Fixture New more inclusive entry requirements: Post here if you’ve only lost 2 AFL games since round 2

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Jerry Seinfeld Popcorn GIF by Sheets & Giggles

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We’re not mates 🤷‍♂️ even though I did vote for your return from exile (you’re welcome)

Now GTFO of my beautiful Fred you 3 time loser who could only scrape home against the Dreamons by 1 point in the dying moments 🤭
Posts May and Maynard complaining more people cant be like that (hint the rest of the Bay is)

Then makes this post 15 minutes later

Never change Spreaders
🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣 its just too easy

Is it? Because you’re making it look very hard with your constant lame attempts at off-topic bullshit

What about your partner Sav, who do they support?

You don't have to reply, like you didn't reply when I asked what side your partner goes for

Poor Spreaders, no partner, no gang, no toes, no teeth.

But I’m the one who should be more friendly 😂 🤦‍♂️

Jog on, campaigner

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