Team Captain
The Corio Bay Roadhouse have always been proudly associated with the family sausage sizzel club the Hawthorn Football Club so that means we have collected a lot of memorabeelia over the years which is worth a lot and big bucks to.
Hot off the press, Cats Premier 2007 cos he got the red card has just been hired as a potatoe cake masher so I have asked him to categorise it all the stuff. So what have we got you wanna know? We have got one of Crimmo’s testicles above the fry-station and its fallen in a few times into the batter but it is still in good nick and I have told Cats P2007 to stop licking it. We have got a Don Scott manbag in the dunnies somewhere it has seen alot of action if you know what i mean with the poking and stuff and there is a Jack Kennedy raincoat somewhere that CP2007 likes to where on his lunchbrakes when he goes down to the park to relax.
Last week Richy vandenBerg the great Hawthorn captain of men came down to the CBR to see the collection and load up on the deluxe crab sticks with soy sauce. We were putting in a new pavement near the diesel tanks and no won told him it was wet cement so he landed on his backside. When we got him out, he had left a bum print in the qwik drying cement so we have left it there and now we are gonna make a Hawthorn Captains bum print Hall of Fame like those Hollywood streets where the Stars put their hands into the cementy stuff. This could realy put the Corio Bay Roadhouse on the map we are already there if you know what I mean . Crawfs has already agreed to come down and place his sprucey little butt in the qwik drying cement. Hodgey has said he will come down after the Grand Final cos at the moment he got too many bandages, bandaids, torniques, needles sticking out, scars and kinds of stuff in, sorry, on his arse man he is the walking wounded like a hero on Gallipolly. Don Scott wants to come down two and leave his posterior mark but I aint sure how that will go. Anyway soon enuff we will have an official Hawthorn Captains Bum Print Hall of Fame and you are well come to come down to the Corio Bay Roadhouse and look, feels smells and check out their bum prints go the mighty fighting Hawkers the kings of glory
Hot off the press, Cats Premier 2007 cos he got the red card has just been hired as a potatoe cake masher so I have asked him to categorise it all the stuff. So what have we got you wanna know? We have got one of Crimmo’s testicles above the fry-station and its fallen in a few times into the batter but it is still in good nick and I have told Cats P2007 to stop licking it. We have got a Don Scott manbag in the dunnies somewhere it has seen alot of action if you know what i mean with the poking and stuff and there is a Jack Kennedy raincoat somewhere that CP2007 likes to where on his lunchbrakes when he goes down to the park to relax.
Last week Richy vandenBerg the great Hawthorn captain of men came down to the CBR to see the collection and load up on the deluxe crab sticks with soy sauce. We were putting in a new pavement near the diesel tanks and no won told him it was wet cement so he landed on his backside. When we got him out, he had left a bum print in the qwik drying cement so we have left it there and now we are gonna make a Hawthorn Captains bum print Hall of Fame like those Hollywood streets where the Stars put their hands into the cementy stuff. This could realy put the Corio Bay Roadhouse on the map we are already there if you know what I mean . Crawfs has already agreed to come down and place his sprucey little butt in the qwik drying cement. Hodgey has said he will come down after the Grand Final cos at the moment he got too many bandages, bandaids, torniques, needles sticking out, scars and kinds of stuff in, sorry, on his arse man he is the walking wounded like a hero on Gallipolly. Don Scott wants to come down two and leave his posterior mark but I aint sure how that will go. Anyway soon enuff we will have an official Hawthorn Captains Bum Print Hall of Fame and you are well come to come down to the Corio Bay Roadhouse and look, feels smells and check out their bum prints go the mighty fighting Hawkers the kings of glory