrowing more
4) before you apply reduce your credit card limits to minimum as this works against your borrowing capacity. You can increase straight afterwards
5) what ever the banks offer, counter by asking for lower fees or interest (even if for a limited period)
oh and don't tell the banks you got an inheritance. They hate this.
what they want to hear is you live within your means and save money.