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And you think all politicians don't back stab eachother? They are all the same, all talk shit and all play the game.
I didn't mind that Labour had some grand reform plans. They certainly kept Australia out of recession, even if we have to pay back the debt, so they had some credits in the bank.


Aussie Economy was a 'well oiled machine' pre Kevin '07, no doubt the Libs exerted influence on the RB pre election, but that is politics.

Rudd flipping on global emissions, the buy a Telly grant fiasco,
the Garrett fiasco, and the two fingured, up your arse Mining Tax fiasco, sent him down the river.

See, in my mind, Labor spend money, Libs use money.

As long as Tony Abbot, keeps his big mouth shut, and stays out of budgie smugglers pics, we will have a new Carlton Number One Member.
One of the biggest dog acts since Clarko king'd Aitken. I will NEVER vote for her. I dont give a f**k what she comes up with to improve the country.

I could never trust a back stabber like her.
Politics mate. It was inevitable.

Put it this way, the parties are in it to win it, not to sit in opposition. They will make genuinely bad policy if the ignorant masses demand it, just to get in power. They will then live off the gloss of their election, hit everybody hard for a couple of budgets, then throw in a sweetener the budget before the next election. Rinse lather repeat.

Anyway, the ALP sat in opposition for a decade against Howard. The finally get back in, are cruising towards a second term and the wheels fall off. Indications appeared that they would be embarassingly back in opposition in a few short months and reduced to a rabble again. Gillard would not have stood if she wasn't pushed. If they had lost the election under Rudd, I suspect the powerbrokers in the party would have switched their allegiance elsewhere for opposition leader and Gillard would have missed the boat entirely. Remember she is left and the right were backing her.

She knifed Ruddy, but had little choice. There is precious little room for sentiment in politics and I think Ruddy did himself in through a lack of consultation with the party machine.

The irony is that they won the election with Rudd out front and nobody else. The AFL fed off his gloss. Go forward two and a half years and others have risen and Rudd's presence was hurting them.

I didn't like the move and I was one of a few who still liked Rudd, being a Qld boy and all, but martyrs don't get anywhere in politics and sacrificing government to remain loyal to a PM who really did seem to be dancing to the beat of his own drum, probably wasn't an option.

Coups occur all the time, not necessarily to a first term PM, but they all know it's coming for them eventually. Blame the supporter base for losing the faith and forcing their hand more than anything. I think Julia was a very good deputy for Ruddy, and in the end has become a very good party person. I am sure she wouldn't have gone for it if she didn't need to.

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As long as Tony Abbot, keeps his big mouth shut, and stays out of budgie smugglers pics, we will have a new Carlton Number One Member.

He's a Carlton supporter is he?

Sheesh, I hate the fact that Carlton is thought of as the plaything of choice for the Liberal Party. I would much rather not be affiliated politically at all.

So we had Menzies and we had Fraser ... so what, it doesn't have to remain our image.

I'm going to deadset throw up if I have to endure one second of Abbott pumping his own tyres up pretending he's our greatest supporter.
Aussie Economy was a 'well oiled machine' pre Kevin '07, no doubt the Libs exerted influence on the RB pre election, but that is politics.

Rudd flipping on global emissions, the buy a Telly grant fiasco,
the Garrett fiasco, and the two fingured, up your arse Mining Tax fiasco, sent him down the river.

See, in my mind, Labor spend money, Libs use money.

As long as Tony Abbot, keeps his big mouth shut, and stays out of budgie smugglers pics, we will have a new Carlton Number One Member.

Hear what you're saying igt, and Keating left the country in public debt

However, the reforms Hawke & Keating put in place meant Howard enjoyed the fruits of a strong economy. Even Howard said that if he were in power during the 1980s he would've introduced the Hawke / Keating reforms - you've got to spend money to make money, as the saying goes

Liberals have left the country in debt, also. The last years of Fraser (whose treasurer was Howard ...) witnessed double rates of stagflation! Then again, Whitlam left Fraser with a basket case (although Whitlam was the first western leader to really open up relations with China, and look how friendly we are today)

To his credit, Howard paid off government debt and left a fair bit in the bank at the end of his term, but i really struggle to think of his reforms? Yes, there's the gst, his industrial relations reforms lost an election, and the gap between rich and poor widened - the % of people who could afford a first house before Howard and after got far less. Yes, the economy did generally well, but so did just about every other western economy at that time. In many ways, Howard was lucky to get out when he did because of the world wide recession soon after. Australia actually did comparatively well during that recession.

Frankly, the two best leaders we've had in the last 20 years have been Kennett & Keating - great reformists who put in place the structures that the following governments benefitted from
He's a Carlton supporter is he?

Sheesh, I hate the fact that Carlton is thought of as the plaything of choice for the Liberal Party. I would much rather not be affiliated politically at all.

So we had Menzies and we had Fraser ... so what, it doesn't have to remain our image.

I'm going to deadset throw up if I have to endure one second of Abbott pumping his own tyres up pretending he's our greatest supporter.

ALL Liberal PM's have been Number One at Carlton.
NOT ONE Labor PM has.

Jesus, Elliott, Rice...... do you want a roadmap?

Old joke about the Jews and Liberals at Carlton,
as long as we have one of each.
Also not comfortable with the notion of throwing out a first term PM because the polls have you running scared. I wasn't entirely sure the adverse polls were sustainable anyway. Howard came from behind in the polls a few times.

And Keating & Hawke before Howard - governments often struggle poll wise during their terms

The problem for Rudd was he appeared to loss his nerve and made too many backflips in to short a period

- clever politicians get through mid-term bad polls by appearing strong, decisive, and most of all, in control

KR was losing that, but I don't think the party was doing much to support him. On the flip side, his autocratic style may have made supporting him difficult

Having said that, not sure whether Julia is the answer. I would've stuck with Rudd, increased the profile of other key players and given the ALP a more team oriented public profile. Getting rid of Rudd smacks of desperation
ALL Liberal PM's have been Number One at Carlton.
NOT ONE Labor PM has.

Jesus, Elliott, Rice...... do you want a roadmap?

Old joke about the Jews and Liberals at Carlton,
as long as we have one of each.

I realise that, but I would much rather the club not be considered to be affiliated with one side of politics.

Not all of our supporters are liberal bluebloods. Encouraging some sort of diversity should be our aim.

If people want to hate us, I would rather they do it based on our success, rather than our connection with one side of politics, and further the stereotype of the arrogant ruling class.

Do we only hire Liberals? Is it a prerequisite of working at Carlton? Let's make the place all embracing instead of looking for photo ops with politicians.
As flippant as I seem,
this is an enormous day in Australia's political history,
no doubt about that.

That they lopped his head off after a late night dinner,
and by the sound of it, knifed him by proxy,
is like Roman Times.

The whole coup this morning, is the stuff of poetry.

He got what? 2 months of bad polls, then woosh.

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And Keating & Hawke before Howard - governments often struggle poll wise during their terms

The problem for Rudd was he appeared to loss his nerve and made too many backflips in to short a period

- clever politicians get through mid-term bad polls by appearing strong, decisive, and most of all, in control

KR was losing that, but I don't think the party was doing much to support him. On the flip side, his autocratic style may have made supporting him difficult

Having said that, not sure whether Julia is the answer. I would've stuck with Rudd, increased the profile of other key players and given the ALP a more team oriented public profile. Getting rid of Rudd smacks of desperation
Chifley never cared for the polls - just did the job!
How much of went wrong in Rudd's term was due to Gillard and those who knifed Rudd?

Of course you wouldn't read about this if you read the opinion of Fairfax journalists.

It's all Rudd's fault.


Fairfax has already declared Gillard as better than Rudd and a certainty to win the election

A bit like Kevin07 was bigger than the latest must have Apple wants to sell you.

The must have which will be rendered redundant overnight by the newer model.

I love bias.

It's acceptable in sports, but not journalism.

I don't know how Howard won so many terms when the media had him all but dead in the water.

Politics is like Apple v Microsoft.

Same shit, different bucket.

ALP voters are bit like Apple users who think their brand of niche consumerism is OK and nothing like Microsoft's global hegemony.

And their shit doesn't stink...

Except an Apple computer ultimately costs you more.
Nice generalisations there TG. I don't see how any dyed in the wool voters can claim superiority over another. Swing voters are far smarter than those that sit there safely in their own camp and throw insults at the other side.
Why would I make generalisations? :confused: :D

Read Fairfax and then get back to me. :)

I'm a political athiest.

Gillard is the Jodie Foster of Australian politics?

Maybe the Justine Joli...

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