NFL NFL season 2023/24 LIKE, LEARNT, HATED

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liked - Frank Reich will be fired
learnt - Frank Reich reminds me of the Tommy Lee Jones character in the aptly named title "No country for old men" .... Time has past him by and hes no longer up for the job.
hated - Carolina Panthers football
liked - Frank Reich will be fired
learnt - Frank Reich reminds me of the Tommy Lee Jones character in the aptly named title "No country for old men" .... Time has past him by and hes no longer up for the job.
hated - Carolina Panthers football
Just out by a few days
Liked- Bears beat a decent opponent
Learned - It opened the door for GB to catch the Lions
Hated- Nothing. The results were glorious, but maybe I’ll hate it if the cowboys look like they are a legit challenger
LIKED - The Ravens - holy freaking cow! Look out if Andrews can make it for the playoffs!
LEARNT - Chiefs and Eagles haven't improved on last year and have been overtaken
HATED - The refereeing - officiating is pretty bad in most codes but why don't ex players officiate????

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